
How to be a blogger| Everything about blogging.

What is blog writing or blogging? If you are an expert in any field and you have good knowledge regarding that particular field then you can share your knowledge about that particular field through your writings. This is called blog writing or blogging. For example, if you are an expert in digital marketing then you can share your knowledge about digital marketing through your writings. If you have knowledge in any field like food, tourism, marketing etc. Then you can provide the information to the people through your written posts. To write a Blog you should have knowledge in any field. If you want to help people through your knowledge then you can write and share it on online platforms. This is called blogging or blog writing. While writing blogs you should know that you have to choose a certain topic and you have to share your knowledge on that particular topic only. Hire Writer Types of blogging? Before starting blogging you should know what are the types of blogging. There are seven types of blog writing: PERSONAL BLOGGING In personal blogging, you can share information about yourself, you can share information about your lifestyle, routine, profession etc. BUSINESS BLOGGING If you have any business, if you want to share information about your business or business related things then you can share your information and knowledge in business blogging. NICHE BLOGGING In niche blog writing you can share your knowledge related to food, lifestyle and travel. You can choose any category in this and write blogs on it. REVERSE BLOGGING In this category you can write blogs where guests can post or if you have a team of experts then you can let your team post daily. Basically in reverse blogging there are many people and all of them works on a single blog writing. AFFILIATE BLOGGING In affiliate blog writing you can share your reviews on affiliate marketing products. You can share reviews on Amazon products or you can share affiliate products links in these types of blogs. MEDIA BOGGING In media blogging you can post video blogs, Instagram blogs, images blogs and you can do media blog writing or blogging on these criterias. PROFESSIONAL BLOGGING In personal blog writing, you can share information about your profession, ideas how to choose your profession etc. Hire Writer How to start blogging? If you have selected the category in which you will write your blogs then you can start your blog writing. To start blogs you have to follow some steps as written below: SELECT DOMAIN NAME First of all you have to select a domain name. You should consider the category in which you are writing your blogs while selecting a domain name. While selecting domain name you should always take care that it should be a good name, it should have a meaning etc. BUY HOSTING You have to select the hosting platform where you can host your domain name. For hosting you can use siteground or bluehost. In hosting you can take the basic plan in which you have to pay 2$ to 3$ monthly. You can take these basic plan to host your domain name. SELECT BLOG DESIGNING  While designing your blog you have to consider the category of your blog writing like if you are writing an educational type of blog then you should design like an educational blog, if you are writing technical blogs then you have to design accordingly and same goes with other categories. WRITE BLOG If you have completed the previous three steps then you can start writing your blogs. You can save your blog in word and in the blog desk. PROMOTE BLOG When you have started writing and posting your blogs and publishing your blogs then you should promote your Blog using social media, or you can make links to your blog, you can also post as a guest and post links of your blogs. By this you can get rankings and you can generate traffic. Hire Writer Select blogging platform If you have selected the type of your blog, domain name, Then you have to select your blogging platform. You have to select the platform in which you want to post your blog. In this you have two options: first is you can use free platforms like,,, second is you can post your blogs on their paid platforms also. If you want to post blogs like professionals you should have your domain name, own server , own server, own templates then you can use their paid version platforms. If you want a good platform for your blogs then you can use wordpress. You can download WordPress and post your templates , you can costomise accordingly and you can start blogging. WordPress isa platform which is SEO friendly and for beginners it is a good platform where you can start blogging and you can generate a good traffic. In this there are many plaggings which helps you to start your blog writing, helps you in blog post rankings. Why should start blogging If you want to start blog writing then you should know why you want to start blogging and what is the reason behind this. There are some reason to start blog writing. There are lots of benefits of blog writing you can earn money while working from your home. Initially if you work hard then you can earn a good amount of money by blog writing. You get more experience in that particular field on which you are writing your blogs. You can get more knowledge in that particular field in which you are writing your blogs. By sharing your knowledge to others through your blogs you also gain your experience. If you are blogging then you are helping many people, you are giving knowledge to many people through your blog writings. So If you want to help people, share your knowledge then you can start blog writing. If you are writing a personal

How to be a blogger| Everything about blogging. Read More »

What is the correct way to write a blog?

How to write a blog? or what is the correct way to write a blog? How to write an SEO‐friendly blog? If you all are finding the answer to all these questions then you are at the correct place! So, with this blog, I will tell you all the precautions to be taken and the points required to write a blog. Everyone wants to earn money by blogging. Some people write very good blogs but have no idea whether their blog is SEO friendly or not. If you want to rank your blogs then you have to follow some very important steps. If you are writing your blog in your way then little your blog will generate traffic and maybe it will rank. Many bloggers quit blogging because they don’t get the traffic they expected which is wrong. Blogging is very easy if you know how to write blogs. Actually, it’s very easy to know about blogging if you have little or no knowledge about it. So, before writing a blog there are certain precautions or rules you must know to make your blog rank on Google. So, let’s start with those points which will help you to generate traffic on your blog and will also help to rank it on Google. Also read: 7 SEO Tips For Bloggers 1. Select a good or a trending topic:‐ Before starting a blog selection of topic is very important. You should select that topic only in which you have good knowledge and have a great interest. If you do so then you will enjoy your writing rather than feeling it as a burden. Never select a topic in which you don’t have any interest. If you are selecting a niche of a topic then you should write a blog in a micro‐niche to rank it on Google. e.g. If you have a good knowledge of electric appliances (niche) then you should write a blog on it. If you want to select a micro‐niche then you can select any electric appliance like a computer, mobile phone, laptop, etc. 2. Select a good blogging platform: ‐ If you want to become a successful blogger then you can choose WordPress and work on it. WordPress provides ample tools that make writing easier and you will enjoy the process. Blogger is also a good alternative that is hosted by Google. it’s a website of google only. If you are blogging just for time pass then Blogger is one of the best options. Blogging is easier on this website and even it provides free hosting. If you want to do full‐time blogging or if in the future you want to become a full‐time blogger then you should choose WordPress and write blogs on it. 3. Choose a good hosting and domain: ‐ If blogging is your passion, then you should buy good hosting and a good domain. You can search on Google about the websites that provide good hosting and domain. Good and fast hosting will make your website stand out from the others. Sometimes due to high loading time, the visitors go to other websites, which lowers the traffic of your website. So, you should buy good hosting after doing ample research on it. 4. Regular blogging: ‐ To generate good traffic on your blog you should post good quality content and be consistent. One benefit of posting regularly is that your old blogs will also start generating traffic. But with full zest do not post 10‐20 blogs daily. It won’t benefit you but will make you frustrated. If you are getting lots of free time then you can post at most 3‐4 blogs. So, in case you are busy someday your previous blogs will help to generate traffic. Also read: Create High Quality Backlinks 5. Write good quality content: ‐ Good quality content is always important to rank your content on Google. Google only ranks the best content posted. If you are writing about a topic. First of all, get good knowledge about the topic, cover and elaborate all the points. You can also take the help of related articles from google. 6. Write a helpful blog: ‐ It is said that “Benefitting others will benefit you”. The same saying is also applicable here. If you are writing a blog keep in mind the needs of your visitors. Do not think about yourself rather than think about doing good to your visitors. Google promotes those contents that are helpful for the viewers. Many writers post many blogs to get Google AdSense approved but due to low content quality, they fail. If somehow your Google AdSense is approved then also you cannot generate good traffic on your blog because of low content quality. 7. Do not copy‐paste content: ‐ It’s one of the most important point a writer should keep in mind while writing a blog. Many writers think that they will copy‐paste other’s content and will earn through them. If you also have the same thinking. Then you thinking is wrong. You will get copyright and Google never approve AdSense on copyright content. Some people convert blogs written in other languages to English. Google will also not approve AdSense to those contents. So, keep in mind that the content posted by you is also written by you. Thanks for reading Our Services Hire Us

What is the correct way to write a blog? Read More »