April 2021

What is the correct way to write a blog?

How to write a blog? or what is the correct way to write a blog? How to write an SEO‐friendly blog? If you all are finding the answer to all these questions then you are at the correct place! So, with this blog, I will tell you all the precautions to be taken and the points required to write a blog. Everyone wants to earn money by blogging. Some people write very good blogs but have no idea whether their blog is SEO friendly or not. If you want to rank your blogs then you have to follow some very important steps. If you are writing your blog in your way then little your blog will generate traffic and maybe it will rank. Many bloggers quit blogging because they don’t get the traffic they expected which is wrong. Blogging is very easy if you know how to write blogs. Actually, it’s very easy to know about blogging if you have little or no knowledge about it. So, before writing a blog there are certain precautions or rules you must know to make your blog rank on Google. So, let’s start with those points which will help you to generate traffic on your blog and will also help to rank it on Google. Also read: 7 SEO Tips For Bloggers 1. Select a good or a trending topic:‐ Before starting a blog selection of topic is very important. You should select that topic only in which you have good knowledge and have a great interest. If you do so then you will enjoy your writing rather than feeling it as a burden. Never select a topic in which you don’t have any interest. If you are selecting a niche of a topic then you should write a blog in a micro‐niche to rank it on Google. e.g. If you have a good knowledge of electric appliances (niche) then you should write a blog on it. If you want to select a micro‐niche then you can select any electric appliance like a computer, mobile phone, laptop, etc. 2. Select a good blogging platform: ‐ If you want to become a successful blogger then you can choose WordPress and work on it. WordPress provides ample tools that make writing easier and you will enjoy the process. Blogger is also a good alternative that is hosted by Google. it’s a website of google only. If you are blogging just for time pass then Blogger is one of the best options. Blogging is easier on this website and even it provides free hosting. If you want to do full‐time blogging or if in the future you want to become a full‐time blogger then you should choose WordPress and write blogs on it. 3. Choose a good hosting and domain: ‐ If blogging is your passion, then you should buy good hosting and a good domain. You can search on Google about the websites that provide good hosting and domain. Good and fast hosting will make your website stand out from the others. Sometimes due to high loading time, the visitors go to other websites, which lowers the traffic of your website. So, you should buy good hosting after doing ample research on it. 4. Regular blogging: ‐ To generate good traffic on your blog you should post good quality content and be consistent. One benefit of posting regularly is that your old blogs will also start generating traffic. But with full zest do not post 10‐20 blogs daily. It won’t benefit you but will make you frustrated. If you are getting lots of free time then you can post at most 3‐4 blogs. So, in case you are busy someday your previous blogs will help to generate traffic. Also read: Create High Quality Backlinks 5. Write good quality content: ‐ Good quality content is always important to rank your content on Google. Google only ranks the best content posted. If you are writing about a topic. First of all, get good knowledge about the topic, cover and elaborate all the points. You can also take the help of related articles from google. 6. Write a helpful blog: ‐ It is said that “Benefitting others will benefit you”. The same saying is also applicable here. If you are writing a blog keep in mind the needs of your visitors. Do not think about yourself rather than think about doing good to your visitors. Google promotes those contents that are helpful for the viewers. Many writers post many blogs to get Google AdSense approved but due to low content quality, they fail. If somehow your Google AdSense is approved then also you cannot generate good traffic on your blog because of low content quality. 7. Do not copy‐paste content: ‐ It’s one of the most important point a writer should keep in mind while writing a blog. Many writers think that they will copy‐paste other’s content and will earn through them. If you also have the same thinking. Then you thinking is wrong. You will get copyright and Google never approve AdSense on copyright content. Some people convert blogs written in other languages to English. Google will also not approve AdSense to those contents. So, keep in mind that the content posted by you is also written by you. Thanks for reading Our Services Hire Us

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What is the best way to increase productivity?

Before mentioning about the best ways to increase productivity, I would like to ask‐ do you know what is the root cause of decreased productivity? May be you have some idea about it or possible you pretend ignorance to the reasons. A majority of us is not as productive as we could be. It is because of the two reasons‐either we become reactive rather than proactive or we bother about those things which are not in our hand. It is such a big issue, if you learn to sort this out very early in your life. I assure you, that you can work half the number of hours that you are working and can be lot more productive than you are right now. The reason is very clear to us, so now the question comes‐ What are the best ways to increase productivity? There are 24 hours in a day, but making most of your time is not very critical. Rather than being tired and having your pending works, you can be a real‐life hero of your movie about productivity. It is all about how you manage your time and your smart work. Here are some tips which you can follow to increase productivity: Stay away from distractions‐ Distractions like social media such as whatsapp, facebook, Instagram and phone calls are one of the biggest time consumers around, yet somehow, we continue to do all these unquestionly. Even the intelligent, hard‐working students waste a lot of time on these stuffs. For example‐ after attending the classes, we check our whatsapp then a notification from Instagram comes, now we go on scrolling instagram and this process continues for much time. Nowadays, since the classes are going online due to COVID, so rather than focusing on the topic that is taught, students are focusing on social media more. Even if you’re distracted for only one minute, according to psychology it takes 21 minutes to focus properly. So, avoid distractions for this you can turn off notifications because no one is expected to ignore the messages, emails, etc. Check it after your work hour. Avoid multitasking‐ Research shows that productivity can be reduced by 40 percent because it creates mental block when we switch tasks. Also, a study from the University of Sussex, UK says that multitasking may physically harm your brain. So, stop doing multitask at a time, instead focus on one task at a time, obviously, your productivity will automatically increase. Take exercise breaks‐ One cannot be work at the maximum productivity. Working for long hours without taking a break results in stress. According to a study, physical study enhances our brain functioning. Taking small exercise breaks replenishes your mental health and helps to refresh our mind, improves concentration. Constant sitting puts you at the higher risk of depression, heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Getting up from your chair to do exercise can reduce the negative health effects. In sum, it’s time to take these words and add exercise breaks to your daily routine to increase productivity. Plan each day a night before‐ To do lists are always more effective than calenders. No doubt, planning always increases productivity, saves time. Making to‐do list before going to bed for the next day gives you a better start as you know how should you start your day and what should be done by what time. But your to do lists should be realistic means it should include only three‐ four things which could be completed by the end of that day. By planning, you will have the strong willpower for your work and you will be amazed at your overall productivity Love what you do‐ Find meaning in what you, Do love your work, it is the ultimate way to increase productivity. If you don’t love what you do, it can never be 100 percent successful and productive Reward yourself‐Set your goal and celebrate it when you achieve your target. It is important to stay motivated and productive. Step out of your comfort zone‐ In this zone, a steady level of performance is possible. The successful personalities have not limited themselves where they are comfortable so, they are productive and hence successful in their lives. Time management‐ Productivity is nothing but a measure of how much work is done in a given interval of time. Time management allows you to achieve the desired goal with less effort and make your performance better, it also helps us to reduce procrastination over the important tasks. If we start each day with our schedule and not by jumping to any task, our time is saved and it also ensures that you have enough time available to complete the particular task. To be more productive, schedule your task around the time when you tend to be most  productive. Sleep well‐ Sleeping allows our body and mind to recharge, leaving us healthy and away from diseases. Without enough sleep, brain is not able to function properly and so, we shall not be able to think clearly, concentrate and ultimately productivity will be decreased. It is something we should take on a daily basis to be productive. I think the rest is known to you: Eat healthy food. Try to be happy. Drink plenty of water. Stay away from toxic people. Avoid bad habits. Stop cheating yourself, be honest with real you. Stop finding motivation from other sources. Keep your dreams alive by living it every time. CONCLUSION:. Being productive is not a rocket science. It is all about time management and smart work rather than hard work. It is rightly said, “ it is not the number of hours you put into work, it is the amount of work you put in those hours.” One important thing‐ the more happier and healthier you are, more productive you will be. “Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and the focused effort.” ‐ Paul J. Meyer Thanks for reading

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How is the dowry system ruining our society?

Dowry System­ The Curse of our society. PROBLEMS: India is a cultural country. The people of India nowadays also follow the culture, old customs of India. One of those old customs is that after marriage a girl goes to the bridegroom’s home. According to our old custom on this occasion the bride’s father gives some gifts such as jewelry, bed, chair, money, etc to the groom. As we know that time changes then everything changes. Now people specially those who have a daughter, are facing a problem, That is called “dowry system”. In India It is prevalent in almost all sections of Indian society. it has eaten the bone of our society.  In the era of Gautama Buddha and Mahavir Jain people also used to give dowry but as a gift. It means the bride’s father used to give a gift that he wanted. But now it is becoming a demand. Nowadays the groom’s parents and also the groom firstly decide the dowry that he wants, such as money, jewelry, car, bike, etc. If the bride’s father fulfills their demand then they allow for marriage with the bride otherwise they reject the girl. This type of low thinking is a great obstacle to the future of our country. The thinking of dowry is a slap on the cheeks of all the advancement and modern techniques of our country. Dowry practice has also got acceptance of almost every category in our society, which can also take the form of a major problem going forward. Dowry practice had become an unusual way of living in our country from the poor family to the big personalities. Our father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi said  “any young man who makes dowry a condition to marriage, discredits his education and his country and dishonors womanhoods”. It is a social disease that is moving very fast in society. It ignores the merit of a girl.it is no longer a token of love Or affection. Sometimes the life of a girl becomes hell. She is beaten mercilessly. Sometimes she is murdered for dowry. Sometimes the groom’s father or other or the groom himself demands money from the girl’s father even after marriage. Sometimes many young brides commit suicide. The girl’s parents are insulted again and again. Their greediness knows no bounds. A survey of the certified organization told that between 2012 to 2014 approx 25 thousand brides died due to dowry.  The parents of a girl wish for a happy married life for their daughter. For that, they save money from the very beginning. If their savings are not enough, they sell their land or take loans, they are asked to spend more and more money. The girl’s father does everything for only that his daughter will live happily living in her husband’s house. The government of India has taken many steps to remove this worse system. The Dowry Prohibition Act, passed in 1961, which prohibits the request, payment, or acceptance of dowry, where “dowry” is defined as a gift demanded or given as a precondition for a marriage. Asking or giving of dowry can be punished by imprisonment of up to six months or a fine of up to Rs.50000. Many anti dowry legislation has also been made to tackle the dowry system. The media has also done its bit by showcasing the cases of dowry and its bad effects. SUGGESTION:  The dowry is a curse for society. It must be rooted out. Education is such a way which can help to remove this system from our society. Also, it is the duty of young boys and girls to come forward to face this challenge and raise their voice against this worse system of our society. Girls should oppose to marry a boy who demands dowry. We all have to work together to stop this social issue. The practice of the Dowry System will diminish by overhauling of mindsets, which won’t happen in a day or two but will take quite some time for people to accept the bitter truth. Thanks for reading Our services Hire us

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What everyday habits drain your energy?

Most of us are not even aware of our everyday habits that drains our energy. We are the product of our everyday habits. Low energy is not a good sign, it affects our lifestyle and we start leading an unhealthy lifestyle. But you don’t need to worry because it can be changed by switching from unhealthy to healthy habits. Here are some of your habits which are draining your energy: ‐ Lack of Water: About 60% of our body is made up of water and our blood is 91% – 92% water. In order to maintain the system properly and maintain the body’s internal environment and temperature (homeostasis), our body uses water in all cells, tissues and organs. Keeping ourselves hydrated is crucial for our health and well‐being. Lack of water makes our blood thicker due to which the blood pressure increases and also the body needs more energy to circulate blood from heart to other parts of the body, blood needs more energy to transfer nutrients and oxygen and hence we feel tired. “Water is the best natural remedy, drink your way to better health.” Having a poor diet or skipping it: Many of us take junk food as our diet or simply skip our diet just because either we are very busy or we want to lose weight. This is called poor‐eating habit. These unhealthy habits decrease the intake of nutrients in our body which in the short term leads to stress, tiredness and many health‐related problems like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, tooth decay, depression, eating disorders, constipation, jaundice, etc. So, we should have a balanced diet in order to stay healthy both mentally and physically. Also Read > 10 Daily Habits That Drain Your Energy “Every time you eat or drink, you’re either feeding disease or fighting it”. Addiction to social media: Also Read > WHY IS MUSIC IMPORTANT IN OUR LIFE? From the past many decades, social media has been an integral part of our lives, it is where we share information and gain knowledge on various topics. But it has negative impact on our mental health and relationships in case it becomes our habit. Although many people use social media, few of them are really addicted. A study performed in CaliforniaState University found that individuals that visited social sites at least 58 times per week are more likely to feel depressed and isolated compared to those who use it in lesser amount. “We don’t have choice on whether we DO social media, the question is how well we DO it.” Lack of exercise: Exercise not only makes us healthy but also gives us energy. Lack of exercise has been seen as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease even for the people who don’t have other risk factor. According to a report by AFP, lack of exercise is linked to the severe symptoms and higher risk of death among COVID patients. So, exercise is important if you want to be energetic and lead a long life. “To enjoy the glow of good health, you must exercise.” Lack of sleep: Sleep is essential for us in order to lead a healthy life. While sleeping, our damaged cells get repaired and the concentration of oxygen in tissues increases. To maintain a good health, 7‐8 hours of sleep is necessary. We all have experienced that if we skip even an hour of our daily sleep, we feel sleepy, tired and we are no longer able to concentrate on our daily works. Poor sleep also leads to increased body weights, depression and in the long term it leads to heart disease and stroke and also affects our social behavior. Now, you have got to know the importance of proper sleeping “The shorter you sleep, the shorter you live.” Thinking about the past and future: Spending most of the day in the past/future causes unhappiness and anxiety. We think about the past or even the future which hasn’t even happened yet (we live in an imaginary world) and waste most of our time. Regression of the past is emotionally draining our energy. So, try to move on from the past as it creates a big cycle of unhappiness and depression and past is past, you can’t change it. So, stop thinking about the past and future and concentrate on your present. Remember that, no amount of guilt can change the past & no amount of anxiety can change the future. “INHALE THE PRESENT, EXHALE THE PAST.” Being negative: Negative attitude drains more energy than anything else. No one wants to be around the person who is always negative. You should not be the reason for anyone’s suffering, be productive instead. Think of the last time, you had cried. What was your feeling afterwards? Were you exhausted? Probably, most of your time would have been wasted. Now, remember the last time when you had fun with your friends. How energetic you were? Of course, you would have a good feeling and energy would have also increased. So, always try to be a person with positive attitude. “A negative mind will never give a positive life” Talking to toxic people: It doesn’t matter how much you help others and to what extent, there are some so called friends and relatives around you who has complain. Therefore, identify the toxic people around you and it can help you to preserve your energy and in the long run help you to get rid of emotional pain. So, you should surround yourselves with good person. “People inspire you, or they drain you. Pick them wisely.” These were the everyday habits which drains our energy. If any of these habits are stopping you to lead a healthy life, then do work on them because… “a healthy outside starts from a healthy inside.” Thanks for reading

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internet impact on life

The Impact of the Internet on Our Life

How internet affect our life? Why have we not be trained to use phone and internet? Today everyone can use internet easily. Every person has phone. But they don’t know how to use internet and phone. They have not be given any training. If we use such a small tools we get training but here internet is most powerful tools today but we use without training. If we ride bike we have to get license and training but internet and phone nothing is restriction. The child can also use the phone and the Internet, not only use them, they are addicted to the phone and social media. I’m not saying that people should not use phone and internet. They should use internet because there are so many positive side and this is very useful and necessary for them. We get every answer quickly everything fastly from internet. But we should not forget its negative side. Today there are so many mental and physical problems coming due to phone and  internet. Phone AI is created such that we get addicted because we don’t know how to use ? What to use? So we use any thing and we are addicted to social media, we are addicted to porn and more things. There are so many entertainment software, apps are available which gives 10 to15sec content due to this our brain wants to change content in few second and we hence lack of concentration. We are not able to focus on any thing more than few minutes. Due to social media most people get dipresed because on social media only people want to show. All advertisements AI designed such as they can  control our mind. We give our personal and credential data every where and many times we get loss. There are many cyber crime is happening, someone lost their money, blackmail and more things. These all are happening due to lack of awareness. We don’t have any training to use internet.  Solution: Government should block those software who make us addicted those app which make us Concentrationless. media should spread awareness . In our school we have to be trained. Today parents also give their child phone even he don’t know how to use so parents have to understand this is very dangerous. They should not get addicted their children with phone. They should tell their children about positive and negative side of internet and phone. Through TV program cartoon we have to aware our children. If they know about this things in childhood they will be saved from being addicted. Overall conclusion: Today everyone use phone and internet and they don’t know about positive and negative side of it. They don’t have any training. Due to all they get addicted to phone and internet. They caught by web. Government, media, school and parents should make children aware for this. If they aware they’ll be saved. Thanks For Reading

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can technology help to reduce poverty?

CAN TECHNOLOGY REDUCE POVERTY? IF YES, HOW? IF NOT, WHY NOT? Before going further, let’s first understand, what is Poverty? What are it’s cause? What are the consequences? Poverty‐ This is the most difficult challenges faced globally. Poverty is the state of not having enough income or material possessions for the basic needs of a person. It is about a “minimum” subsistence level of living rather than a “reasonable” level of living. It includes social, political and economic elements. Poverty trends in India and the world is estimated with the concept of poverty line. As of 2019, most people on the planet live in poverty: 85% live on less than $30 per day, two‐thirds live on less than $10 per day, and 10% live on less than $1.90 per day (extreme poverty). CAUSES OF POVERTY There is a number of causes for the widespread poverty across the world. These are: ‐ Colonial Past Increasing Population Lack of Education and Literacy Corruption Limited resources Lack of jobs CONSEQUENCES OF POVERTY Increased crime Unemployment Poor health / malnutrition Illiteracy Landlessness Now, what is the solution to this problem? Removal of poverty has been one of the major challenges faced on a global level and so, the Indian government has taken some anti‐poverty measures, which is mainly based on two planks: Promotion of economic growth. Targeted anti‐poverty programs. Some of the anti‐poverty measures are: ‐ National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) 2005 was passed in September 2005. It aims to guarantee the ‘right to work’ by providing at least 100 days of wage employment. National Food for Work Programme (NFWP) was launched in the year 2004 in 150 most backward districts of the country. This Programme is open for all rural poor who have the desire to do manual unskilled work and are in need of wage employment. Prime Minister Rozgar Yojana (PMRY) was started in the year 1993. It aims to create self‐employment opportunities for educated unemployed youth. Rural Employment Generation Programme (REGP) was launched in 1995. It aims to create self‐employment opportunities in rural areas and small towns. Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) was launched in the year 2000. The aim of this programme is to provide food to millions of the poorest families. Are these anti‐poverty programs sufficient and successful enough in removing poverty?  The answer is no. Although, poverty rate has declined but still a large portion of our population lives in poverty. Many schemes and programmes have been implemented to remove poverty but there is not any systematic attempt to know exactly about who are in poverty and what are their needs. Also, the government has not committed to support an individual. The resources allocated are limited. These are the limitations. Technology can change the lives of the poor by furnishing and empowering them. It is one of the most effective solutions of poverty as it gives several opportunities to end poverty. Here are the points,  how the use of technology can end poverty: ‐ Improves the value of the service applied‐ With the help of technology, the quality of the output will increase and as a result, the earnings will also increase. Reduces the manufacturing cost as well as time‐ As a result, the poor has access to the goods and services Increases knowledge‐ Lack of proper knowledge is one of the major causes of the poverty. By using technologies such as television, internet the poor has access to quality education, they can also learn new skills for free. Increases funds for the poor‐ Most trust uses internet for the collection of funds in order to support the needy for their better lives and better future. Due to lack of information and communication, there is a large gap between the rich and the poor. Technology has made it possible for the poor to get information and also they can communicate to any part of the world. Increases the production rate‐ Small farmers often suffer from low agricultural yields due to the traditional method of farming. But , the technology has made it possible for them to know about modern methods of farming and hence the production rate is increasing. Saves many life‐ The poor population is mostly affected by the natural disasters like flood, earthquakes, tsunami, etc. The use of social media and mobile phones has helped in saving the lives by giving high alert about these natural disasters. Helps to earn money easily‐ By using social media like youtube, Instagram, tik‐tok, etc. one can earn easily by sharing photos, videos, news and other media. Improves the health‐ In rural areas, there is a lack of hospitals and other health facilities. Patients can meet the doctors in virtual mode. Internet gives us immediate information related to a particular health condition and also the treatment plans. We can say that the technology is sufficient in removing all the major causes of poverty. But, it has some disadvantages as well. What are the disadvantages? In simple words, it is making us lazy. Let’s see, how. Nowadays, as we are totally dependent on technology. So, we don’t need to and we don’t want to think much even if we are doing small calculation. The aim of technology is mainly to reduce the human effort, which has resulted in the replacement of human by machines and as a result, it is creating unemployment‐the major problem faced by today’s youth. The use of technology in companies is reducing the cost as well as time and hence money also. Major part of the population depends on technology for each and every thing, some of us can’t even imagine our lives without it. Many of us share our personal information on the internet, which results in cyber crimes. It leads to the social isolation, reduces our creativity, skills, etc. “Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.” Thanks for reading

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Is privatization good for India ? India and privatization.

INDIA AND PRIVATIZATION ! https://foxfoster.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/India-20991.mp4 It’s a very important topic in India because the government has decided to privatize many public sectors. What is privatization? It means the transfer of ownership, property, or business from the government to the private sector this is privatization, or we can simply say it’s a process in which a publicly-traded company is taken over by few people. What is the advantages of privatization? Improved efficiency. Lack of political interference. Short-term view. Increased competition(Quality work) Government will raise revenue from the sale Shareholders So, these are the major benefits of privatization, I can surely say it’s very difficult to develop without privatization, we can take the example of all developed countries, it definitely gives quality work, it can increase employment which is the major concern in India. It will generate revenue to the government etc. Since every coin has two sides, it has negative sides also which are: disadvantage of privatization It will lead to price hike problem from finance High-cost economy Bad industrial relations improper working opposition from employees. These are the some of the disadvantages of privatization, it will create a huge negative impact on government employees, which will result in improper working and stress among people. People will feel insecure about their job. But overall if we compare we will see problems can be sorted out and for development, privatization is very much required, but the main question arises. Are we really ready for privatization at the time? I think a big No since there are about 50 percent who are living below the poverty line, this is huge so if public sector like railways, petrol, Lpg and many such daily requirement companies will be privatized it will be very much unfair for these people, these are below the poverty line also there are huge in numbers who are the middle class who travel daily to work, so if these things will be privatized, prices will surely hike and these lower and middle-class people will suffer more and they will not able to save and hence poverty may increase for some years in India. But since for every development hard steps are required, So It Is necessary but it should be done after some years so that everybody should be comfortable with it. As someone said, “Privatisation is more efficient and effective in some cases, but not in intelligence”. So why not we should have patience and make it effective for everyone. What is the alternatives of privatization Across Europe, local authorities especially are reacting to private-sector failures or undue profit taking by thinking again. Public managers and politicians are starting to reconsider the notion that subcontracting is the answer to problems in public service management. Municipalisation…? Instead of privatization, municipalization is very much effective, though in India cities are already under the municipality, but still, there are many small cities where the municipality is needed, in cities where it is established they also need to be function properly and be active, it’s very very effective instead of privatization because it’s of public interest not private. For example in Paris water distribution was privatized after which private companies started taking a lot of money from the public for their own profit, it was so horrible that led the government to again unprivate water and give it to the public. So why we are in hurry to privatize instead we should focus on what we have and how to make it better? We should not neglect the capacity of government workers. Many people think that privatization is necessary to get quality work, but I want to stress at this point that government workers are also very much qualified and they have good knowledge of their work but what they lack is leadership, in the government sector, they are not fully motivated to do their work and they left their work for tomorrow, but by these things we cannot neglect their capacity though they give exams and compete with many to join the work, but still government sector is staggering to get best out of them, so it’s the total responsibility of government and also workers to get best and to give best, this should be improved. An ecologist, Garret Hardin, coined the phrase “the tragedy of the commons” in a (shockingly eugenicist) essay in science in 1968. But the free-rider problem that afflicts public goods has been well-known to economics for a century. Consider a pasture on which every herdsman may graze his cattle. Each has an incentive to use it as intensively as possible:  since it is open to all, restrain exercised by only herdsmen simply frees up grass to be chomped by another’s animals, leaving those who hold back worse off, not just relatively, but in absolute terms. The common pasture will inevitably end up overgrazed to the point of ruin. Many valuable public resources are similarly prone to overconsumption. Roadways become congested, waterways overfished and slices of the electromagnetic spectrum crowded into uselessness, to the detriment of total social welfare. Conclusion: Now, I hope you can understand how privatization has affected many cities and countries, but we should also consider that privatization is the only way to fast development but as we know the condition of India, in my opinion, we are not ready yet, so we should use the alternatives of privatization. Thanks for reading Our services Hire us

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What is Bihar special armed police bill 2021?

1.Why Bihar need a special armed police ?  The Bihar government says that as Bihar is on a way to developing so the state needs a new special armed police to meet the requirements of airport security, industrial security, metro, railways, etc. 2. What will they do? They will also look into the maintenance of public order. They will also look after the protesters, Sloganeering, and much more which is against the Bihar government. 3. Misuse special armed police? The Government says that the officers are trained in such a way that they can arrest anyone without any reasonable proof based on a suspect. Special armed officers can enter his/her place or property without any search warrant because obtaining a search warrant may give the offenders a chance to escape. 4. No control of court over the special police force? This new reform states that the court has no control over them, which means the power of courts will be snatched away, virtually. Opposition leaders – They say that this reform is unconstitutional and the BJP-JDU combine want dictatorship in Bihar by misusing the special armed police. The opposition leaders Tejashwi Yadav(RJD) and Rahul Gandhi(Congress) opposed the police bill and raised the matter in the Rajya Sabha. Many leaders like Rabri Devi, Rahul Gandhi, Tejashwi Yadav showed their protest through their tweets. This is a shame to Nitish Kumar that he made Women Leader  Anita Devi dragged by a special armed police force. : Rabri Devi copyright@protest  Rabri Devi tweets  “पूर्व मंत्री हमारी महिला विधायक अनिता देवी जी को निर्लज्ज नीतीश कैसे घसीटवा रहे है। इसी क्रम में साड़ी भी खुल जाती है।”#नीतीशकुमारशर्मकरो Rahul Gandhi Tweets  “#बिहार विधानसभा की शर्मनाक घटना से साफ़ है कि मुख्यमंत्री पूरी तरह RSS/BJP-मय हो चुके हैं। लोकतंत्र का चीरहरण करने वालों को सरकार कहलाने का कोई अधिकार नहीं है। विपक्ष फिर भी जनहित में आवाज़ उठाता रहेगा- हम नहीं डरते!” copyright @ protest Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar warned the opposition alliance against provoking the ruling National Democratic Alliance, citing that it was numerically stronger. Kumar shouted that “the entire public saw what goondaism took place yesterday. They will give you a befitting reply”. He also said that “our people sat quietly and maintained the decorum while you all were engaged in mischief. Be ready for the consequences. copyright reserve@ tweet post Misuse or Not? The most arisen question from this bill will someone use these special armed forces for their reason? This is not the first time that such powerful forces are been introduced to the states. In other countries like the UK, you will find a similar kind of special armed policies. UK Police Bill: 1) They can decide the time, place, and duration of protests. 2) If it feels inconvenient then they can cancel any protest. 3) If you refuse to follow the policy then you will be fined £2,500 or more. According to the government, this provision is only about offences under the Act. “The punishable offences under this Act relating to internal acts of gross indiscipline, insubordination, etc. Accordingly, the Act provides that in case a Special Armed Police officer commits any offence under this Act, the court shall take cognizance of the offence only on receipt of a report and with the previous sanction of an officer authorized by the government. However if any State Armed Police Officer commits an offence under any other law such as IPC etc, there is no protection for him under this act and action shall be taken against him as per law,” the government statement says. Thanks for reading Our services Hire us

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How will cancelation of board exam affect the future of students?

HOW THE CANCELLATION OF CBSE BOARD EXAMS AFFECT THE FUTURE OF STUDENTS? After thinking a lot, there was a meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Education Minister and top officiers on 14th April, 2021 after which the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) announced that CBSE Class 10th Board Exams 2021 are cancelled.  CBSE Class 12th Board Exams 2021 have been postponed. It is due to the second wave of COVID. Exam dates for class 12th will be declared 15 days before the conducting the exams copyright WHAT WILL BE THE BASIS FOR EVALUATION BY CBSE? The result of class 10th CBSE for the academic year 2020‐2021 will be declared on the basis of objectives set by the board. An assessment scheme consisting of some set of rules will be created by CBSE for objective criterion. More updates will be given on the official website of CBSE – www.cbse.gov.in . Now, the question comes isWHAT ABOUT THE STUDENTS WHO WILL NOT BE SATISFIED WITH THEIR RESULT? Unsatisfactory, students can appear at the optional CBSE 10th Board exams later, when conducted in future, in case conditions will be better. IS THE CANCELLATION RIGHT OR NOT?  From Student’s point of view‐ The cancellation of delayed Board exams is not a permanent solution in the long term. This cancellation can’t be a solution as the Board has cancelled the examination this year but what if this situation continues? So, instead of cancellation, the Board could have thought of some other alternative. There are many options to test the intelligence of the students like interviews, assignments. Also, we can think of something new according to the current situation as the situation is demanding right now. Because, no one would have thought about this pandemic situation and we can’t predict how much time will it last for. Now, just think of the students who really worked hard for the exams and also they had mentally prepared themselves in spite of studying in online mode, they had worked really very hard. Most probably, students work hard for their final examination even if they score low in half‐yearly and pre‐boards. So, this cancellation will be like a compromise for the meritorious students and hence they are depressed from this decision. But, it has another aspect also, as we all know, the syllabus was reduced by 30% due to the online mode of study but still, there are some students who didn’t prepare for their Board exams, it is a good news for them and why are the Board exams conducted? Board exam provides a fair and equal chance to every students’ intellect and intelligence. So, is the basis of evaluation right? Is the cancellation of Boards right? What do you think? From this pandemic’s point of view‐ If we see from the point of view of this pandemic situation, we really can’t ignore this situation and from the point of view of this pandemic, I think it was necessary for our well‐being. As we know, this new strain of noble Corona virus is affecting youngsters the most and it is proved, according to a new report, this new wave of COVID is mainly targeting young people as most of the cases reported is of youngsters under 20 years of age. That’s why, seriously, it was left with nothing but this choice only. Of course, examination is always good for the evaluation. If we look at the current situation, it is good to give results on the basis of objective criterion. So, from this point of view, it’s really a sensible decision. AFFECT OF THE CANCELLATION OF BOARDS ON THE FUTURE OF STUDENTS Now, the scenario is‐ Students are taking their studies for granted. Because, we all know that the government has told to pass all the students and give promotion for their next class. Even the hard working students are not very serious about their studies as the studies are going in online mode and so the exams are. We all know about the online mode of examination; students use unfair means to pass and so the students think if all will get approximately same marks then why should we pay much attention? Even after all these things, there are students for whom their studies is everything. So, they are paying attention towards their studies and they are also learning new skills online, which is really appreciable and they will be benefited by it in future. But what about the future of students who are taking admission in the college this year? Many students go to college after 10th Boards for their higher studies and they are admitted on the basis of marks obtained in their 10th Boards. So, it may be that many deserving candidates will not be able to take admission in the college which they deserve. So, it may affect their future in the long term. However, we must make sure that this pandemic should not have any negative impact on the health of students’. As we all know “Health is wealth.” SOME KEY POINTS FOR THE STUDENTS DURING THIS PANDEMIC SITUATION. Students should not be depressed.  Stay motivated and always keep in mind that this was not the last chance to prove yourself, you’ll get many opportunities in life to prove yourself. Give your best, after all what happens is only for good.  Set t=0 and get back to your work, don’t waste your time. Our service Hire us

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What is the meaning of stand-up comedy?

What is stand-up comedy? Stand-up comedy, one of the most-watched topic on social media platforms and YouTube. This topic is becoming so famous to our youth generation nowadays. It’s not to tell funny jokes in front of a bunch of people. It’s an art. Comedians make unfunny jokes also funny with their body language and their accent. But there is some category of jokes like some random jokes, some political jokes, some religious jokes, and some jokes on some serious issues of our society. Benefits of stand-up comedy?  In my opinion, most of the time stand of comedy is funny. When you are depressed, tensed you can watch a show on the internet or attend a show. I trust you will get relief. They believe that if you are going through hell make a joke out of it. So whenever a problem comes to you don’t be tensed or depressed, make a smile and sort it out. But i like them most for their concern for society. Most of the comedians pick up some random faults of our society like dowry system, superstition and makes peoples awareness in such a way that people also get entertainment.  Does stand-up comedy creates controversy? most of the time when a stand-up comedian serves a few jokes on iconic persons it creates controversy. Like a few months ago a famous stand-up comedian “Kunal karma” heckled famous news reporter “Arnab Goswami” On a flight of indigo on some serious issues. But after that Kunal karma was banned from 5 airline companies. Not only that a few years back in 2016, a stand-up comedian named  “Tanmay Bhat” Make some jokes on Lata Mangeshkar and Sachin Tendulkar on a FB post. But people take that seriously. NCP women wing burned Tanmay Bhat’s dolls on the streets.  Conclusion: So, I can say that stand-up comedy is very funny. If people don’t get offended. We have to understand that criticism is the backbone of democracy. So as a citizen of a democratic country we have to take criticism as a fun purpose.

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