December 2021

Role of cybersecurity in Crypto Currency.

As we know everything has some disadvantages and some advantages. The same happens with cryptocurrencies. Let’s know why cyber security is needed in the case of cryptocurrencies? Cybercriminals can hack into your trading platform and steal your hard-earned money and also they demand ransomware in form of cryptocurrencies Depending on how the blockchain works, the data in the chain may be visible to all users. This can lead to both security and privacy issues. In this digital world trading in cryptocurrencies is chosen as a secure way to take down ransomware. The benefits of taking ransomware in form of cryptocurrencies are:- >> Cyber criminals easily hide their identity>> Easily transferred>>Easily accessible>> Untraceable nature of some of crypto activity or bitcoin Although blockchain has grown rapidly in recent years, cryptocurrencies are unaffected by security attacks. There are still cybersecurity risks to watch out for. Common Methods Used by Cyber Criminals :- >> Phishing>> They also do this by hacking trading platforms>> Third party application>> Compromised registration form>> Send malware by mail Scams:- >> investment scam >> Initial coin offering (ICO) fraud>> Giveaway scam Future of cyber attacks:- As 5G networks arrive, download speeds increase and this creates more opportunities for hackers to breach data and expose inefficiencies in securities. The victim of ransomware attacks can be a single individual, a company or a cryptocurrency themselves. Ethereum Classic and ZenCash are examples of cryptocurrencies that themselves have lost millions of dollars due to blockchain security issues. Approx 1.7 billion dollars in cryptocurrencies has been stolen in past recent years. Blockchain technology is theoretically very secure, but an estimated 33% of Bitcoin trading platforms have been hacked. Security issues arise from the use of keys and transactions in the blockchain. A key is a series of letters and numbers that represent a unique letter equivalent to Bitcoin. It’s safe and secure, but when you put it in a Bitcoin wallet or trading platform, the security of that platform becomes important. If someone accesses the key, they can delete the currency. In some cases fake cryptocurrencies are created and they run away with the money. The world’s largest cryptocurrency scam One of the biggest scams in cryptocurrency history was not in the form of hacks or data breaches. The entire currency system of a coin was a scam. It was a gradual marketing scam that promised great profits and attracted people, but unfortunately cost people a lot. For example ‘OneCoin’, they promised big returns and ran away with money. There are many careful stories. Accounts need to be handled carefully on these platforms. All this indicates that hacking is not just a security risk for crypto. So handle your account carefully. Account hijacking allows people to steal your private key. This is the main way they can rob you of your money. The fact that some Bitcoin or cryptographic activity is not detected means that they are ideal targets for hackers and scammers. You can be confident that there are some huge groups of hackers working to destroy not just individual accounts, but the entire crypto platform. The way Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies work means that if your key falls into the hands of someone else, your key will be vulnerable There are Some security measures to keep your account safe:- >> If you receive email about your crypto balance then first verify that email then only download attached file>> Please check the security of the device before login to that device>> Secure your password or private key >> Use high level of security like two factor authentication >> Always consult with your advisor Thanks For Reading

Role of cybersecurity in Crypto Currency. Read More »


Ayurvedam: Complete knowledge of food and life.

 Ayurvedam consists of works from different rishis and maharishis like Maharishi Charak, Maharshi Sushrut etc. It’s believed that primarily Bhagwan Dhanwantri passed on this knowledge of Ayurvedam to our rishis and so we celebrate Dhanteras which is ideally the day of health and not wealth. It’s the most ancient, advanced and vast form of medical sciences. Most people nowadays think that its only limited to some jadi buti stuff but the fact is that Maharshi Sushrut was the founder of surgery and plastic surgery. Yes, he did plastic surgery thousands of years ago and mentioned the complete procedure in his book Sushrut Samhita which is still present. Ayurvedam has an organic cure for every disease in this world and explicitly mentions about the impact of thousands of herbs on the body. Its unfortunate that we’re unaware of our rich heritage. ‘’Right now what is the most important thing in your life? Your bank balance, your business, your family, your relationships, what you’re planning or your’re alive right now, which is the most important thing? You’re alive right now is the most important thing.’’ These lines by Sadhguru draws our immediate attention towards the significance of a healthy body because without it everything is useless. It should be the priority in our daily lives. According to modern sciences, there are a lot many things which we need to consider while choosing a healthy meal like calories, nutrients, vitamins, weight of food and what not. When it comes to our Ayurvedic scriptures then it has some pretty basic rules of having a meal for a healthy lifestyle. In this blog we’ll discuss about those basics with proper explanation. This blog may be lengthy but it’ll be adding a lot of value in your life. This blog is inspired by the references of scriptures provided by a certified Ayurvedic doctor, Dr. Arun Mishra(BAMS). Hindi translation and other important links will be provided in the end of this blog. Pre-meal directions : »»» First of all, Ayurvedam mentions about hygiene i.e. hands, feet and mouth should be properly washed before sitting for a meal. Explanation: – Bad germs and bacteria can enter in our body and make us fall sick which needs to be washed off from our hands and same goes for rinsing the mouth. Scriptures also say to clean our feet properly because it ignites the digestive fire. Note- Do not use handwash or soap with harsh chemicals or with toxic ingredients as it will also kill the good bacteria which are helpful for proper digestion and those harsh chemicals can even go inside the body. So, use organic soaps or handwash or simply use soil to clean palm of hands. Avoid sanitizers as well »»» To eat food, one should sit on a mat in sukh asana(legs cross folded). Explanation: – As per Ayurvedam, this is the best posture in which the food assimilates properly. »»» Never eat anything when you’re emotionally disturb. Explanation:- When we’re emotionally disturb, our digestive fire is hampered. That is why we don’t feel hungry when we’re in immense states of negative feelings. Therefore, we shouldn’t eat anything during that time otherwise the food will not get digested properly and produce toxins in the body which will further lead to diseases. »»» Express gratitude towards the food by thanking Ishwar and the farmer. Explanation:- Ishwar has given us this body and a free will to do anything in this universe and food provided by Ishwar is a support system to do karm. So, we must express gratitude towards it. A farmer does immense efforts to bring food on our table. A person with 9-5 cubicle job can’t even think of that much hard work. In an ideal society a farmer should be one of the most respected person. Unfortunately, from the Britisher era to the pseudo Britishers era(us) nothing has changed for them. At least thank them with your heart before having the meal. It makes mind satvik and makes food much more pleasant for the body. Marathi Health What to eat and what to avoid? »»» Avoid calculating calories, protein, vitamins etc. and just try to assimilate all 6 tastes in your meal i.e. sweet(meetha),bitter(kadwa),astringent(kasaila),spicy(teekha),sour(khatta) and salty(namkeen). Explanation:- Rather than focusing on vitamins, nutrients, calories etc., a person should only focus on having all 6 tastes in the diet and the sources of these tastes should change regularly. Such type of diet will automatically take care of the body. »»» Eat seasonal and local fruits and vegetables instead of fancy imported stuffs. Explanation:- Mother nature knows the way to balance out things. She knows which food is suitable for which locality and season. So, stay away from those wrongly marketed avocados and choose fruits and vegetables which are local, fresh and seasonal. »»» Eat cooked food within three hours of its cooking as it becomes tamasic after that and will do more harm than good whether it is kept in fridge or preserved by adding chemicals. Explanation:- In Bhagavat Geeta, Yogiraj Shri Krishna also says to eat cooked food as soon as you can because it starts to loose it’s satvik properties once it gets cooked and becomes rajasic or tamasic after a time period of 1.5 hours to 3 hours depending on the food’s nature. Ayurvedam also recommends the same to eat hot and fresh and completely avoid food which was cooked before the 3 hours window because eating them to save food will be a stupid decision, instead offer it to an animal. Now you know what to do with those packed items of chips, bhujiya, biscuits, ice-creams etc. available in the nearby stores. Don’t give it to an animal because even animals deserve better than eating those items made out of palm oil, refined flour, sugar, artificial flavours, colors etc. Simply don’t purchase them or eat them. »»» Eat flour(atta) instead of refined flour(maida),pure cold pressed mustard or sesame or groundnut oil or ghee instead of refined oil, thread mishri(not small mishri crystals) or

Ayurvedam: Complete knowledge of food and life. Read More »


someone lost in an exceedingly desert and he consumed all the water he had. He knew the actual fact all right that if he did not get the water he can die. Though fully exhausted, the person didn’t quit hope. He unbroken walking, searching for some sign of excellent fortune. Suddenly, he saw a little hut at a long way. “Could it’s a mirage?” he thought, “Or perhaps simply a hallucination?” He had no different possibility left but to understand that the hut was real.. Gathering the last bits of energy left, He dragged his tired body within the hut hoping he may realise some water. The house was empty, no one was living there for a few time. He became aghast once he saw within the hut. A hand pump! Water finally! He was joyful. He began operating the pump. however no water came out. He tried tougher and however harder- no water. Finally, when putting in place as of energy, he gave up out of exhaustion and frustration and Sat down thinking, “Maybe, i’m destined to die out of thirst nowadays.” And then , a second ray of hope! He detected a bottle in one corner of the hut. it had been full of water and corked up to forestall evaporation. He uncorked the bottle and as he was concerning to devour the vitalizing water, he detected a bit of paper hooked up thereto. The written message scan, Use this water to start out the pump. Don’t forget to fill the bottle once you’re done. He was currently in an exceedingly perplexed state. Or What if he place the water into the pump and it didn’t work? however then… perhaps the instruction was correct. ought to he risk it? If it was claimed to be false, he would discard the last water he would over see. Have you ever ever been in an exceedingly state of affairs like this? wherever there area unit solely Well, and be many folks as a result of they’re and that they in their life. The person set to require a leap of religion. Hands trembling, he poured the water into the pump, closed his eyes, aforementioned a prayer, and commenced operating the pump. He detected a gurgling sound, and water decreased gushing out far more than he may presumably use. He drank the cool fresh water to his heart’s content. He quenched his thirst. He was progressing to live! Feeling far better, he looked round the hut and located a pencil and map of the region. The map showed that he was still far from civilisation, however a minimum of currently he knew wherever he was and within which direction to travel next. He crammed up his flask for the journey ahead. And as per the instruction on the note, conjointly crammed up the bottle and place the cork back in. And before going the hut, he side his own lines below the instruction: Most people might not be confronted with a state of affairs like this, wherever the selection created decides whether or not we have a tendency to live or die. Yet, we’ve got If the selection we have a tendency to build goes our way- fantastic. we are able to inspire individuals by telling them, And if it doesn’t go our manner, we can… Thanks For Reading HIre


what does ILS stand for?

What Is ILS And How Does an ILS Work?

So what does ILS stand for? The ‘I’ for instrument the ‘L’ for landing and the ‘S’ System so the instrument landing system is a ground-based radio navigation system giving pilots the lateral and the vertical guidance towards the runway as they are in approach in IMC. To fly an ILS approach the aircraft must be fitted with an ILS receiver large enough to be displayed, and converted into signals picked up on the cockpit instruments.. Frequency and identifier code the ILS inbound course and glide slope angle, the given minimum descent altitude or Heights depending on the ILS category and last, but not least the go-around procedure Okay now, Let’s talk more about the ground-based system now the system consists of two Antennas sending out on one tunable frequency the so called localizer antenna is normally located beyond the end of the runway and  generally is built up out several pairs of directional antennas. They send radio singnals horizontally in the axis of runway. copyright@HAVKAR Let’s look at this picture right here the localizer antenna is emitting two lobes which are frequency modulated to 90 Hertz on the left-hand side of the runway centerline, and 150 Hertz on the right-hand side. To get a better understanding about the localizer antenna imagine each light beam a massive light beam, now 90 Hertz side would be a yellow light and 150 Hertz side would be a blue light. Now, Let’s say you’re slightly to the right of the runway centreline so the light you would be seeing is primarily blue Meaning you would have to fly more to the left where the light beam is overlaping  creating a green light. And then you know you’re on the centerline. Obviously there is know such light besides the PAPI, but that’s a whole another story. But you get a understanding how to interpret the converted ILS signal on your ADI. Your HIS or PFD. Now, instead of colours you have this diamond. Indicating your position relative to the runway centreline so if the diamond would be to the right or let’s say the runway centreline you are left of it, and have to correct your heading to the right to join the localizer and voice versa also important to know at the same time the localizer transmits the so called ILS facility. Identification code, so what’s the good for now because the frequency range for the ILS is fairly small you could pick up the wrong ILS frequency of a nearby airport. Therefore, each ILS sends their own individual Morse code. For example, the ILS Identification code for John F Kennedy Airport runway 0 4 right is India Juliet, Foxtrot kilo… ILS receiver instrument or you have to actually listen to the Morse code and compare it to the one on your ILS approach chart, we  have now established a lateral guidance towards the runway Let’s talk about the vertical axis. Now, this axis is Defined as the glide slope, now the glide slope antenna is similar to the localizer antenna only sending out the signals to the Vertical axis towards your runway and is based perpendicular to the touchdown zone. Now imagine the light beam example I’ve mention a minute ago it works, the same just at a 90 degree angle to the localizer beam. Normally  the glide slope angle towards the runway is 3 degree and it indicates whether your aircraft is above or below or on the glide slop path with the help of another diamond present in your instument. So there’s another diamond presented on your instrument showing your position relative to the glide slope, now if the diamond is above the center I’ll give you the indication you are below the glide slope so then you have to reduce a vertical speed or even level off to Recapture the glide slope if the diamond is below the center of the instrument you’re then too high. So again correct your vertical speed to rejoin the glide slope now this sounds easy, But be aware if you pitch further down you gain speed if you level off you reduce speed. So it’s all a matter of pitch and power and at the same time extending slats flaps and doing ATC communications.So it’s not that easy obviously there are glide slopes which are steeper very often due to mountainous area or obstacle clearance Limits which need to be met, For example runway two-four at naples  Italy is known for its steeper ILS approach than usual.  Ok we’ve now established the two main components of the ILS providing horizontal and vertical guidance towards the runway. But how do you know how far away from the runway threshold which is ? Absolutely essential for your speed management. Now let’s say you’re at 2,500 feet and you know that glide slope angled towards the runway, Or you could quickly get out out your calculator and do the math all in bad weather and whilst monitoring your instruments. Know it’s kind of difficult So therefore all the ILS systems have three marker points the outer marker the middle marker and the inner marker. So when flying over the outer marker a little blue light  will start flashing on you instruments and the corresponding beeping code can be heard, Comparing that with your map you then know ok. I’m passing the outer marker You should have that altitude at that given distance the outer marker and the middle marker are still out there. But I haven’t  heard an inner mark in a very long time nowadays They’re 3rd antenna installed called the DME distance measuring equipment, Which will give you a slant range towards the runway now making it a lot easier to monitor your distance. But your aircraft has to be fitted with the appropriate DME receiver and an instrument with which you have to tune in the course. DME frequency but even better are the ILS, which comes with a built-in DME indication

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