crew member

People died in space, disasters of space.

Space, it is a topic that huge number of people find it interesting and wants to explore it, but have you ever wondered how many people have died in space or during space program? Space is a no doubt very interesting and nowadays we are talking about the space tourism space-x is all set to send four passenger to space this week, from the kennedy space center in florida , a space-x crew dragon mounted on a falcon 9 rocket . It will be the first mission which will take non professionals to space. While there is no surety that they will complete their mission or not still millions of applications were applied for this program. So now coming to our topic as of 2020 there are 15 astronaut and 4 cosmonaut have been died in space, during space flight. Astronaut have also died while training for space missions such as apollo 1 launch pad fire killed an entire crew of three. Now let us see how people die in space? Though it is very frightening, 10 second of exposure to the vacuum of space would force the water in their skin and blood to vaporise, while their body expanded outward like a balloon being filled with air. Their lungs would collapse and after 30 seconds they would be paralysed- if they weren’t already dead at this point. dead at this point. Now I am taking your attention to the first death in space. So he was a Russian cosmonaut Vladimir Mikhaylovich Komarov, he was the first man died in space. Is it painful to die in space? yes, it is painful suffocation leads to death. The human body has about 15 seconds of usable oxygen in the blood. Once you run through that oxygen, you will take a quick space nap and then die a few minutes later , if someone bleed in space blood can splatter even more than that of earth unconstrained by gravity, or it can pool into a kind of dome around wound or incision , making it hard to see the actual trauma. (doomed : if you are bleeding more than 100 mm per second ), it’s really look frightening to bleed in space. Now let’s take our discussion to has anybody floated in space? Yes, in February 7, 1984 Bruce McCandless become the first human to float free from any earthly anchor when he stepped out of the space shuttle challenger and flew away from the ship. But he didn’t die because all safety measures were taken also Nasa has assured that no body will float in space so no anyone till now has died due to floating away from the space shuttle, but the astronauts are really very very brave as all know they are highly educated as well but hats off to their dedication who explores amazing things out of the planet, you would have probably seen many movies in which persons are floating in space in real also astronauts sometimes floats in the space out of their space shuttle for exploration. The Soyuz 11 disaster USSR’s Salyut 1 which launched (unmanned) on 19th April was the first space station to park itself above Earth’s, and just after three days later a crew of three Soviets blasted off abroad Soyuz 10 crew docked safely with the Salyut 1, issues with the entry hatch prevented them from entering the space station. During their premature return trip back to earth , toxic chemicals leaked into the air supply of Soyuz 10, causing one cosmonaut to pass away, however all other crew members made it safely to enter home with no long lasting effects The fatal frontier Early in the space race Nasa and USSR experienced a surge in deadly jet crashes that killed a number pilots testing advanced rocket propelled planes. Then there was APOLLO 1 fire in January 1967 which killed astronauts Gus Grissom, Ed White and Roger Chaffe in a horrific manner, during a launch simulation. Also Kalpana Chawla from India died with her seven crew members in space shuttle Columbia disaster. These death are dangerous but also they are awarded for their contribution and they make a history as every one have to die one day, but die with honour is something only few person receive it, hat’s of to their dedication. But these are very less so no worry because technology is evolving day by day and every safety measures are taken so I if you are also one of the people who are planning to visit space you can go for it as now space tourism is developing all you need is to pay to the company a huge amount and enjoy your tour to the space. THANKS FOR READING our service

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All about flight crew in india.

FLIGHT CREW FLIGHT AND DUTY TIME LIMITATIONS AND REST REQUIREMENTS IMPORTANT DEFINITIONS Augmented Flight Crew : A flight crew that contains over the minimum variety required to work the heavier-than-air craft and during which every flight crewman will leave his or her assigned  post and get replaced by another flight crewman, UN agency shall hold qualifications which area unit adequate or superior to those command by the crewman UN agency is to get replaced for the purpose of in-flight rest. Duty : Any task that flight crew members area unit needed by the operator to perform, including, for example, flight duty, body work, training, positioning and standby once it’s possible to introduce fatigue. Duty Period : A amount that starts once a flight crewman is needed by associate operator to report for or start a requirement and ends once that person is free from all duties. Fatigue : A state of reduced mental or physical capableness resulting from sleeping loss or extended wakefulness , unit of time part, or work (mental and/or physical activity) that may impair a crew member’s alertness and skill to safety operate associate craft or perform safety connected duties. Flight Duty Period : A amount that commences once a flight crewman is needed to report for duty that has a flight or a series of flights and that finishes once the aeroplane finally involves rest and therefore the engines area unit pack up at the top of the last flight on which he/she may be a crewman. Flight Time : The entire time from the instant associate heavier-than-air craft initial moves for the aim of taking off till the instant it finally involves rest at the top of the flight. Note:- “Flight time” as here outlined is similar with the term “block to block” time or “chock to chock” time normally usage that is measured from the time associate heavier-than-air craft initial moves for the aim of coming out till it finally stops at the top of the flight. Home Base : The situation appointed  by the operator to the crewman from wherever the crew member usually starts and ends a requirement amount or a series of duty periods. Local Night :  A amount of eight hours falling between twenty two.00 and 08.00 time.Neighbouring Countries. Countries whose common place times falls at intervals of a  band of three hours (1:30 hours on either aspect of India) i.e. countries lined within the civil time zone band of UTC+4 to UTC+7. Positioning : The transferring of a non-operating crewman from place to put as apassenger at the command of the operator. Note:- “Positing” as here outlined is similar with the term ”Deadheading”. Reporting Time : The time at that flight crew members area unit needed by associate operator to report for duty. Rest Period :  associate uninterrupted and outlined amount of your time throughout that a crewman is free from all duties and flying field standby. Split Duty (Break) means that a amount freed from all duties, which counts as duty, being less than a rest period Standby : it’s an outlined amount of your time throughout that a flight crewman is needed by the operator to be accessible to receive associate assignment for a particular duty while not associate intervening rest period. but it shall not embody associatey time throughout that an operator needs a crew member to be contactable for the aim of giving notification of a requirement that is because of begin 10 hours or additional ahead. Ultra Long vary (ULR) Operations : Continuous non-stop flights between the particular town pairs having a flight time of over sixteen hours and duty periods between eighteen and twenty two hours. Unforeseen Operational Circumstance :  hit and miss event, like uniforecast weather, equipment malfunction, or air delay that’s on the far side the management of the operator. Window of unit of time Low (WOCL) is best calculable by the hours between 0200 and 0600 for individuals custom-made to a usual day-wake/night sleep schedule. This estimate of the window is calculated from scientific information on the unit of time low of performance, alertness, subject report (i.e. , peak fatigue), and Body Temperature :  For flight duty periods that cross three or fewer time zones, the window of circadian law is calculable to be 0200 to 0600 for individual home-base/domicile time for the first forty eight hours solely. when a crewman remains over forty eight hours faraway from home-base/ domicile time, the window of unit of time law is calculable to be 0200 to 0600 brought up native time at the purpose of departure. OPERATOR’S RESPONSIBILITY Every operator shall establish a theme for obliging with the restrictions for flight time, flight duty periods, duty periods and rest periods laid out in this automotive in respect of flight crew members. FLIGHT CREW MEMBER’S RESPONSIBILITY A flight crewman shall not operate associate heavier-than-air craft once he or she is aware of that he or she is dog-tired or feels unfit to the extent that the protection of flight is also adversely affected. Flight crew members shall build best use of facilities and opportunities that area unit provided for rest and for the consumption for meals, and shall arrange and use rest periods to confirm that they’re totally rested . Thanks For Reading View Our Services

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