
10 exciting keys to success in life.

What is the key to success? Maybe it’s best summed up however this quote: everyone seems to be searching for the magic pill to success. The one key ingredient. The one single key to success. There isn’t one key. There are several. you have got the keys, and you have got the locks, you simply need to do the work. Here is the key to success… truly ten keys to success which will get you well on your thanks to living the life you would like to measure. NUMBER 1. Set clear goals:  Several studies have established the link between winning folks and goal setting. Simply put, however, does one expect to achieve your required destination if you do not understand wherever that place is ? Set clearly outlined short and future goals, with dated deadlines and review them daily in order that they soak into your mind. when you’ve done that, inscribe all the action steps you need to take if you’re to achieve those goals. Then… GET to figure. If it works for you, produce a vision board of all the items you would like and review that daily as well. Remember: “If you’ll be able to see it in your mind and you’re willing to figure for it someday you may have it in your life.” NUMBER 2. Strong work ethic: It is the old saying that Hard work always beats the talent which is totally true, virtually. I’ve never met a winning person who wasn’t ready to grant everything for his or her goal or dream. Lazy and winning don’t seem to be 2 words that go along. If you aren’t willing to figure for it, don’t expect to own it in the future. NUMBER 3. Consistency: A bit like something in life, if you don’t work on that systematically, likelihood is that you may ne’er have it, and if you are doing have it, someday you’ll behave. If you aren’t per your diet or sweat routine, you may lose any smart health and physique you had. If you aren’t consistent in relationships, likelihood is that you’ll have issues. a similar is true in business and entrepreneurship if your message isn’t consistent, If your work ethic and output isn’t consistent, however does one expect to own consistent growth and success ? Also read: WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DON’T HAVE ANY GOAL IN LIFE? NUMBER 4. Discipline: Discipline may be a large one for all kinds of winning people, from athletes to billionaires. It’s the discipline to urge up early once you don’t desire it. to mention no to an evening out with friends, as a result of you have got one thing additional meaningful to figure on. The discipline to mention no to negative temptations and short term gain, so as to attain long results and pride. NUMBER 5. Willing to sacrifice: The power to sacrifice currently thus you’ll be able to relish later, to not take the straightforward path however no matter path leads you to wherever you would like to be future. ar you willing to sacrifice for some years so that you can spend the rest of your life on your terms. Also read: HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR PUBLIC SPEAKING SKILLS? NUMBER 6. Continuous persuit of knowledge: As Napoleon Hill said in his great book, THINK AND GROW RICH: the way of success is the way of continuous pursuit of knowledge. The world is moving and evolving so fast. If you aren’t adapting to change, if you don’t have mindset that you can never learn enough sooner or later, whatever you have learned won’t be enough. You should Think about all the opportunities, jobs that are at the top but did not exist when you were in your academics and primary days. Billion dollar brands like AirBnB, Instagram, Google, Uber, Bitcoin, and Spirit did not even exist 10 years ago if the founders of these platforms didn’t have the mindset and idea of persuing knowledge and implementing in the industries and inventions they would not exist. The more you learn, the more you earn and you can never learn enough. NUNBER 7. The ability to listen: Just like you can never learn enough you can never listen enough. Listen to others who have succeeded and failed before you, listen to the great teachers and leaders, listen to friends, family and business colleagues to form better relationships, listen to feedback and criticisms to improve yourself, your business and your results in any area of your life. If you don’t have that mindset to see the things around you and keep your eyes open you can’t be at the top for long. Be open to listen, humble enough to admit defeat if defeated but strong enough to follow your guts instincts every time. Also read: HOW TO MANAGE YOUR STRESS? NUMBER 8. “I will never quit”:  Read about any successfull person at the top of their field and the story is almost and always the same. There was at least one moment in their life where they were down and out where everything seemed impossible like there was no way out where 99% of the people would have given in and settled for an average life, but they kept going and somehow turned everything around. Not only did they turn it around but they applied the lessons and grew from the failures. That is the attitude everyone must have if they want success in any area because life will throw challenges and you will fail if you are pushing the limits. Develop the grit and determination to keep going when it all seems possible. To say NO, I will not quit when everyone would expect you cave in. NUMBER 9. Having a clear purpose of life: Nothing in life can throw you off target if you’ve got purpose, which means a clear, powerful direction. If you recognize your WHY you’ll survive anyhow. If your WHY is powerful enough you’ll undergo any pain or occurrence

10 exciting keys to success in life. Read More »

Talib to Taliban a detailed history

HOW AMERICA CREATED TALIBAN? ● AFFECT OF TALIBANS ON AFGHANS:‐ Suddenly Taliban conquered and took over Kabul. The Pictures, the news coming from Afghanistan is not satisfying else a sign of terror. Till now we have seen people sitting on the top of buses, trains but now whatever the picture is coming I bet nobody has seen in the history, People on the aeroplanes in the air so that they can get out of Kabul and away from Talibans. We can see the Aircraft in sky and people hanging and sitting on the roof and wings of Aircraft and falling from the aircraft from the sky. There pictures indeed causes Ghoosbumps. There is no space in the plane but people want to hang or sit on the roof or wings to get rid from the Terror of Talibans compelled people to risk their life. These pictures are making the world restless for sure. People want to get out of Kabul because they have fear from Talibans how they treat them and their SHARIA KANOON which Afghan encountered 23 years before, they don’t want to fill the same again. Before Talibans used to cut Afghan’s head in front of public to increase their terror, they used to hang people in the middle of city, which Afghans don’t want to face again. Now the Question arises is –  HOW AND WHY THE DEAD TALIBANS SUDDENLY AWAKE AND WHY AMERICA LEFT AFGHANISTAN ON HIS PRESENT CONDITIONS? America was in the Afghanistan and securing for 20 years. In 2001 America entered Afghanistan to overthrow Talibans. They overthrow the Talibans Government and formed new government. Americans soldiers were in Afghanistan, in this duration many American soldiers died and many afghan’s soldiers also died. America spend many lack crores rupees to train Afghans , to make their base and now suddenly America left Afghans on their Situation. FROM TALIB TO TALIBAN:‑ To get started with the beginning, We have to go in the era of 102 years before from now. In 1919, britishers left Afghanistan and it becomes independent because britishers were not getting much profit as they were getting from India. So, Britishers left Afghanistan on their own and after then Afghan’s saw rise of Manarchy system. Shah family started ruling on Afghan’s. This family ruled on Afghan’s for almost 54 years from 1919 to 1973. The last king of Shah family was Mohammed Zahir Shah. In 1973, Mohammed Zahir Shah became sick, infact he became serious. There was no development of medic infrastructure in Afghanistan at that time, so he could not have been treated in Afghanistan, his people suggested him to get his treatment in Italy. So, Mohammed Zahir Shah went to Italy for his treatment. At that time Mohammed Zahir Shah’s commander was Daud Khan. When Shah went to Italy, greed for power arises in the mind of his commander, and he couped over the position of Shah. About 54 years Afghans were under monarchy system of Shah’s family. 54 years is a long time, day by day people get awared about democracy and Afghans also wanted Democracy system in their country. They wanted to live their life according to their wills. Basically they wanted freedom. And the commader took advamtage of their thoughts. copyright @ Wikipedia When Shah went to Italy for his treatment. He couped over and declared himself the prime minister of Afghanistan. He promised to bring new constitution, and pronised to make Afghanistan a democratic country. Citizens also became happy and supported Daud khan as a prime minister. From 1973 to 1977, in these four years Daud was the prime minister and he did nothing for the country. In 1977 when people again started revolution against him to bring constitution, then he made fool of the citizes of Afghanistan in the name of constitution. The constition he made declared that there will be only one party, the same will fight election and the same will make government and Daud declared himself as the head of the party. When Daud brought his costitution then Afghans became angry and started protesting against him. In 1978, Afghans started protesting against Daud’s constitution and created a revolution, they name the revolution Soar revolution and Noor Mohammed Tariqui was leading that revolution. He was a young leader who wanted democracy in his country. Slowly slowly his revolution spread all over in Afghanistan and all the people started protesting against Daud Khan. And atlast, Daud Khan resigned from his position. After then, Afghan’s people declared Noor mohammed tariqui as their new leader and he became the president of Afghanistan in 1978. Noor Mohammed Tariqui had friendship with USSR (Union of soviet socialist republics). When he became the president, he came more nearer to USSR. USSR’s border was too closed and attached to Afghanistan. Now, USSR thought to enter their feet in Afghanistan to increase their power as the cold war was going on at that time with America. USSR suggested and gave idea to Noor Mohammed Tariqui to start modernization of Afghanistan, to open schools, collage, industries and mostly to take steps for the education of girls. Slowly, Afghanistan was also moving towards modernization, fashion also increases, girls and women could walk on the streat and go to school and collages. Everything was started turning to western culture, in the starting some people did not like that modernization as Afghanistan was a conservative country and so was the people and they started protesting against this modernization policy. People started protesting against Noor Mohammed Tariqui when he proposed an idea of giving lands to poor people who did not had piece of land, from the rich people. They thought, Noor Mohammed is overshadowing the actual imageof Afghanistan in the name of modernization. From then, people started protesting against Noor Mohammed Tariqui. Meanwhile at that time, war was going on between two countries. Like Afghanistan, Iran was also bending towards modernization and the conservative minded people were protesting there also. At the same time, America

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Why is it important to learn about the Indian culture?

How much do we know about our culture? How many of you have really tried to know about it? What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word Indian culture? Your thinking can be different. WATCH: ♥️MANIKE MAGE HITHE♥️¶ BGMI MONTAGE ¶ Born2Roast♥️ Many of our youngsters nowadays have no idea about our history, our culture. It’s not their fault, it’s all because of our education system. Nowadays kids are being taught about Mughal kings, foreign histories and foreign nationalism but not about our own history and culture. Children are the future of nation and its our duty to make them aware of the valour of kings and queens of our nation, our culture so that the glorious history of the Bharatvarsha can be in their hearts, and future generation’s heart forever and ever. In present days, everywhere school system is there, which was brought to India by Lord Thomas Babington Macauley in 1830’s but nowhere Gurukuls can be seen. In olden days, children were made warriors from their childhood. They were taught Artha‐shastra, Vedas, duties, disciplines of a pure life, etc. But nowadays, the people of our country are gradually moving towards western ways of style, whereas western people are adapting our culture as they find it more peaceful than other’s. It is peaceful indeed. There is no such problem in this universe whose solution is not given in our Vedas and Puranas. We have two most famous epics the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, but unfortunately many of us don’t know the teachings from them, we may know the story but not the teachings. Values has disappeared or let’s just say no one teaches us the values and our culture, our history to children. It is the first responsibility of Guardians and parents to give their children with the required knowledge about Vedas and our basic culture. If these things are endorsed from childhood, then they will get interest and upon becoming adult they will know very well about how to tackle with any of the situations of life. In Vedas there are all ways, all teachings, righteousness of life. If one follows all these, he/she will lead the life peacefully. But according to the present scenario, even 1% of adults, adolescents don’t know anything about these. We know about many great kings of India, like Chandragupta Maurya, Samundragupta Maurya,Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaja. But youngsters nowadays know nothing about them and about their valour and competence. One of the biggest reasons for this is due to ignorance of parents and the education system. From childhood they teach about the Mughal kings and only few Indian kings (who are famous), may be some places small references of great warriors and kings like Sambhaji Maharaj, Maharaja Ranjit Singh, etc. are given. They grew interest in what they see and what they are taught which affects them and the society in future, and if this continues, those days are not so far when there will be only unrighteousness in the land and no one will even get a spark of the difference between right and wrong.Don’t you people think its high time that changes should be brought to the society? We have to be modern but we should never ever forget our culture. Our culture has given a lot to the world. All of you may have heard about Aryabhata‐ one of the world’s greatest mathematician‐astronomer. The first Indian satellite was named after him. We can see many glorious temples in India (mostly in South India) which are from very ancient times, Madurai Temple, it’s a perfection in itself. Its full name is Arul Migu Meenakshi Sundareswarar twin Temple. It has many pillar halls and it dates back to very ancient time. In our historical period, we had many talented people, who were dedicated to protect and endorse their kingdom like Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaja, Sambhaji Maharaj, they died preserving our culture.India was the richest all over the world, with all types of attraction seeking, that’s why Mughal, Portugal’s arrived here.India has many other names; all the names have their own history. Bharatvarsha, Aryavarta, Jambuduipa and many more. In all the ages, India was glorious, but to keep our culture preserved, we have to influence our culture and make our children feel proud from their heart. It is necessary to teach them the importance of Yoga, Vedas, Mantras, and much more. We have many holy books among which the most influential one is Bhagavad‐Gita. During the time of British, many of our holy books which influenced our culture and many libraries were burnt because the British wanted us to lead our lives according to their ways, which is happening today.Even children are being misguided and it is the responsibility of the parents to teach them the truth of life. It’s high time that we should learn these things, endorse them and accept them from heart. It’s our duty to pass them from our generation to further generation, which many of the parents have failed today. We have to take the step to make our ancestors feel proud. Our ancestors had control over their mind, heart and many other things. Meditation, Yoga and disciplines were the key to succeed in life and for them, the true meaning of success was to make their lives useful. They had competence, powers and all kinds of knowledge. They not only lived for themselves, but also for the society. If they would have been selfish, then today our life may not have been possible. It’s our duty to think of the future and pass what we got from our ancestors to generations ahead of us. In short, its our duty to protect our dharma, and always keep the glorious history of Bharatvarsha in our hearts. We should influence others, respect their culture and everyone’s culture because no nation can be powerful if it forgets its culture, pride and heritage. “The long‐cherished cultural heritage of Bharat is just a consequence of the deep‐rooted

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Black holes and it’s formation.

How the black holes are formed? What is blackhole? A burning topic today many of us think that blackhole is a hole in the space, but it is not like that, it is actually a dead star, let’s dive into this topic to understand this more. There are about 2 trillion galaxy in our universe, the group of galaxies are called cluster and the group of clusters are called superclusters. Every galaxy has about 100 thousand million stars, then comes planetarium which is very far from the sun it is about 89 then comes constellation which the group of stars nearer as compared to planetarium, which is 27. We know that galaxies contains billions and trillions of stars, but how these stars are formed, well initially there are gases but due to gravitation they come together and forms an atmosphere of gases which is called Nebula, these gases are so hot that they catches fire and in next process nuclear reaction fusion occurs and nebula turns into a star, hence stars are formed, can you guess the nearest star from us? Yes, you are right it is sun and nearest star from sun is proxima centuari, so till now we have seen how stars are formed. Now since the stars are formed due to nuclear fusion of hydrogen to form helium, when the fuel ends, or the gases are in a verge to end that is when the gases are burnt 90% the star turns in to Red giant which is bigger than the star, now from here red giant has two options to end their life, one Indian scientist Chandra Shekhar proposed that when the red hot giant is less the 1.44 times the sun then it will turn in to the white dwarf star, and after that when all the fuel ends it becomes black star with no color, but when the red giant is bigger than the Chandra shekhar limit it turns in to innovative star, which explodes and after the explosion four stars can be formed. Neutron, pulsar , quasar and  black hole. Now let’s understand how neutron is formed?, if the star remains big enough after explosion then neutron star is formed which rotates very slowly, since it is big in size. If the star after explosion becomes very small then pulsar is formed and further if it is again more smaller than pulsar quasar is formed both pulsar and quasar rotates with very high speed since they are smaller in size. And the next condition which is blackhole which is very very small after the explosion and it rotates very very fast and it starts to shrink and since the stars was initially in plasma state it shrinks so that its density becomes very very high and its mass also increases so much that if we can compare one spoon of mass of something on blackhole it will be equal to 10 elephants on the earth, hence we can compare that how dense is black hole and how heavy it is, it is so dense that even light is not able to pass from it, it absorbs the light in it, now we should think is it dangerous, yes it is if any astronomer will dive in blackhole it will stretch him like rubber, any thing which comes in to its way it destroyes it, if in case our earth comes in the way of blackhole it will tear it and pass hence the volcanoes will come out and everything will be destroyed, what if two black hole will collide? Well they both will explode. Some more facts about the Blackhole. Black holes are freezing cold from inside, but incredibly hot from outside, the internal temperature of a black hole with the mass of our sun is around one‐millionth of degree above absolute zero. Density of a black hole is about two quadrillion grams per cubic cm. A regular black hole that is one with three times the sun’s mass with have an event horizon radius of about 9km, means it has very huge density what is inside the black hole? A Host Padi Boyd while they may seem like a hole in sky because they don’t produce light, a black hole is not empty, it’s actually a lot of matter inside condensed into a single point . This point is known as singularity.ity. Can black hole die? Black holes are region of space‐times where gravity rules: the gravitational pull of black hole is so strong that nothing even light can escape , but after long time it is believed that even the black hole will die. Over a century ago Albert Einstein predicted about the black holes, after which Stanford university astrophysicist Dan wilkins noticed about the black holes. So this was how black hole forms and some facts about it. Thanks For Reading View services

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You higher grasp what happenend in March, 2020. whether or not you’re observance this currently or so much within the future, that date can forever stay in people’s minds as once the century’s 1st pandemic emerged. it’ll not be forgotten however the time of social distancing and self isolation began. it’ll ne’er ever be forgotten by the individuals once they get sick or their family get sick.. additionally, though, for the immeasurable individuals worldwide operating within the aviation business, March 2020 can mark the date once they lost their jobs, once their company started turning south. Covid has affected the aviation business over the others. As it’s a greenhorn virus, in these period, once there’s no immunity or vaccines, the sole thanks to stop or slow its unfold is thru physically analytic individuals that is completely opposite to the definition of aviation and work of aviation. That meant that one in every of the primary measures governments enforced to slow the unfold was to ban travel. once the virus 1st emerged, its transmission primary occurred in China, with solely isolated cases elsewhere from people who had traveled from the epicentre. For this, the sole resolution was to limit travellers from china. variety of nations, notably together with the U.S.A., barred foreigners United Nations agency had recently been in China for coming into their borders and, in response to the sharp decline in demand, several airlines stopped running flights to china. The monetary implications of this were restricted as few foreign airlines area unit considerably exposed to China‐partly thanks to the strength of the Chinese airlines that most of them area unit government owned . after all nearly Asian airlines like bucket along, China Pacific, and ANA would struggle, however the imprisonment of China was a lot of or less a weatherable hit. then again the virus spread: 1st to Asian nation, thus airlines off flights to Asian nation, then to Persia, thus airlines off flights to Persia , then to Italy, thus airlines off flights to Italy, then again it seeped through Italy porous borders to require hold of the entirely of Europe. That was the instant once , to airlines, things become severe. Europe is home to, by revenue, 3 of the world’s six largest airlines‐ the Lufthansa cluster, Air France/KLM and IAG. to possess a Virus devastating their home range was associate unreasonable situation‐nobody desires to visit the middle of an outbreak. But soon, the unreasonable state of affairs became worse. On Wed March eleventh, televisions switched on tothe America president sitting behind his table within the Oval Office. A speech during this setting is reserved for under the foremost solemn occasions. The President ordered out some steps in his administration’s response to the virus, the foremost gorgeous of that being a whole ban on all foreign travellers from Europe. That was new. Europe and therefore the U.S.A. area unit 2 of the foremost culturally and economically joined regions within the world and ne’er before would anyone even imagine something even getting ready to a whole travel ban between the 2. The quantity of people this could impact was astronomical. The Atlantic is that the bussiest for long length flights. over one,700 aircrafts per day cross the Atlantic‐many of these huge widebody aircraft jets. These area unit several flights of every airlines which supplies profit associated to imagine that the conventional era can come back to an finish terribly simply was out of the question and on the far side the imagination. Now, Delta, American, and united can be a part of with europians. All six of the world’s largest airlines, by revenue, went into crisis mode. on the far side simply the transatlantic flying, intra‐Europe and U.S.A. domestic traffic figures born off a geological formation. in concert example, United Airlines, the fourth largest airline within the World, issued a announcement saying a hour reduction in their flight capability in Gregorian calendar month, 2020. Even having such an enormous speed breaker for airlines, they thought a median load‐factor – of 20‐30%. Since then, they’ve cut flights even additional.  Most each airline in Europe started experiencing net‐negative bookings. meaning airlines were a lot of busy in refunding rather than bookings, they two‐faced less bookings and a lot of refundings. Some airlines, together with Qantas, Virgin Australia, West Jet, and a lot of determined to cancel about their domestic flights. different airlines, together with ton, capital of Belgium Airlines, and Austrian Airlines determined to merely utterly close many weeks or months. they might fly no flights in the least. Before this crisis, 9/11 was the rationale of forceful come by aviation industries. Since civil aviation began, traffic numbers simply grew and grew and grew till suddenly, on a sunny September morning, that each one stopped. it absolutely was a terrible amount amd airlines became bankrupt, however we all know each unhealthy comes with its resolution thus each airline created out of this. but every week once Coronavirus became an outbreak, though, one factor became profusely clear to airlines‐Coronavirus, to them, financially, was worse than 9/11. This was the foremost serve drop‐off in traveler demand within the history of aviation. Airlines aren’t any strangers to doing things that lose cash. there’s maybe no trade out there that therefore robustly embraces the concept of a loss‐leader than aviation. Airlines can attend nice lengths to retain loyalty‐both of individual travellers and of their company contracts. for instance, airlines will and sometimes do keep routes flying within the depths of winter, once traffic is that the lowest, so as to faithfully gift themselves because the go‐to airline for his or her customers. If, say, there’s a US‐based company with vital amounts of trip metropolis, they’re solely planning to started a company contract with AN airline that may fly their staff there year‐around. Therefore, yank Airlines, for instance, may fly there for twelve months a year although solely eight of these flip a profit. That’s as a result of, with the loss of company


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Remember the last time when you had a good laugh. What was the reason behind? It is often said that we use fewer facial muscles to smile than to frown. So, the question is‐ ‘why overwork those muscles to create more stress’. Do you know the benefits of laughter? Many scientific studies have shown the benefits of laughter and hence the field of medicine had also recognized it as the best form of therapy and it’s true. So…This article tells you about a smile or laughter that benefits us. The sight of someone laughing or the sound of laughter is contagious‐ as soon as we come across any of them, we start making an exact copy of it. It would not be wrong to say that humor is even far more infectious than any air‐borne disease with the power of a virus that conveys a slew of benefits for the mind and body. When we share laughter, it ties people together and gives more happiness and intimacy. In addition to that, it activates several healthy physical benefits in your body and is strong medicine for your mind as well. Laughter activates the several regions of your brain: motor cortex which controls the muscles, the limbic system responsible for modulating positive emotions and the frontal lobe responsible for making you understand the context, all these together helps the brain coordinate its activity and improves your mood. Laughter and humor boost your energy, strengthens your immune system, reduces pain, and keeps us safe from the damage that the stress brings. And you know its best part is it is fun, free of cost and quite easy to use. LAUGHTER AND HEALTH Let’s see how a good laugh, or humor at its best, can benefit us: Relaxes the whole body When you laugh, the intake of oxygen‐rich air increases which in turn stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles, and increases the endorphins (a chemical that the human body needs for an overall sense of well‐being) released by the brain. So, it not only relieves physical tension from the body but also lightens your mood. Boosts the immune system Negative thoughts change into chemical reactions which affects your body, resulting in production of stress and decrease in immune cells. It releases neuropeptides which help in reducing the stress and increases infection fighting antibodies, increasing your body’s ability to fight disease. Prevents heart disease Laughter is helpful in increasing blood flow throughout the body, allowing your heart, lungs and muscles to function properly and efficiently, it inhibits the growth of plaque in the arteries. Thus, protecting us against a heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases. Helps you to live long According to a study conducted in Norway, it was found that people with a strong sense of humor outlived those who don’t laughed as much. The difference was easily noticeable in the cancer patients. Reduces weigh Overweight can make you feel miserable but if you want to lose your extra calories, laughing for 10 to 15 minutes a day can burn approximately 40 calories because it applies force onto the muscles which helps in burning calories. A new research published in the International Journal of Obesity has discovered that laughter really is the best medicine for weight problem. Relieve pain According to the research presented at the European Pain Federation Congress (EFIC) held in Florence, Italy‐Laughter may not be the best but it can ease the chronic pain by causing the body to produce its natural painkiller. Lightens anger Nothing works faster than a shared laugh in case of conflicts and tensions. It heals resentments, hurtful sentiments, disagreements, etc. and helps us come closer. Improves your mood It releases happy hormones like dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin. A combination of yoga and voluntary laughter has cured depression and anxiety as laughterreduces the stress by reducing the stress hormones called cortisol, initiates positive feelings, energy and makes you feel good. Makes you look younger Laughter increases the blood flow to your cheeks which brings glow on the face making you look younger. LAUGHTER STRENGTHENS THE RELATIONSHIP When we were born the only way through which you communicated was a smile or laughter. So, it is God‐gifted, we must not forget it from our grown‐up existence. Imagine, if just hearing a person laugh can put you in good mood, then what impact it will have on you if you do it on a daily basis. Laughing, guffawing and giggling together brings happiness. And this happiness remains with you even after the laughter subsides. Laughter has a crucial role to play in our relationship whether it is your initial attraction or long‐term commitment. Humor is also one of the qualities that people look for in their life partner, adding a little humor to your relationship will help it to succeed and survive. It attracts another person, adds joy and vitality to our memories, making them much dearer than ever before. Of course, love can keep us together, but it is shared laughter which makes our relationships joyful and everlasting. “If Love is the treasure, laughter is the key.” HOW TO BRING LAUGHTER TO YOUR LIFE? You have become too busy in your lives today that you have forgotten to laugh. You are taking yourselves too seriously, so first of all stop being too much serious, add fun to your life. And it can be done by reminding ourselves that our life is just a dot on the canvas of time. Could that dot be so important as to block a natural action of a smile or laughter? We can learn from children as they don’t take things too much seriously, laugh at ordinary things making the atmosphere positive. When they face any difficulty and don’t know how to solve it, they transform it into a game and then they imagine things which helps them in finding the solution. Laughing frequently supports you emotionally as well as physically, so is the best way to overcome any problem. Also, humor is



Taliban fighters take control of the Afghan presidential palace in Kabul after president Ashraf Ghani fled the country. (© AP Photo) A burning news in today’s media you definitely have heard in that Taliban has taken over Afghanistan, which leads to the diaspora of people. A havoc condition is seen in the country after the insurgent took over. Why are people so much feared and why they are ready to give their life in order to leave their own country. So let’s understand first  Who are the Taliban? Taliban refers to itself as the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan, is a Deobandi islamist movement and military organization, The idea of Taliban came in 1994 and largely consisted of students from the pashtun areas of eastern and southern Afghanistan, they were taught in traditional Islamic schools, form 1996 to 2001 , the Taliban held over three quarters of Afghanistan, during their rules the Taliban and allies committed massacres against Afghan civilians, they banned activities and media including paintings, they banned girl child from education, stopped women from doing jobs, male doctors were restricted from treating a women, if women broke certain rule they were publicly whipped or executed, religious and ethnic minorities were heavily discriminated against during their rule, according to united nation the Taliban and their allies were responsible for 76% of Afghan civilian casualties in 2010 and 80 % in 2012, they were also involved in cultural genocide destroying numerous monuments including the famous 1500 years old BUDDHA BAMIYAN. The Taliban’s ideology has been described as combining an “innovative” form of sharia Islamic law based on Deobandi fundamentalism and militant Islamic combined. From left: Mawlawi Hibatullah Akhundzada, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar and Sirajuddin Haqqani © AP; AFP; Getty Images; Reuters And now as the American soldiers left the Afghanistan the insurgents taken over the country despite they were only 70,000 in numbers and afghan soldiers were 3 lakhs in number with advanced weapon still they left the war and as the americi soldiers left the country they surrendered and in many provinces they given the control without any bullet and as the president left the country they taken over the Kabul and now they are going to be the government. The Afghans were safely taken to Qatar from Kabul on Sunday. (© Defense One Photo) Due to their past history people are worried and who might have spoken before against them they are more worried because they somehow know that they are going to treated very badly as the Taliban has taken over the government and there is no army or any soldiers left to protect them hence they are trying to leave the country, this has created a hearth wrenching situation in Afghanistan Kabul, but Taliban leaders are saying that there will be no such behavior and all the women and minorities will be given their rights and they are looking very calm as there is no any news of civilians killed as of now, but still no one knows what will happen and people are very much frightened. They are saying they will sustain the law and order. Now we should know what will be the impact of this government change in India? As afghani government and many officials have confirmed that Pakistan has backed Taliban many times and supported them so from Indian point of view it will be perilous because it may increase the terrorism in Kashmir area but they are saying that they will not do such things, but India should be at alert and watch the situations carefully, also India’s so many projects are running in Afghanistan so if they don’t cooperate with us it will be a big loss for India. But till now nothing can be said before their government declaration and Indian officials would be already thinking about the condition. Thanks For Reading View service


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How to manage your stress?| Stress Management.

What is Stress and Stressor? What are the ways to handle this? STRESS is the act done by your body and mind to encounter or to face some challenges or demands. And STRESSOR is a factor which gives you Stress. STRESS IS OF TWO TYPES. 1. Positive stress: Positive stress is also known as Eustress Which is good for us. This type of stress occurs when you are in a unique and challenging situation and whose result can be positive… for example: Trying a new hobby/activity, when you join a new job, profile of new job…etc. 2. Negative stress: It is also known as distress. This can alter or disturb your health…. for example: Job loss, financial problem, relationship problem, losing any close people..etc. In this you feel tired, headache, not being happy with anything and not focusing on work. Now the topic is how to relieve and prevent stress? HOW TO RELIEVE AND PREVENT STRESS? You can manage your Stress in two ways: 1. Fight response: By fighting with the situation 2. Flight response: by going away from the situation Its very important to prevent and control stress with good actions and at a good time. You can manage your Stress using 4A rule which is given below: Avoid: Avoid those things who give you Stress and when needed learn to say NO. Alter: Try to find an alternative to that problem which is giving you Stress. Adapt: Learn to adapt yourself according to the situation. Accept: Try to accept the situation when it is not in your favour and keep on learning new things. HERE ARE 3 APPROACHES FROM WHICH YOU CAN MANAGE YOUR STRESS: 1. ACTION-ORIENTATION APPROACH: If you are in a stressful condition, you can control, prevent with your good actions and at a good time very easily with a suitable action. This is called Action oriented approach. For example: If you have to reach your office at 10 AM and if you are stuck in traffic then either you change your way or you leave your home 10-15 minutes earlier so that you can reach your office on time. This step is called an Action oriented step. IN ACTION ORIENTED APPROACH THERE ARE SOME THINGS YOU SHOULD KEEP IN MIND… a) Planning and delegation To fight with daily life stress planning is required. For example: If u don’t have planning according to your work and you have to complete your work in a day then you will miss your deadline of work completion and due to which you will become stressed. Planning helps in scheduling and prioritizing your tasks. It is possible that you may fail in doing your every work and getting success in it if you do your tasks by yours own and you might not get the outcome according to your expectation because you are not giving 100% to your every work. So you should divide your work to your co-workers who can do the work without your help. b) Managing time You can manage time by: Creating a to-do list Understanding the difference between important and urgent work Avoiding too much multitasking if you want to avoid stress then switch off your mind before going to bed. c) Managing people People can give you lots of stress. Due to some people you can face some conflict situations. So in front of those people you have to be confident which basically means: To present your personal feelings, opinions and beliefs in a positive way in front of everyone. Manage your boundaries. Learn to neglect unreasonable requests. d) Changing habits You have to observe and identify your habits which give you stress. For example: you are stressed because you are not reaching your office on time because you wake up very late….so to avoid this stress you have to avoid or change your habit of waking up late. e) Keeping a stress diary This will help you in understanding the reasons and your reactions of your stress. If you daily maintain this diary then you can easily identify the stressor and can manage your stress. 2. EMOTIONAL ORIENTATION APPROACH. You can avoid your stress by responding instead of reacting to it. In this approach you don’t need to change the situation instead you have to change your reaction as per situation, you can do this as: a) Reframing situation Rather than getting stressed about an unfavourable situation, you can reframe the situation or change the perspective towards it to feel less stressed. b) Positive affirmations From morning to evening you encounter lots of negative thoughts, you have to listen to lots of negative thoughts therefore to encourage yourself it is very important that you always think positive and talk positive. If you think positive and talk positive and feel positive then you will be free from stress. c) Looking at a big picture Most of the time you become stressed thinking about the short term. So you should try to look at the bigger picture and look for more opportunities. 3. ACCEPTANCE APPROACH There are some things which happen in everyone’s life which you can’t change, then just accept them. For example:  we can’t do anything about covid situation, we can only accept it. Similarly you should manage stress. Acceptance approach should be an attitude instead of an emotional one so that you can’t get rid of stress in every situation. There are many ways to practice this approach including: Mindful meditation Physical exercise Diet Taking social support Seek professional help CAUSES OF STRESS 1. LARGER THAN LIFE EXPECTATION Expectations are the main reason for heartache. The less you expect , the easier your life will be. THIS EXPECTATION IS DIVIDED INTO 3 TYPES: a) Situational expectation: In this you always expect a positive outcome, but sometimes results dont come according to your efforts. For example: in some examinations results do not come according to the expectations..and due to this you come in stress…or….if u have business and you expect a huge amount

How to manage your stress?| Stress Management. Read More »

How to improve your public speaking skills?

Public speech is the act of performing the speaking to the live audience. This kind of language is intentionally structured with three broad intentions: To communicate, to persuade and to hold. Public speech will be regulated by various rules and structures. For instance, lectures about conceptions do not necessarily have to be structured in any particular manner. Nevertheless, there is a method behind making it effective. For this kind of language, it would be better to distinguish the idea with lessons that may relate to the audience’s experience There are different types of public speaking. Speaking to inform Speaking to act, arguments, motivate Speaking to entertain. What are the problems faced by speakers? Even though many do give speeches or presentations for school or work, they may still face problems to stand in front of others and talk. Some speakers may become so full of thoughts that they might not know where to stop or what to say, they don’t know how to keep the audience interest and how to calm themself. Many of the anxiety related problems can be solved if you focus on overcoming the problems rather than focusing on the problem. Here are some of the common problems faced by the speakers. 1) Lack of Confidence The most important thing in public speaking is confidence. If you aren’t confident, you will estrange the audience. Being nervous is problematic because when we become nervous we sound negative and slow, and the listeners will be more focused on the negative vocals. 2) Lack of Attention Your presentation will be unsuccessful if you do not know your audience. Knowing your audience is pretty much also important to make your public speaking a successful one. Researching their ages, values, culture is important in shaping your speech’s tone and content. Failing to relate the material to the audience and to read their expression can affect you negatively, interrupting your speech and your morale will be down. 3) Lack of Preparedness One of the most important things in public speaking is to practice before speaking. Most speakers fail because they don’t practice their speech properly before delivering them. The listeners may feel your lack of confidence in your speech when you are not confident enough thus inviting a disaster. 4) Panic Attacks This is believed worse than anxiety. Studies have found out that 15‐35% of people face panic attacks before the speech. This may lead to shortness of breath, nausea, and vomiting. This may also tear down your confidence. This is very common in public speakers and makes the speaker look as if he is under great stress. 5) Post Traumatic Stress This problem happens when you have an experience in public speaking when it went terrible for some small reasons. So, whenever you think of public speaking or currently doing it. Those experiences may haunt you, you will keep going back to that moment where it was traumatic for you. Later on, this will create stress on your brain distracting you from your speech and you will end up messing everything. 6) Using too many filler words It is very much common that most people use filler phrases such as “like”, “you know”, “so that” both on and off the stage. It’s fine until it becomes a problem when the start getting noticeably overused. They can make you come across as less intelligent or less experienced. 7) Speaking too fast or slow Many times we do get nervous and try to cover up a large thing in a short period. To do so we start speeding through our speech, racing through to complete our speech. The speedy racers confuse and exhaust the audience limiting the amount of information absorbed by the audience. At the same time speaking too slow or at monotonous speed can bore the audience making them lose interest in your speech. How to Prevail over the fear of Public Speaking? To become good in public speaking the most important thing is to practice. The more you practice the better you become. Here are some of the steps that may help you to get better at public speaking Get organized – The more you are organized the less you be in complications. The less you be in complications little you will be nervous. Carefully plan out the information before the speech. If possible visit the place of speech before and review the equipment before your presentation. Practice, and then practice more – Practice your presentations many times. Do it in front of your friends or in front of anyone with whom you are comfortable with and ask for their reviews. Make a video of your presentation so that you can watch the video to correct yourself. Know your topic – You become more confident when you know about your topic. The more you care about the topic lesser you will make mistakes or get off track. And if you do get lost you will recover quickly. Maintain an even speed – Don’t rush while giving a speech to cover more information or don’t go too slow just to cover up the time limit. You may change your expressions or tone but don’t change your speed. Be calm – Being calm before your presentation is also very important. Don’t get over‐excited because you have prepared well or don’t get low thinking about the negative part. Always be positive. Thanks for Reading ZEESHAN ALI BLOGGER View service

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internet impact on life

Why do so many people hate their job?

In today’s world about 65% of people are doing job for their livelihood, and they are feeding their family, and people spend their 15‐20 years of life in study to get a job, then the question is why so many people hate their job ? By a survey it was found that around only 20% people are passionate about their work or love them and about 30% people believes that they have just reached the job where they wanted and they somehow doing good, but rest people are willing to switch their job or do not love their work in which they are involved. So let us find why people hate their job or want to switch their job? Some of the main reasons for not loving their jobs are:‐ 1. students are forced from childhood. Basically in India almost more than 60% of population belongs form middle family, in which many parents force their children form a very young age to do a particular course which leads them to land in an unliked job or they do not get the opportunity what they actually wanted to be, sometimes parents force their children to become a doctor or an engineer just because they had a dream to become that particular thing but they were not able to become due to lack of opportunity, hence they want to give every possible thing to do that course or to do that particular job, this leads very stressful life of their children, they are left with no option instead to agreeing to their parents, and also in India it is like a rule for 80% of middle family that if they have a boy he will become engineer and girl will follow to become a doctor, so if the boy or girl wants to pursue any other career say singer or cricketer he is given very less chance and force to do the particular thing suggested by their family which is the main cause for a huge number of people in don’t love their job. This happens mostly in India and it’s one of the major factor. 2. Type of work/Unemployment Many people study very hard and regularly to get a job, but due to some reason if they didn’t get that job and finds a lower or another job which leads them to hate their job, also unemployment is another big factor which plays crucial role in this topic, mostly in India which is the second most populous country, unemployment rate is about 5% where people merely finds a job . Which leads them to do any job for their livelihood many time very much skilled and educated people are seen to working in very lower post, hence it is obvious that he will not like his job or he will like to switch his job, hence type of work and unemployment is the another big factor that leads people to hate their job. 3. Boss/Colleagues Yes, you heard right in company good relationship between boss and employee plays a major role in development of company but sometimes bosses are not so good or they are rude or they are not able to make a good relationship with their employees which leads to feel people unwell during their work time and they starts to hate their job and sometimes they switch their job, also their teammates and colleagues are very important because they spends much more time together so a good relationship between them helps in enjoying the job, but sometimes it lacks and people finds no interest in their job, and starts to find another job. 4. Growth/salary Growth is very important in everybody’s life especially when you are working very hard, but you are got getting any good results and your growth is almost stagnant then it’s very depressing, also salary is the big factor sometimes we are not satisfied with our salary but we do our job just to pay our bills or we are not able to find any good job, salary is always the biggest factor, many people love high salary whatever the work they are willing to do it happily, so low salary and stagnant growth is one of the major factor in hating job or switching job. 5. Depression/Family problem Since every day is not same for everybody it is obvious that people will face problem in their life sometimes they are depressed or they have family problems or many types or other problems leads to hate the job they are doing and wants to quit their job, so depression and family problem is also one of the biggest factor. Now we have seen what are the major factors that leads people to hate their job? Now let’s talk about how to deal with it.. If you are one of them who don’t like their job you should do these things, first find the reason why you don’t love your job, if these are due to past action try to cope with it and always do things with joy, if there is boss or colleagues problem try to be nice to them and give them respect still if it is not working find a now company and enjoy your work because happiness is the main priority of a person if you are happy you will be satisfied and you will enjoy your life with the fullest, if we are not enjoying our life what is the meaning of working hard daily. If the problem is growth or salary maybe you are not working hard or you are not up to the mark of expectations that is needed or you might be lacking in skills so work hard and hard instead of hating your job and focus on your skills and get some new skills that will surely give you more salary and your growth will also increase. If you are facing any family problem or depression don’t take stress or take leave from work

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