how to

Reinvent Yourself

How to Reinvent Yourself For Better Life?

‘Self-Reinvention’ The term itself is highly promising. The first question that arises in our minds is that what is the need to reinvent yourself/ ourselves? In order to answer this, just pause into the life you are leading right now, and ask yourself, Are you Happy with whatever you have in your life? Do you see yourself merely as a part of the crowd, leading the same old life as a millions of other people? Do you see yourself achieving your goal with the current attitude you have?” – all these questions will definitely answer your need to reinvent yourself. Once we have identified our need, we are good to go ahead with the process itself. Start by making a list of your goals. Your dreams, your aspirations, your purpose of life- pen down everything in the list. It can be anything- starting from being a fashion designer, to owning a restaurant in foreign country. DON’T LET YOUR DREAMS FADE OUT. APJ Abdul Kalam once said- “A person without dreams is a body without soul.”  Sort out your priorities next. One of the most important steps is sorting out priorities. People often fall into their own self-made cages just because the prioritized their dreams in an inefficient manner. For example, let’s say you are a school student, you are going to appear for your secondary examinations. You aspire of being a world class gamer. You cannot just leave your studies and focus all your time in gaming. Prioritize a minimal time for your studies and focus the rest on your gaming. Third step is to knowing and accepting your cons. It is only human to have flaws about yourself. Self-assessment plays a major part in reinventing yourself, to find a better person within you. Realizing your drawbacks and working on improving them is always a good sign. Focus on your goals and dreams and improving on your drawbacks in achieving them will help you move towards your goal. In the journey of achieving our dream, we often forget an important factor that is proper diet and rest. More often than not, it is important that we take a step back and shut down our body for a few hours so that we  are able to work with our full efficiency again. People often forget the role of nutritious food and rest which results in frustration, insomnia, and inefficient work. In several cases, we might even just miss our goal in absence of it. Start living a healthy lifestyle with proper 6 to 7 hours of rest. However sometimes when you enjoy doing your work, you might just want to put it down to 3 to 4 hours even. In a journey towards success, failures are bound to come. There is no value of success if the path towards it doesn’t have failures. One must learn to overcome their failures in this journey. The best way of dealing with failures is keeping a positive attitude towards them. Learning from past mistakes, and improvise on them. Many world leaders and CEOs of multinational companies had once gone bankrupt. However, what kept them on track was their positive attitude and determination to succeed. The  above points will make sure that you keep moving ahead towards your goal. However, the most important characteristic if you want to reinvent yourself is SELF-CONFIDENCE. Believe in yourself and your goal. Never for a moment doubt yourself. Keep loving yourself. In the mad rush of running after your dream, don’t forget to take a step back sometimes and have some time for yourself. Following all the above steps, you will be reincarnating yourself into the best version of you that ever existed. You will redefine yourself, Reinvent Yourself and reach limits that you never knew existed.  You will re-invent yourself. SUMMARY  Find out your need to reinvent yourself. Make a list of your goals and dreams. Dream Big! Sort out your priorities and deal with them one at a time keeping in mind both the short term as well as long term goals. Keep re-assessing yourself and work on your drawbacks. Focus on your goal and keep yourself away from useless distractions. Lead a healthy lifestyle with proper diet and rest. Have a positive attitude. Learn to deal with failures. Always believe in yourself. confidence and self-love are x-factors towards your goal that set you apart from others. Thanks for Reading Hire

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what does ILS stand for?

What Is ILS And How Does an ILS Work?

So what does ILS stand for? The ‘I’ for instrument the ‘L’ for landing and the ‘S’ System so the instrument landing system is a ground-based radio navigation system giving pilots the lateral and the vertical guidance towards the runway as they are in approach in IMC. To fly an ILS approach the aircraft must be fitted with an ILS receiver large enough to be displayed, and converted into signals picked up on the cockpit instruments.. Frequency and identifier code the ILS inbound course and glide slope angle, the given minimum descent altitude or Heights depending on the ILS category and last, but not least the go-around procedure Okay now, Let’s talk more about the ground-based system now the system consists of two Antennas sending out on one tunable frequency the so called localizer antenna is normally located beyond the end of the runway and  generally is built up out several pairs of directional antennas. They send radio singnals horizontally in the axis of runway. copyright@HAVKAR Let’s look at this picture right here the localizer antenna is emitting two lobes which are frequency modulated to 90 Hertz on the left-hand side of the runway centerline, and 150 Hertz on the right-hand side. To get a better understanding about the localizer antenna imagine each light beam a massive light beam, now 90 Hertz side would be a yellow light and 150 Hertz side would be a blue light. Now, Let’s say you’re slightly to the right of the runway centreline so the light you would be seeing is primarily blue Meaning you would have to fly more to the left where the light beam is overlaping  creating a green light. And then you know you’re on the centerline. Obviously there is know such light besides the PAPI, but that’s a whole another story. But you get a understanding how to interpret the converted ILS signal on your ADI. Your HIS or PFD. Now, instead of colours you have this diamond. Indicating your position relative to the runway centreline so if the diamond would be to the right or let’s say the runway centreline you are left of it, and have to correct your heading to the right to join the localizer and voice versa also important to know at the same time the localizer transmits the so called ILS facility. Identification code, so what’s the good for now because the frequency range for the ILS is fairly small you could pick up the wrong ILS frequency of a nearby airport. Therefore, each ILS sends their own individual Morse code. For example, the ILS Identification code for John F Kennedy Airport runway 0 4 right is India Juliet, Foxtrot kilo… ILS receiver instrument or you have to actually listen to the Morse code and compare it to the one on your ILS approach chart, we  have now established a lateral guidance towards the runway Let’s talk about the vertical axis. Now, this axis is Defined as the glide slope, now the glide slope antenna is similar to the localizer antenna only sending out the signals to the Vertical axis towards your runway and is based perpendicular to the touchdown zone. Now imagine the light beam example I’ve mention a minute ago it works, the same just at a 90 degree angle to the localizer beam. Normally  the glide slope angle towards the runway is 3 degree and it indicates whether your aircraft is above or below or on the glide slop path with the help of another diamond present in your instument. So there’s another diamond presented on your instrument showing your position relative to the glide slope, now if the diamond is above the center I’ll give you the indication you are below the glide slope so then you have to reduce a vertical speed or even level off to Recapture the glide slope if the diamond is below the center of the instrument you’re then too high. So again correct your vertical speed to rejoin the glide slope now this sounds easy, But be aware if you pitch further down you gain speed if you level off you reduce speed. So it’s all a matter of pitch and power and at the same time extending slats flaps and doing ATC communications.So it’s not that easy obviously there are glide slopes which are steeper very often due to mountainous area or obstacle clearance Limits which need to be met, For example runway two-four at naples  Italy is known for its steeper ILS approach than usual.  Ok we’ve now established the two main components of the ILS providing horizontal and vertical guidance towards the runway. But how do you know how far away from the runway threshold which is ? Absolutely essential for your speed management. Now let’s say you’re at 2,500 feet and you know that glide slope angled towards the runway, Or you could quickly get out out your calculator and do the math all in bad weather and whilst monitoring your instruments. Know it’s kind of difficult So therefore all the ILS systems have three marker points the outer marker the middle marker and the inner marker. So when flying over the outer marker a little blue light  will start flashing on you instruments and the corresponding beeping code can be heard, Comparing that with your map you then know ok. I’m passing the outer marker You should have that altitude at that given distance the outer marker and the middle marker are still out there. But I haven’t  heard an inner mark in a very long time nowadays They’re 3rd antenna installed called the DME distance measuring equipment, Which will give you a slant range towards the runway now making it a lot easier to monitor your distance. But your aircraft has to be fitted with the appropriate DME receiver and an instrument with which you have to tune in the course. DME frequency but even better are the ILS, which comes with a built-in DME indication

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How to manage your time? | Time Management

There is a saying “time is very precious, don’t waste it in vain…the time which has passed never comes again…and the people who waste time regret all their Life.” There is also a saying that if you spend your time in the right direction and at the right time then you can achieve your goal which comes in a return of your invested time. So let’s start without losing any time. 1. Importance of time management It helps you to achieve your goal Many people carry big and heavy burden and most of them fail to achieve their goals, but you can achieve your goal by managing your time effectively. More time for day to day work If you learn how to manage time then you will have enough time to do any work. Increase productivity If you complete your day to day work on time then you get enough time for yourself and in that time you can learn new skills or you can do something which you like to do and which increases your productivity. Less stress Let’s understand this with the help of an example… If you work in a company and you have to provide a monthly sales report to your boss at the end of the day and if you start your work late then you will have to give extra time to complete the work or you can keep the work pending for the next day which will create unnecessary stress for you. To avoid this stress you will need better time management. 2. Why is 24 hours time not sufficient for some people? They don’t have fix time schedule Many students don’t follow a fixed time schedule for their studies and due to this sometimes they don’t even complete their homework and they also get difficulties for their self studies. They didn’t have list of priorities of work If you don’t arrange your work according to their difficulties then you will face difficulty while completing the work. Multitasking a lot Focus has a major role in time management, for example if you have doing your office work and at the same time you are listening music or watching tv or if you are a student and you are studying and listening music at the same time then you cannot focus on one thing due to this you will get difficulties in understanding and as a result you waste your time. Easily getting distracted People who easily get distracted cannot do their work on time. These types of people are called BUSY DOING NOTHING (BDN). These people always check messages on social media. As a result they waste their time totally. 3. How to avoid time wastage Identify your time wasters Make a to­do list Avoid internet surfing without any reason Avoid gossiping during working hours Remove all the time waster from your life To avoid wasting your time you should have knowledge to identify the time wasters around you. We have to identify/observe those things which are the cause of time wasting. Common time wasters: Constantly checking social media Social media helps in increasing the brand awareness but this can be the main and big cause of your time wasting, as an example..You always scroll your Facebook feeds while doing some work, you check your chats and the upload pictures and you check time to time for the likes and comments in these process your lot of time gets waste. Multitasking If you think that you can save your time by multitasking then you are wrong, you can focus on a single task at a given time. If you are watching tv while studying then there are more possibilities that you will not learn anything and you can’t memory anything because at that time your focus can be on tv or on studies and normally tv creates lots of disturbances which will not allow you to focus you on your studies and by this you are going to waste your time. Unnecessary meetings According to the, meetings are done on the daily basis in some organisations but some of them have useful purposes and some of them are just purposeless or meeting can be unproductive and wastes your time. Procrastination Besides of doing your work you keep on postponing your work or keep on delaying your work and when deadline arrives then you become stressed, in this not only your time gets wasted but also it affects your mental health. Interruptions Many times when you are involved in some important work and some uninvited people disturb you then you should know these are the time wasters for you. Unimportant work Non­urgent work Gossiping Doing things manually Being messed and not being organised 4. Tips to avoid time wasters Make a to­do list Many people are confused regarding their work priorities, they don’t understand which work should be done first, that’s why to come out of this problem there is a way out, you should make a to­do list at the start of the day and plan accordingly. Decide meeting time Many people give their time for meeting rather than doing work which is totally wrong, you have to fix your time for meetings so that you can do your work more and more. Do not focus of multi­tasking If you are studying then you should focus on your studies at a time by this your concentration will increase and you learn more and more. Or if you are watching tv then you should watch only tv . Basically do single work at a time so that you can focus on that particular work. Learn to say no When you are doing your work then there are some people who want to talk to you. You should avoid gossiping, you should be ready to say no to those people. Reduce unnecessary uses of social media/internet/mobile phones When you are doing self study then at that time you should keep your phone on

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internet impact on life

How to manage your stress?| Stress Management.

What is Stress and Stressor? What are the ways to handle this? STRESS is the act done by your body and mind to encounter or to face some challenges or demands. And STRESSOR is a factor which gives you Stress. STRESS IS OF TWO TYPES. 1. Positive stress: Positive stress is also known as Eustress Which is good for us. This type of stress occurs when you are in a unique and challenging situation and whose result can be positive… for example: Trying a new hobby/activity, when you join a new job, profile of new job…etc. 2. Negative stress: It is also known as distress. This can alter or disturb your health…. for example: Job loss, financial problem, relationship problem, losing any close people..etc. In this you feel tired, headache, not being happy with anything and not focusing on work. Now the topic is how to relieve and prevent stress? HOW TO RELIEVE AND PREVENT STRESS? You can manage your Stress in two ways: 1. Fight response: By fighting with the situation 2. Flight response: by going away from the situation Its very important to prevent and control stress with good actions and at a good time. You can manage your Stress using 4A rule which is given below: Avoid: Avoid those things who give you Stress and when needed learn to say NO. Alter: Try to find an alternative to that problem which is giving you Stress. Adapt: Learn to adapt yourself according to the situation. Accept: Try to accept the situation when it is not in your favour and keep on learning new things. HERE ARE 3 APPROACHES FROM WHICH YOU CAN MANAGE YOUR STRESS: 1. ACTION-ORIENTATION APPROACH: If you are in a stressful condition, you can control, prevent with your good actions and at a good time very easily with a suitable action. This is called Action oriented approach. For example: If you have to reach your office at 10 AM and if you are stuck in traffic then either you change your way or you leave your home 10-15 minutes earlier so that you can reach your office on time. This step is called an Action oriented step. IN ACTION ORIENTED APPROACH THERE ARE SOME THINGS YOU SHOULD KEEP IN MIND… a) Planning and delegation To fight with daily life stress planning is required. For example: If u don’t have planning according to your work and you have to complete your work in a day then you will miss your deadline of work completion and due to which you will become stressed. Planning helps in scheduling and prioritizing your tasks. It is possible that you may fail in doing your every work and getting success in it if you do your tasks by yours own and you might not get the outcome according to your expectation because you are not giving 100% to your every work. So you should divide your work to your co-workers who can do the work without your help. b) Managing time You can manage time by: Creating a to-do list Understanding the difference between important and urgent work Avoiding too much multitasking if you want to avoid stress then switch off your mind before going to bed. c) Managing people People can give you lots of stress. Due to some people you can face some conflict situations. So in front of those people you have to be confident which basically means: To present your personal feelings, opinions and beliefs in a positive way in front of everyone. Manage your boundaries. Learn to neglect unreasonable requests. d) Changing habits You have to observe and identify your habits which give you stress. For example: you are stressed because you are not reaching your office on time because you wake up very late….so to avoid this stress you have to avoid or change your habit of waking up late. e) Keeping a stress diary This will help you in understanding the reasons and your reactions of your stress. If you daily maintain this diary then you can easily identify the stressor and can manage your stress. 2. EMOTIONAL ORIENTATION APPROACH. You can avoid your stress by responding instead of reacting to it. In this approach you don’t need to change the situation instead you have to change your reaction as per situation, you can do this as: a) Reframing situation Rather than getting stressed about an unfavourable situation, you can reframe the situation or change the perspective towards it to feel less stressed. b) Positive affirmations From morning to evening you encounter lots of negative thoughts, you have to listen to lots of negative thoughts therefore to encourage yourself it is very important that you always think positive and talk positive. If you think positive and talk positive and feel positive then you will be free from stress. c) Looking at a big picture Most of the time you become stressed thinking about the short term. So you should try to look at the bigger picture and look for more opportunities. 3. ACCEPTANCE APPROACH There are some things which happen in everyone’s life which you can’t change, then just accept them. For example:  we can’t do anything about covid situation, we can only accept it. Similarly you should manage stress. Acceptance approach should be an attitude instead of an emotional one so that you can’t get rid of stress in every situation. There are many ways to practice this approach including: Mindful meditation Physical exercise Diet Taking social support Seek professional help CAUSES OF STRESS 1. LARGER THAN LIFE EXPECTATION Expectations are the main reason for heartache. The less you expect , the easier your life will be. THIS EXPECTATION IS DIVIDED INTO 3 TYPES: a) Situational expectation: In this you always expect a positive outcome, but sometimes results dont come according to your efforts. For example: in some examinations results do not come according to the expectations..and due to this you come in stress…or….if u have business and you expect a huge amount

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How to improve your public speaking skills?

Public speech is the act of performing the speaking to the live audience. This kind of language is intentionally structured with three broad intentions: To communicate, to persuade and to hold. Public speech will be regulated by various rules and structures. For instance, lectures about conceptions do not necessarily have to be structured in any particular manner. Nevertheless, there is a method behind making it effective. For this kind of language, it would be better to distinguish the idea with lessons that may relate to the audience’s experience There are different types of public speaking. Speaking to inform Speaking to act, arguments, motivate Speaking to entertain. What are the problems faced by speakers? Even though many do give speeches or presentations for school or work, they may still face problems to stand in front of others and talk. Some speakers may become so full of thoughts that they might not know where to stop or what to say, they don’t know how to keep the audience interest and how to calm themself. Many of the anxiety related problems can be solved if you focus on overcoming the problems rather than focusing on the problem. Here are some of the common problems faced by the speakers. 1) Lack of Confidence The most important thing in public speaking is confidence. If you aren’t confident, you will estrange the audience. Being nervous is problematic because when we become nervous we sound negative and slow, and the listeners will be more focused on the negative vocals. 2) Lack of Attention Your presentation will be unsuccessful if you do not know your audience. Knowing your audience is pretty much also important to make your public speaking a successful one. Researching their ages, values, culture is important in shaping your speech’s tone and content. Failing to relate the material to the audience and to read their expression can affect you negatively, interrupting your speech and your morale will be down. 3) Lack of Preparedness One of the most important things in public speaking is to practice before speaking. Most speakers fail because they don’t practice their speech properly before delivering them. The listeners may feel your lack of confidence in your speech when you are not confident enough thus inviting a disaster. 4) Panic Attacks This is believed worse than anxiety. Studies have found out that 15‐35% of people face panic attacks before the speech. This may lead to shortness of breath, nausea, and vomiting. This may also tear down your confidence. This is very common in public speakers and makes the speaker look as if he is under great stress. 5) Post Traumatic Stress This problem happens when you have an experience in public speaking when it went terrible for some small reasons. So, whenever you think of public speaking or currently doing it. Those experiences may haunt you, you will keep going back to that moment where it was traumatic for you. Later on, this will create stress on your brain distracting you from your speech and you will end up messing everything. 6) Using too many filler words It is very much common that most people use filler phrases such as “like”, “you know”, “so that” both on and off the stage. It’s fine until it becomes a problem when the start getting noticeably overused. They can make you come across as less intelligent or less experienced. 7) Speaking too fast or slow Many times we do get nervous and try to cover up a large thing in a short period. To do so we start speeding through our speech, racing through to complete our speech. The speedy racers confuse and exhaust the audience limiting the amount of information absorbed by the audience. At the same time speaking too slow or at monotonous speed can bore the audience making them lose interest in your speech. How to Prevail over the fear of Public Speaking? To become good in public speaking the most important thing is to practice. The more you practice the better you become. Here are some of the steps that may help you to get better at public speaking Get organized – The more you are organized the less you be in complications. The less you be in complications little you will be nervous. Carefully plan out the information before the speech. If possible visit the place of speech before and review the equipment before your presentation. Practice, and then practice more – Practice your presentations many times. Do it in front of your friends or in front of anyone with whom you are comfortable with and ask for their reviews. Make a video of your presentation so that you can watch the video to correct yourself. Know your topic – You become more confident when you know about your topic. The more you care about the topic lesser you will make mistakes or get off track. And if you do get lost you will recover quickly. Maintain an even speed – Don’t rush while giving a speech to cover more information or don’t go too slow just to cover up the time limit. You may change your expressions or tone but don’t change your speed. Be calm – Being calm before your presentation is also very important. Don’t get over‐excited because you have prepared well or don’t get low thinking about the negative part. Always be positive. Thanks for Reading ZEESHAN ALI BLOGGER View service

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Tips on how to study smartly?

How to study smartly? You must have heard or known that one should prefer studying smart over hard but How ?And how much would it benefit over the way you are currently doing the things. So here is the answer according to the book “the art of memory “ people remember the things what they question for like “how”, “When” would I need this information just like the way you start memorizing things just before exam at a high rate because of the urgency and our brain responds to urgency very well whether its an college assignment submission date or last night of exam . The next thing is repetition its fairly important because if we repeat a thing over and over it eventually get transferred from our subconscious to our permanent memory the reason is if we repeat any thing again and again, our brain takes this information to be very important just like our own “Names” and that is the way memory graph works . So in application of this in real life you can remember a thing at once then repeat it after a particular time interval like pick  the first one to be half an hour, the next one after next sleep and then after two days and finally after a week this would ensure you that have learnt fair amount of information. The next thing is whatever you learn try to teach it to the person with absolute zero amount of knowledge about that thing this would make you breaking down of the complex concepts in a simple way and at a same time it would help you to cross check whether you are having proper knowledge or not. At last take breaks during your studies and ensure you are having a fair amount sleep because sleep affects the efficiency of our mind In whole lot of ways because lack of sleep takes our person’s ability to focus and problem solving ability and sleep is that time which makes transference of information from subconscious to permanent memory. Thanks For Reading View Our Services

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WHAT IS COMPUTER NUMBER? For the people who don’t know what is COMPUTER NUMBER is, many aspiring pilots are not familiar with this term. COMPUTER NUMBER is basically a unique ID which is allocated to you (aspiring pilots) by the DGCA. It is a permanent ID you get in order to appear for the DGCA examinations. For getting COMMERCIAL PILOT LICENSE there are two things, first is flying and second is examination. Flying has nothing to do with the COMPUTER NUMBER but if you want to appear for all DGCA examinations you need to have a COMPUTER NUMBER. To know more about commercial pilot visit here..- HOW TO APPLY FOR COMPUTER NUMBER? To get COMPUTER NUMBER there are certain mandatory requirements, there are certain procedures. There are certain criteria, steps that you need to meet, there are certain documents you need to have before you apply for COMPUTER NUMBER. To get details about procedures, documents, steps visit here::- There are candidates who do not read the manual which is given up and just send the documents to DGCA for COMPUTER NUMBER. So, before applying for COMPUTER NUMBER must read the instructions thoroughly and then apply for COMPUTER NUMBER because DGCA go through your all documents, they will verify and they will find the slightest of mistakes in your documents and if any found they will straight way reject your application. But it has no worries, you can still apply again and again. Please go through the user manual which is issued by DGCA for understanding what are the steps and what are the prerequisites that you will require before applying. There are some documents which need to be uploaded while applying for COMPUTER NUMBER Details About the documents to be submitted for COMPUTER NUMBER to DGCA You will need hard of these as well as soft copies. I am also listing the documents needed one by one here:- 1. PHOTOGRAPH 2. SCANNED SIGNATURE 3. 10th CERTIFICATE 4. 10th MARKSHEET 5. 12th CERTIFICATE 6. 12th MARKSHEET  If you are from a board which CERTIFICATE and MARKSHEET in one single sheet then you are not require two different things or two different pages, but if you are from state board then you will be required MARKSHEET and CERTIFICATE each. 7. BOARD VERIFICATION CERTIFICATE FOR 10th 12th, It is a unique thing that DGCA requires, it’s that the certificate that you already have from your board after clearing your examinations, DGCA basically needs a verification again from your board that all your CERTIFICATES are true and the board has records of these. You can get this CERTIFICATE from whichever board you belong to. If you belong to AND the state board then you have to visit their regional office, request them for the VERIFICATION CERTIFICATE, and they will provide you within 10 or 12 days. For CBSE again you have to visit their regional office or you can now also verify it online. For BOARD VERIFICATION for 10th and 12th CBSE:: – For BOARD VERIFICATION for 10th and 12th ICSE..- Instructions_for_Verification.pdf ( This BOARD VERIFICATION thing is the only thing which you will not have with you, you have to get either by your board’s office or online. 8. PASSPORT It is an important document but not mandatory for COMPUTER NUMBER. You can also apply for COMPUTER NUMBER without having PASSPORT. But it is advisable to have PASSPORT because PASSPORTS acts like an address proof as well as photo ID. In the document list you have to fulfill the documents till number 13. The remaining things between 13 to 19 are not required for COMPUTER NUMBER. Maximum sizes of each document are mentioned in the instruction pdf. Your documents files while uploading online should not exceed those numbers given for every particular document as given in  picture  1. picture 1 These sizes which are mentioned in picture 1 are basically soft copies. Do not exceed the limits else your document will not go through and you can be rejected. To reduce the size of your documents you can upload the pdf. file here in this link and it will reduce the size as per requirement..- To reduce the size of your documents you can upload the jpeg. image here in this link and it will reduce the size as per requirement..- Remember do not reduce the size too much that the things are not visible, it needs to be visible and it needs to be within the specified limitations. Another easiest way to reduce your document size is to forward your documents on what’s app and what’s app will compress your files or images. After collecting BOARD VERIFICATION and all other documents you should make a folder so that you have everything ready at one place and you do not have to search for any particular documents. After this next step is applying for COMPUTER NUMBER on Pariksha website. Website to apply for COMPUTER NUMBER..- As a first step you have to visit this pariksha portal site. On entering the pariksha portal site through the upper link you will get a homepage which will be like picture 2. picture 2 You just have to read the upper portion and then click on “click here to proceed” then your screen will look like picture 3. picture 3 In picture 3. You can see one is for AME and one is for FLIGHT CREW. You have to go for the flight crew part. Under flight crew part you have to you have to chose new candidate registration because you are a new pilot and you do not have a COMPUTER NUMBER and if you have an old COMPUTER NUMBER which is not yet registered on Pariksha then then you can go for old candidate registration. You cannot get a new COMPUTER NUMBER if you already have one. After getting through this step, you get a page of instructions which is like picture 4 which you need to read and need to



How to become a commercial pilot in India?| What is Conventional pilot programme?

HOW TO BECOME A COMMERCIAL PILOT IN INDIA? This one is all about the Second method to become a pilot in India i.e., CONVENTIONAL PILOT PROGRAMME. For CADET PILOT PROGRAMME i have already given all the information on How to become a commercial pilot in India?| What is Cadet pilot programme? 1.CONVENTIONAL PILOT PROGRAMME– ● Eligibility::- 1. You should be a citizen of India. 2. You need to be Class 12th pass with Maths and physics or its equivalent. If you have taken Arts and Commerce in your 12th then you need to clear Maths and physics from an open University, the most common University where the most people go is NIOS. It is perfectly allowed and perfectly legal; it will not affect your career in any way in your future. Just passing marks are required for Maths and physics and same for 12th marks. 3. If anybody is doing Diploma, then you should have to give a certificate of equivalence to DGCA which tells DGCA that you are equivalent to 12th pass. 4. You should be medically fit. You should have CLASS 1 Medical certificate to get the license ● CLASS 2 MEDICAL::- It is needed at the time when you start your CPL training through any flying institute. This certificate is given by the DGCA designated doctors after full required checkups. List of doctors who does CLASS 2 Medic test ● CLASS 1 MEDICAL::- It is done after getting CLASS 2 Medical certificate. It is done by the Air Force initially, it can also be done bymany private hospitals. You can only start your aviation career only after you make sure that you are medically fit. List of doctors or organisations who do CLASS 1 Medical test 5. You have to clear DGCA exams, conducted by DGCA (Directorate general of Civil Aviation). DGCA regulates all the Aviation operations in India. It is the regulatory body of Aviation which works under the Central ministry of Civil Aviation. So, you have to clear the exams and should have experience of 200 hours of flying. ● About::- It is basically the Candidate personally clears all checks, all examinations, takes training as per DGCA requirements and after passing all the requirements by themselves, they apply for jobs as per vacancies. ● How to get CPL (Commercial pilot license) through Conventional way::- After passing 12th, you have to prepare for the DGCA examination either on your own or by attending classes. Before sitting in exam you have to apply for COMPUTER NUMBER. It is basically a Role no. Which DGCA provides you for your examination and this COMPUTER NUMBER will be your personal ID for your whole career. It will not change. Then you have to clear the DGCA exams. You can clear the exams after your flying training or before your flying training. Most of the people first clear the examination then go for their practical training. There are five subjects in which you have to clear your exam. These are NAVIGATION, TECHNICAL, METEOROLOGY, AIR REGULATIONS, and TECHNICAL APECIFIC. Exams are all Multiple choice questions. These exams are done at DGCA exam centers. DGCA conducts the exam four Times in a year. Passing marks is 70%. There is one more exam which you have to clear i.e., the RTR exam which is conducted by WPC, a government body. This RTR examination is conducted every two months i.e., six times in a year. So, all in all we have six exams to clear. Out of six subjects NAVIGATION and TECHNICAL are vast one, you should take classes of these subjects to clear your exams. You can appear for DGCA exams infinite times. There is no limit on how many times you attempt the examination. Exams are valid for five years. So, before five years of clearance of the exam, you have to submit your all peppers to DGCA to issue you the CPL. Once you have cleared the exam with DGCA, then you should proceed towards your flying school. After getting admitted in a flying school, your school will issue you a SPL called STUDENT PILOT LICENSE, this license is issued by the flying club itself after the candidate clears their oral or required exams. Basically, this is the license which allows you to fly those small trainee aircrafts. You have to fly for 200 hours as per DGCA requirement. Out of 200 hours 185 hours will be done on SINGLE ENGINE AIRCRAFT, 15 hours will be done on MULTI ENGINE AIRCRAFT and there are few more hours which will be done on SIMULATORS. All in all once you clear those requirements, then your flying school will help you to gatherall your documents. You will submit those documents to DGCA, then DGCA will issue you COMMERCIAL PILOT LICENSE. To get an idea about flying schools you must read my other blogs. After getting your CPL, you are then eligible to apply for airline vacancies, so, after getting your license you have to wait for vacancies. Meanwhile you can study at home, gain more and more knowledge and you can prepare for something known as ATPL. ATPL is the next higher category of license. It is required when you become a CAPTAIN. So, sit at home and wait for airline vacancies to come. Each airline will always post their vacancies related information in their career section. You should always look through the career section and when vacancies come then apply for it and go through the airline selection process. After got selected you will do your TYPE RATING. TYPE RATING is basically training to learn how to fly bigger aircrafts. TYPE RATING can be done by own before joining any airline or after joining the airline. After doing your TYPE RATING and some other formalities, you will be released as a FIRST OFFICER and you will start your career as a pilot. ● It’s cost::- It is usually cheaper than the CADET PILOT PROGRAMME. It costs around 30-50 lakhs INR depending upon school

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How to become a commercial pilot in India?| What is Cadet pilot programme?

HOW TO BECOME A COMMERCIAL PILOT IN INDIA? Choosing a career as a Commercial Pilot is not only a challenging task but also a blessed and enthusiastic one. Pilot job has always been considered to be one of the most exciting and thrilling career choices. A career as a Pilot not only offers high salaries but also thrilling and adventurous experiences, if you want to become a pilot, you need to start at the age of 17 or more. To become a Commercial Pilot, the students need to get the license and start a training. WHO IS COMMERCIAL PILOT? A Commercial Aircraft Pilot is a highly-skilled professional and full of responsibilities who flies aeroplanes or helicopters for business purposes, which may include transportation of passengers or cargo, traffic monitoring, emergency rescue and evacuation operations during hazards, aircraft testing, firefighting and crop dusting. Usually, commercial airlines appoint at least two persons as pilot crew, i.e. a Captain and the First Officer or Co-Pilot. ELIGIBILITY TO BECOME A COMMERCIAL PILOT IN INDIA 1. You should be a 12th pass out or a high school pass out with maths and physics or its equivalent. 2. You should be a citizen of India. 3. You should have CLASS ONE medical certificate. 4. You should be capable of bearing the high expenses of training. WAYS TO BECOME A COMMERCIAL PILOT IN INDIA There are two ways to become a commercial pilot in India. Cadet pilot programme Conventional pilot programme 1. CADET PILOT PROGRAMME:– ● About::- A cadet pilot programme is essentially an airline taking responsibility for all your        ( trainee ) training from Avenue sure to an airline Cockpit right after your high school or twelfth till you get to the airline Cockpit. ● How to get CPL (commercial pilot liscence) through Cadet pilot programme::- In a Cadet pilot, airline picks you up after your 12th or high school, puts you up through a test wherein they have a written test, they have an interview, they probably have simulator to check a basic simulator check, they test you on your basic knowledge of aviation and based on the way you fail you are accepted into the cadet pilot programme. Now the Cadet Pilot programme will train you for CPL (commercial pilot license). They will send you to an approved CPL training center approved by the airline followed by a multiengine rating which in all probability will be done at the same training center followed by a TYPE RATING which the airline will conduct at the one of once at one of their approved training center followed by the airline training process training you in the SOP (standard operating procedures) is training you in their procedures, the work during this Cadet pilot programme the airline will insert various checks for example you need to clear the regulatory examination in India if the airline sends you U.S or to other country, you all need to get the American’s liscence or respective country’s CPL and come back to India give the conversion examination to convert your CPL into Indian CPL, this is the one check and if you manage to not clear the regulatory examination you obviously fail the Cadet pilot programme. After training, when they send you for type rating you go through a whole bunch of checks, checks during your type rating and checks after your type rating. If you don’t clear those checks you obviously fail the Cadet pilot programme. Based on the airline policy you will be given a certain number of chances but this is how the airline regulates quality within a Cadet pilot programme. Once you done with your Cadet pilot programme and you are done with your type rating then the airline finally offers you the employment and starts paying you, maybe there are some airlines which pay you during the Cadet pilot programme they’ll call it a STIPEND but most airline will start paying you only after you are done with your final simulator check or your final simulator check post the type rating. Now, after your all checks you are fully employed with the airline, they send you for your standard operating procedure training (SOP training) in the airline followed by your supernumerary flights and your supervised line flying after which you released as a first officer in that airline and that’s when you are fully released as a first officer fully employed with the airline and flying as the first officer in the airline. This is what a Cadet pilot programme does. ● Advantages of a Cadet pilot programme:– 1. You are prepound for the decision of airline employment. 2. Orientation – means Cadet programme right from your CPL orient you for flying procedures to the company you joined it. 3. Makes the course more easy and streamlined. ● It’s cost::- It is really very expensive. Though it gives the employment guarantee but it is way too expensive, in India many Cadet pilot programmes cost around 85 Lakhs INR and many Cadet pilot programmes cost around more than a Crore. ● Should you go for the Cadet pilot programme? This is a subjective topic and means many people go for it and many don’t. The reason is the cost for this training. It is way expensive than the CONVENTIONAL PILOT TRAINING (about conventional pilot training i have made a different blog). Those who can afford approx. 1 crore INR can go to Cadet programme as they give employment guarantee. But having less than A crore in pocket don’t go for Cadet programme. Thanks for reading Our Services Hire Us

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How to improve your memory and concentration?

Are you facing problem in memorizing? Do you have low concentration power? If you have any of these difficulties then you don’t need to worry because in this blog, I am going to tell you why are you facing these difficulties and after that how can you really improve. So, let’s get started. Look, at first you should know the reasons… WHY ARE YOU NOT ABLE TO CONCENTRATE? You will not be able to really concentrate until you know why are you doing this, what will you get from it, what is the future of whatever you are doing right now and the last but not the least, what do you want really want to achieve. This is the first and the foremost reason why you are unable to concentrate and you should know the answers to these questions, only then you will be able to actually concentrate and it will help you in the long run. The other reasons could be distractions, lack of proper sleep, multitasking, overthinking, and lack of proper diet. WHAT COULD BE THE WAYS TO IMPROVE MEMORY AND CONCENTRATION?. One way to improve your memory and concentration could be the further evolution of human brain so that your intellect will be more developed and sharper. So, what do you think can our brains be evolved further? Around four years ago, neuroscientists came to know the fact that the human brain can’t evolve further. Because the only way, the brain can be evolved is‐ either by increasing the size of the neuron so as to be more capable or by increasing the number of neurons. But it cannot be done because as you will increase the size of the neuron, the volume of energy that it consumes will become such that the body will not be able to sustain and if the number of neurons will be increased then the clarity will be lost. That’s why neurology is saying that the human brain cannot evolve further because the physical loss will not allow it. And the Adi yogi had once said that unless the dynamics of the solar system changes which means unless the physical loss will happen, we can’t evolve further. But there is another way to do it. The way that you are right now, whatever are the limitations that the nature has fixed on us, that is not 100%, if you strive then you can cross these boundaries because we humans have neuroplasticity so we can retrieve ourself. By doing different activities, you can change the very shape of your brain and in doing that the gray matter (contains most of the nerve cells that control decision making, memory and emotion) in your brain can be increased or decreased in different areas of the brain. The University of California had a study on this and now they are saying that the neuronal regeneration in brain is 241% higher than the normal when we practice it. Everybody could do it, people who are in an age of 30, generally there is depletion of neuronal production, what is being replaced and what is being depleted are not equal but for you as you are right now, what is being depleted is less than what is being replaced. A strong memory depends on the health and vitality of your brain whether you are a student studying for an exam or a working professional. There is a lot to do to enhance your gray matter and mental performance, the human brain has that much astonishing ability that it can adapt and can change even in old age. This ability is known as neuroplasticity. With a right stimulation, your brain can form new neuronal pathways, even after having existing connections and can adapt and react in every changing way, the human brain’s incredible ability to reshape itself holds true when it comes to learning and memorizing. You can use the natural power of neuroplasticity to enhance your ability to learn new information, increase your abilities and improve your memory and concentration at any age. Memory is a mental faculty; it can be trained just like your muscles can be trained. It becomes very critical for your brain to function the same way as you are right now when you enter the age of 40’s or 50’s. So, if you wish to live till 80’s or 90’s in the same manner as of now, you should keep exercising your brain as you do for your muscles. HOW TO EXERCISE YOUR BRAIN TO IMPROVE YOUR MEMORY AND CONCENTRATION? You train your muscles by exercising it, right? Same is the case for your brain also. Those who have retired and have stopped exercising their brain; they are thinking it’s okay, there is no need to do mental exercise and hence slowly they become subject to dementia (it is a persistent disorder of the mental processes). So, this is the nature of your body and your brain. The repeated mental exercise keeps the brain alert. For example‐ if you keep on solving the maths problem, the portion of your brain responsible for maths will start getting packed with the gray matter and you will start getting more better and better at it. In the same way, the question was how to enhance memory? There are two ways: ‐ The first one is to exercise the memory again and again. And the second is by learning focus. See, the students struggle to prepare for their exams on the next day. But, to score well in a test match, a batsman doesn’t need to memorize, as they know it all by heart. Then, what makes the difference? Why are the students struggling while the batsman knows it by heart? The students have approached their subjects just to pass the examination and that without any interest and hence they are distracted while doing it. But, for the case of batsman‐ you can say he may be little forced but he is doing it with

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