
Reinvent Yourself

How to Reinvent Yourself For Better Life?

‘Self-Reinvention’ The term itself is highly promising. The first question that arises in our minds is that what is the need to reinvent yourself/ ourselves? In order to answer this, just pause into the life you are leading right now, and ask yourself, Are you Happy with whatever you have in your life? Do you see yourself merely as a part of the crowd, leading the same old life as a millions of other people? Do you see yourself achieving your goal with the current attitude you have?” – all these questions will definitely answer your need to reinvent yourself. Once we have identified our need, we are good to go ahead with the process itself. Start by making a list of your goals. Your dreams, your aspirations, your purpose of life- pen down everything in the list. It can be anything- starting from being a fashion designer, to owning a restaurant in foreign country. DON’T LET YOUR DREAMS FADE OUT. APJ Abdul Kalam once said- “A person without dreams is a body without soul.”  Sort out your priorities next. One of the most important steps is sorting out priorities. People often fall into their own self-made cages just because the prioritized their dreams in an inefficient manner. For example, let’s say you are a school student, you are going to appear for your secondary examinations. You aspire of being a world class gamer. You cannot just leave your studies and focus all your time in gaming. Prioritize a minimal time for your studies and focus the rest on your gaming. Third step is to knowing and accepting your cons. It is only human to have flaws about yourself. Self-assessment plays a major part in reinventing yourself, to find a better person within you. Realizing your drawbacks and working on improving them is always a good sign. Focus on your goals and dreams and improving on your drawbacks in achieving them will help you move towards your goal. In the journey of achieving our dream, we often forget an important factor that is proper diet and rest. More often than not, it is important that we take a step back and shut down our body for a few hours so that we  are able to work with our full efficiency again. People often forget the role of nutritious food and rest which results in frustration, insomnia, and inefficient work. In several cases, we might even just miss our goal in absence of it. Start living a healthy lifestyle with proper 6 to 7 hours of rest. However sometimes when you enjoy doing your work, you might just want to put it down to 3 to 4 hours even. In a journey towards success, failures are bound to come. There is no value of success if the path towards it doesn’t have failures. One must learn to overcome their failures in this journey. The best way of dealing with failures is keeping a positive attitude towards them. Learning from past mistakes, and improvise on them. Many world leaders and CEOs of multinational companies had once gone bankrupt. However, what kept them on track was their positive attitude and determination to succeed. The  above points will make sure that you keep moving ahead towards your goal. However, the most important characteristic if you want to reinvent yourself is SELF-CONFIDENCE. Believe in yourself and your goal. Never for a moment doubt yourself. Keep loving yourself. In the mad rush of running after your dream, don’t forget to take a step back sometimes and have some time for yourself. Following all the above steps, you will be reincarnating yourself into the best version of you that ever existed. You will redefine yourself, Reinvent Yourself and reach limits that you never knew existed.  You will re-invent yourself. SUMMARY  Find out your need to reinvent yourself. Make a list of your goals and dreams. Dream Big! Sort out your priorities and deal with them one at a time keeping in mind both the short term as well as long term goals. Keep re-assessing yourself and work on your drawbacks. Focus on your goal and keep yourself away from useless distractions. Lead a healthy lifestyle with proper diet and rest. Have a positive attitude. Learn to deal with failures. Always believe in yourself. confidence and self-love are x-factors towards your goal that set you apart from others. Thanks for Reading Hire

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someone lost in an exceedingly desert and he consumed all the water he had. He knew the actual fact all right that if he did not get the water he can die. Though fully exhausted, the person didn’t quit hope. He unbroken walking, searching for some sign of excellent fortune. Suddenly, he saw a little hut at a long way. “Could it’s a mirage?” he thought, “Or perhaps simply a hallucination?” He had no different possibility left but to understand that the hut was real.. Gathering the last bits of energy left, He dragged his tired body within the hut hoping he may realise some water. The house was empty, no one was living there for a few time. He became aghast once he saw within the hut. A hand pump! Water finally! He was joyful. He began operating the pump. however no water came out. He tried tougher and however harder- no water. Finally, when putting in place as of energy, he gave up out of exhaustion and frustration and Sat down thinking, “Maybe, i’m destined to die out of thirst nowadays.” And then , a second ray of hope! He detected a bottle in one corner of the hut. it had been full of water and corked up to forestall evaporation. He uncorked the bottle and as he was concerning to devour the vitalizing water, he detected a bit of paper hooked up thereto. The written message scan, Use this water to start out the pump. Don’t forget to fill the bottle once you’re done. He was currently in an exceedingly perplexed state. Or What if he place the water into the pump and it didn’t work? however then… perhaps the instruction was correct. ought to he risk it? If it was claimed to be false, he would discard the last water he would over see. Have you ever ever been in an exceedingly state of affairs like this? wherever there area unit solely Well, and be many folks as a result of they’re and that they in their life. The person set to require a leap of religion. Hands trembling, he poured the water into the pump, closed his eyes, aforementioned a prayer, and commenced operating the pump. He detected a gurgling sound, and water decreased gushing out far more than he may presumably use. He drank the cool fresh water to his heart’s content. He quenched his thirst. He was progressing to live! Feeling far better, he looked round the hut and located a pencil and map of the region. The map showed that he was still far from civilisation, however a minimum of currently he knew wherever he was and within which direction to travel next. He crammed up his flask for the journey ahead. And as per the instruction on the note, conjointly crammed up the bottle and place the cork back in. And before going the hut, he side his own lines below the instruction: Most people might not be confronted with a state of affairs like this, wherever the selection created decides whether or not we have a tendency to live or die. Yet, we’ve got If the selection we have a tendency to build goes our way- fantastic. we are able to inspire individuals by telling them, And if it doesn’t go our manner, we can… Thanks For Reading HIre


10 exciting keys to success in life.

What is the key to success? Maybe it’s best summed up however this quote: everyone seems to be searching for the magic pill to success. The one key ingredient. The one single key to success. There isn’t one key. There are several. you have got the keys, and you have got the locks, you simply need to do the work. Here is the key to success… truly ten keys to success which will get you well on your thanks to living the life you would like to measure. NUMBER 1. Set clear goals:  Several studies have established the link between winning folks and goal setting. Simply put, however, does one expect to achieve your required destination if you do not understand wherever that place is ? Set clearly outlined short and future goals, with dated deadlines and review them daily in order that they soak into your mind. when you’ve done that, inscribe all the action steps you need to take if you’re to achieve those goals. Then… GET to figure. If it works for you, produce a vision board of all the items you would like and review that daily as well. Remember: “If you’ll be able to see it in your mind and you’re willing to figure for it someday you may have it in your life.” NUMBER 2. Strong work ethic: It is the old saying that Hard work always beats the talent which is totally true, virtually. I’ve never met a winning person who wasn’t ready to grant everything for his or her goal or dream. Lazy and winning don’t seem to be 2 words that go along. If you aren’t willing to figure for it, don’t expect to own it in the future. NUMBER 3. Consistency: A bit like something in life, if you don’t work on that systematically, likelihood is that you may ne’er have it, and if you are doing have it, someday you’ll behave. If you aren’t per your diet or sweat routine, you may lose any smart health and physique you had. If you aren’t consistent in relationships, likelihood is that you’ll have issues. a similar is true in business and entrepreneurship if your message isn’t consistent, If your work ethic and output isn’t consistent, however does one expect to own consistent growth and success ? Also read: WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DON’T HAVE ANY GOAL IN LIFE? NUMBER 4. Discipline: Discipline may be a large one for all kinds of winning people, from athletes to billionaires. It’s the discipline to urge up early once you don’t desire it. to mention no to an evening out with friends, as a result of you have got one thing additional meaningful to figure on. The discipline to mention no to negative temptations and short term gain, so as to attain long results and pride. NUMBER 5. Willing to sacrifice: The power to sacrifice currently thus you’ll be able to relish later, to not take the straightforward path however no matter path leads you to wherever you would like to be future. ar you willing to sacrifice for some years so that you can spend the rest of your life on your terms. Also read: HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR PUBLIC SPEAKING SKILLS? NUMBER 6. Continuous persuit of knowledge: As Napoleon Hill said in his great book, THINK AND GROW RICH: the way of success is the way of continuous pursuit of knowledge. The world is moving and evolving so fast. If you aren’t adapting to change, if you don’t have mindset that you can never learn enough sooner or later, whatever you have learned won’t be enough. You should Think about all the opportunities, jobs that are at the top but did not exist when you were in your academics and primary days. Billion dollar brands like AirBnB, Instagram, Google, Uber, Bitcoin, and Spirit did not even exist 10 years ago if the founders of these platforms didn’t have the mindset and idea of persuing knowledge and implementing in the industries and inventions they would not exist. The more you learn, the more you earn and you can never learn enough. NUNBER 7. The ability to listen: Just like you can never learn enough you can never listen enough. Listen to others who have succeeded and failed before you, listen to the great teachers and leaders, listen to friends, family and business colleagues to form better relationships, listen to feedback and criticisms to improve yourself, your business and your results in any area of your life. If you don’t have that mindset to see the things around you and keep your eyes open you can’t be at the top for long. Be open to listen, humble enough to admit defeat if defeated but strong enough to follow your guts instincts every time. Also read: HOW TO MANAGE YOUR STRESS? NUMBER 8. “I will never quit”:  Read about any successfull person at the top of their field and the story is almost and always the same. There was at least one moment in their life where they were down and out where everything seemed impossible like there was no way out where 99% of the people would have given in and settled for an average life, but they kept going and somehow turned everything around. Not only did they turn it around but they applied the lessons and grew from the failures. That is the attitude everyone must have if they want success in any area because life will throw challenges and you will fail if you are pushing the limits. Develop the grit and determination to keep going when it all seems possible. To say NO, I will not quit when everyone would expect you cave in. NUMBER 9. Having a clear purpose of life: Nothing in life can throw you off target if you’ve got purpose, which means a clear, powerful direction. If you recognize your WHY you’ll survive anyhow. If your WHY is powerful enough you’ll undergo any pain or occurrence

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How to get rid of emotional pain?

How to Get Rid of a Negative Emotion? Numbing to the pain for a while makes it worse when u feel it. Pain is not always a sensation caused by illness or injury but also a sensation caused by emotion. Emotionally when you are attached to someone and you feel as if you would never separate from each other but all of sudden it happens to you. This is what we call an emotional breakdown and the sensation which will occur at that time is referred to as emotional pain. Pain does not just break us emotionally but mentally also. Our mind stops working and only negative thoughts come to our mind. But there is always a way to get rid of that pain and a person also who helps you to get out of this and that is you. Without You, it is impossible to get rid of the pain. Fox Foster WHat is The best way to get rid of the pain? Generally, people say that the best way to get rid of the pain is to forget and move on. But this is not always a solution, run away from pain is not a solution. You should be a part of that pain because it belongs to you and increases your tolerance to bear your pain. If you will forget and move on for certain times you will feel good but it will come again. But if you will face that pain and increase your tolerance it will never come back to you. The first thing which we should do is to find out the reason for the pain and we all know that a problem well stated is a problem half solved. And it has been noticed that expectation is the main reason for every emotional pain. Now the question arises like “how it is a problem?”. Before that we have one more question, what is the expectation? It’s a delusion, e.g. I should be treated like this, I should be loved like this, I should be dealt with like this, I should be respected like this, and this is what we called an expectation. We are all living a life of high expectations. Expectation from family, expectations from friends, expectations from our loved ones, and when those expectations are not fulfilled we get frustrated and experience some pain. How to Find yourself? One thing which we all should know is that people do not exist in this world just to fulfill your expectation. The more you expect the more you will be hurt. Our life is all about the expectation from childhood only when we are a child we expect from our parents, when we are young we expect from our friends and loved ones and when we become old we expect from our child. There is no problem to expect but understand that not everyone will fulfill your expectation. Your expectation should be realistic otherwise you will not receive anything but pain. Don’t allow anyone to control your emotion. Don’t allow anyone to remote control you otherwise you will be changing according to their interest just like TV channels. So do not expect anything from everyone. And don’t ever give them control of how you feel to someone else and avoid the word expectation. Start learning to spread love because if you want to be loved by someone it means you are controlled by someone but if you want to spread love who can stop you. Thanks For Reading ANISHA ROY BLOGGER

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How To Deal With Hardships Of Life?

When will you learn, how to handle your emotion, how to handle your thought? In our life, there are many phases when we feel we are depressed, we are lonely and everybody is against us and there is no one to talk about our problem(I.e.  Hardship of life). So ,now the question comes, how should we deal with it? This is really an unfortunate condition when we the human beings think that the whole universe is against us. YOUR THOUGHTS AND EMOTIONS ARE THE DRAMA THAT YOU CREATE IN YOUR MIND. It’s not the reality, it is only our psychological condition, because even when you feel depressed or lonely, you have the interaction with the world when you breathe, eat, etc., isn’t? But our mind goes against everything present in the universe. So, it create a psychological condition in which you see everyone is against you, you’ll be hurt by the small things. Even small things- it may be that somebody ditched you, may be you’re failed in the examination, may be you’re evicted from home. Now, you’ll be thinking, are these small things? Yes, these are the small things between life and death. It is the harsh truth- we came with nothing in our hands and we’ll go with nothing. Even then, there are some people who take a lot of tension as if the whole universe is on his/her head and he/she has to look after all the things going on this planet, which is nothing but the only psychological condition of that person. So, what are we talking about? Our emotions and thoughts, Right? Not others’ thought or emotions. Now, the question is:- When should you know, How to handle your thoughts and emotions? When are you going to know how to handle your thoughts and emotions? Slowly. At the end of your life? The only problem really with our life is just this because it has became a culture or you can say a trend that when we cross the age of 60, when you’ll not be able to do anything, only then we should know all these things (spirituality), which is not good. Whatever is important about your life, most profound about you, you should know soonest at the earliest possible age. You must know how to deal with your problems, how to fix them, isn’t it? Only then you’ll be able to lead a sensible and happy life. I want you to understand that whatever you’re going through, these are not problems and most importantly always keep in mind that you are not suffering your life. Then,o. What are you suffering? You are only suffering the two fantastic faculties:- memory and imagination. These two things are god-gifted and only we the human beings have access to it and due to these two, our life is so rich unlike other living creatures of this world. Now, this is what you are suffering, whatever happened some years back, you’re still suffering from, why? So, now you can answer, what are you suffering? Is it your life or your memory? Memory! And you’re also suffering what will happen in your future, what is it? Is it really going on in your life, right now or is it your so -called imagination? It’s imagination! We are suffering from the two most fantastic faculties that we have as a human being or in short, we are suffering our own intelligence. In our life many issues will come, the more issues we’ll have in our life, means we are leading a more active life. If you are not facing any difficulty then it means that you are getting everything whatever you’re wishing for, will you be able to live with it ? Won’t your life be boring? So, one thing you must fix in your life that, you’re not an issue, okay? Whatever the issue, we’ll sort it out but this should not be an issue. And always remember “DIFFICULTIES COME IN THE LIFE OF THOSE WHO CAN HANDLE THEM.”

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