And how do people start on this path? Because a lot of this makes sense to people but in the world they live in they don’t know where to start…
If i teach you a way where you can manage your chemistry the way you want, but we need 32 hours of focus time. Do you think your life is valuable enough for that much investment?
Every human being wants his life enhanced, if you don’t show them proper ways to enhance, they will find shortcuts. A man who goes to a bar and a man who goes to the church, or temple or whatever, they are seeking the same thing, they are trying to enhance their life! If you don’t show them the proper way, they will take whatever ways are available on the streat. That’s all. You want to go forward but it sets you backwards. Your intelligence has turned against you. If your intelligence were working for you, would you create blissfulness or misery?

80–85% of the population today is on alcohol or some kind of drugs. We have come to a place, where to grow our food we need chemicals, to be healthfull we need chemicals. Today 70% of the population is on prescription medication of some sort, to be peaceful we need chemicals, to be joyful we need chemicals, to be ecstatic, of course, we have ecstasy. So we are going towards chemicals in a huge way! The water that you drink is full of chemicals, the air you breathe is like that and the food you eat is like that. So if 90% of humanity goes into chemical consumption, consciously or unconsciously, they consume a lot of it. The next generation we produce will be of a lesser quality than who we are! That’s a crime against humanity. So right now chemical is a net; it’s not another trapeze. It’s a net that you can fall into and people experience their own little heaven, but it ruins you in so many ways.

The important thing about life, whether it’s a grasshopper out there or you, both of us are striving to be the fullest possible life that we can be. A grasshopper is trying to be a fulfilled grasshopper; A human being is trying to be a fulfilled human being. So similarly for a human being, if you take away any of his faculties, in any way, even temporarily, have you enhanced his life? So intoxication is just that: it is taking away your faculties for a period of time, but if you continuously do it, it will take it away from your life! So you are taking away or you are subjugating your faculties for a little bit of pleasure, or maybe a lot of pleasure, however you wish to describe it. But the important thing is you are taking backward steps with life because life can only be enhanced by sharpening and increasing our faculties; not by decreasing our faculties! This means we are taking a backward step. Though there may be pleasure attached to it, because you need to understand that the greatest chemical factory, the most sophisticated chemical factory is right here. If you are a great manager, you will produce what you want from this, if you are a lousy manager, you do wrong things, you get anxiety, you get something else, you get rubbish going on within you because you are misusing your chemical factory, you don’t know how to manage your chemical factory. Why has your intelligence turned against you? There is no stable base, so the entire yogic system is about this: that you create a stable base so that your intelligence works for you. If your intelligence turns against you, no power in the universe is going to save you. You are a done thing.
We talk in the books about thoughts, we are obsessed with thoughts in this world and I’m thinking this and I’m thinking that…well when we say I’m thinking this, another way of saying this is I’m making of this, I’m making of that. You can make up whatever you want, as long as you enjoy it! But that can be dangerous. Always trying to think of the solution; Always trying to be your thoughts…if you become what you make up, it’s unfortunate. Your thoughts belong to you, or you belong to the thoughts, you must make up your mind! The whole human experience comes from within. Many books tell you how to milk happiness from something else or somebody else, but all human experience is generated from within! What comes from around you may not be the way you want it, but what comes from within you must be the way you want it. If whatever happens within you the way you want it, will you be blessed out or miserable? Many people want to learn about how to control their own mind. Do you want your mind controlled or liberated?

Of Course liberated! But how to control it because they think that intelligence is a serious problem and has been in their lives. So the solution is if you remove a part of your brain you will be fine. You are essentially complaining about ”I wish I had the brain of another one! This human brain I’m not able to handle!” That’s a fact. Charles Darwin said that you evolved out of a monkey. You are a monkey, then you become a man. The DNA difference between a chimpanzee and you is only 1.23%! So in this sense, physiologically, you are only 1.23% away from a chimpanzee. It’s just a shade of difference. But in terms of intelligence and awareness you are worlds apart from a chimpanzee. So your problem is just this: you have an intelligence for which you don’t have a stable enough platform! If i teach you the way where you can manage your chemistry you want but we need 32 hours of focus time! It’s 32 hours of focus time, we can format it in different ways but that much investment has to go in!

The youth of today should get a little more in terms of physical activity, a little more into nature, maybe climb a mountain, maybe swim in the lake. How will a young person gain strength, courage, and learn to handle many things, if you don’t do something a little unpredictable? Everything is a set track. That’s not good.
People these days are missing the relationship with their own body, maybe not aware about yoga…the word yoga means union, Union means whether you are aware of it or you’re not aware of it right now you’re happening here as a part of everything else. What the trees exhale, you’re inhaling; what you exhale, the trees are inhaling; not only on the Level of respiration but on all levels, this is happening! What you think as myself is just a psychological boundary that you have set up! So “yoga” means consciously obliterating the boundaries of your individuality. So if you sit at a place, if you experience everything around you as “myself”, This is “yoga”! If you experience all this as “myself”, do you need morality? Did anybody teach that from these five fingers? That is the small finger, don’t cut it off, is that morality needed like that?
Anything you feel as a part of yourself, with that you don’t need any values; it takes morals, nothing! Because it’s a part of you! This is what “yoga” means. You experience everything as a part of you. When somebody experiences the whole universe as a part of himself, then we say he is a yogi. It is the science of aligning your geometry, your individual geometry with the cosmic geometry. When geometry is congruent with something larger, it becomes like that, it functions like that, it makes you experience yourself like that. So in that sense you’re trying to recognize your geometry, so that it’s congruent to the larger or cosmic geometry. Once we start doing simple physical yoga, within a month or two, it doesn’t matter where I am, till today, Morning 3:30 to 3:40, we should always come awake. There is something happening in nature between mornings 3:30 to 3:40. It’s called Brahma Mahurta in yoga. It’s a very significant part of time. So when that happens your body just comes awake! It happens to everybody, but they don’t notice it! So like this many changes happen simply because of simple yoga. It doesn’t matter for what reason you do the right thing, even for the wrong reasons, you do the right thing, the right things will happen to you.

It’s simple that doesn’t mean it’s easy….it is not difficult either. Most people understand complexity as intelligence, if they make themselves difficult, they are supposed to be intelligent. Making a simple thing difficult is not intelligence! Making a very complex thing simple is intelligence! So wrong sense of intelligence, idea of intelligence has entered people’s minds. They think that if they make a problem out of every solution, they are intelligent, No, No! If you find solutions for every problem, that’s intelligence!
And how do people start on this path? Because a lot of this makes sense to people, but in the world they live in, they don’t know where to start……even yesterday we were at this ” how to do that thing, how to get rid of that work, how to do the homework, how to clear the exams”..so to learn a simple language you take 12 years of school; to read, write, understand; for this you are taking 12 years; to transform your life, you want to do it in 2 minutes. So is that what your life is worth? So if your life is worthwhile, is it not important that you invest a certain amount of time and energy? Rather than looking for this stupid stuffs of 1 mantra with which I will transform my life? It will not happen like that. That’s the reason why most people have remained the way they have remained because they have not invested in their well being. People would invest their part of life for their own transformation.

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