July 2022

self control

How to develop and improve your self control?

SELF-CONTROL: AN IGNORED THEME Self-control is a topic which is successfully ignored by today’s youth. what is Self-control? It’s an action resisting the Impulse to an act on what one’s brain might be willing to do so. An act of preventing yourself from performing actions that are against your will and society Some of the quotes by famous personalities on self-control are :- “You have the power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” – Marcus Aurelius “The best fighter is never angry.” – Lao Tzu “To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart.” – Eleanor Roosevelt Now a days the youth have failed to control their desires, therefore lost their self-control. The main reason for this failure is the surrounding in which they spend most of their time, the things they watch. Youth of our country are influenced by soft porn which are openly shown on platforms like ALT Balaji, Netflix and many more, Movies and web series like Fifty Shades of Grey, Mirzapur etc. are creating a huge impact on the youth and not letting them to redefine their control on their mind. Later on, creating a severe problem. Once you control your mind you also gain control over your emotion, your willingness to do unwanted acts. You also start preserving your semen which plays an active role in your day-to-day life. Many successful identities shared their journey of NoFap and stated that it happened just because of self-control. These three habits were common in everyone’s journey. What is Self-Fulfillment? Self-Fulfillment is defined as carrying to fruition one’s deepest desires or one’s worthiest capacities. Those person with self-control were able to understand the importance to preserve with strenuous activities if you want to develop skill in them. What is Self-Assertion? Self Assertion encompasses many traits that facilitate individuals rise up for themselves in their social and professional lives. moreover, people who are a lot of attentive to their strengths and capabilities, recognize what they need and are in a better position to form the proper decisions in their lives. What is Self-Preservation? Self-controlled people have healthy attitude towards everyone and focus on their ‘need’ rather than their ‘want’. They use what they need in life without overindulging it. You can follow some of the steps given below to increase your self-control: – 1.Asking yourself certain questions like :- How much I really want that something? How disappointed I would be if I couldn’t have it? Will that something really affect me?  2. Doing meditation  3. Adequate rest and sleep.  4. Keep yourself busy in some productive work.  5. Change your surrounding.  6. Doing exercises.  7. Stop overusing social media apps.  8. Develop I Can-Do, Attitude.  9. Develop your willpower. Self-control is the mother of all virtues. Developing self-confidence requires a lot of hardwork and patient. Some achieve it in a week but some needs a month. So, it’s nothing to get demotivate and forget your goal. It’s all about how much you have worked on yourself. While growing self-control you will also become a self-confident person. A self-confident person knows how to be heard with nobleness when there is a conflict between opinions. They also know to narrate honest things without hurting others sentiments. At last, a person who has controlled himself can person any difficult task because no task is more difficult than to control our own self. Thanks For Reading

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Why india has zero probablity of Recession?

Definition of Recession: Recession is a significant decline in economic activity that lasts for months or even years. experts declare a recession when nation’s economy experiences negative GDP, rising level of unemployment, failing retail sales and contracting measures of income and manufacturing to an extended period of time. India has zero probability of slipping into recession. ABloomberg surveys say that in coming 12 months few countries may go into the Recession. whereas many others economies, including with Asia, Europe and also the Super power America , face the danger of the crisis. Despite the Rupee breaching a key psychological level of eighty per-dollar against the North American nation dollar, and the lowest, India’s possibilities of recession area unit quite low, in keeping with the economists World Health Organization participated within the Bloomberg Survey. According to the survey, Asia faces 20-25 percent of witnessing a recession, whereas Sri Lanka is nearly on the brink of entering into a crisis with an eighty-five percent chance of slippy into recession. The economists ascertained that the us faces a forty per cent probability of slippy into a recession by next year. The world’s largest economy is facing a high rate of inflation, and economists believe that if corrective measures aren’t taken, the North American nation will constitute recession. A Reuters survey additionally showed that there’s already a median forty percent probability of recession happening within the world’s largest economy within the coming back year, up sharply from 3 months past, and these possibilities have up for the EURO zone and Kingdom too. Why India has 0% chance of Recession? As India faced less inflammation as compared to other countries Indian government had a enough revenue that might can compensate the situation  can India take benefit of this recession ? Yes India may benefit from recession in advanced economics As prices of coal crude oil etc… might get decrease and we are large imports of these thing. so, we can buy it in very cheap amount. Thanks For Reading Goverdhan Kumar Writer

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dark web

Dark Web: The Unseen Side Of The Internet

The internet has changed everything from the way we work to the way we play to the way we live, it seems that there is a corner of the Internet for everyone despite what interested you have, despite what your beliefs are there’s someone or something out there that thinks the same way that you do. The internet has given a broad platform where everyone feel connected and distance doesn’t matter.  Internet is for everyone and at a time a large number of people use, a lot of knowledge exists here, and there are many things many people don’t know about it ,it’s obvious because as a human being it impossible to know everything. If you want something, anything whether it be a service or product, legal or illegal, immoral or unethical, the internet has it. Every technology can be used for both good and bad purpose similarly its all up-to us to use it in a good or bad manner. Much like the surface web that we all use every single day, the dark web is also full of websites and forums and services that we can use, but dark web is hidden from rest of the world  under a layer of protection. The dark web is the haven for illegal online activity and it goes deep, much deeper than you might imagine, it’s a place for criminals, predators, spies and even human traffickers to lie and it’s all hidden in plain sight. You could access it in minutes if you wanted. We can breakdown the internet in three separate categories… Surface Web Surface web is everything that we use on daily basis, YouTube, Twitter, any social media we use, it’s all a part of what we call the world wide web. It’s relatively easy to find anything on the surface as almost everything is indexed by search engines like Google. Every second over 1000 photos posted on Instagram, 8000 tweets are posted on twitter, 7000 google searches take place and nearly 100000 YouTube videos are watched from. It is really massive and everything you do is found here in terms of pure traffic . You could look up anyone and find some kind of information about them and their life but you can’t find things like their bank account or medical records, these things are hidden under password-protected websites where only they can access them, this is where we venture into the Deep Web. Deep Web The deep web is the content is not found in search engines , so if you can’t find it on google it is Deep web. If you have ever logged into your email you have browsed the Deep Web technically and I know it might be a little disappointing that the Deep is not as cool as it sounds, it’s pretty much just as mundane as the surface web but with just a bit more secrecy but realise that the Deep Web is the most massive part of the Internet. The Deep Web contains 96% of everything there is on the internet. So even if you got online every single day and searched through new websites for the next 50 years, you wouldn’t even put a dent into the pure amount of information there is on the internet. There is a lot to go through. Most of which you couldn’t even get access to but even further deeper than the Deep Web in the tiniest silver of the Internet lies the part of the web where things don’t leave websites that are encrypted the Heidler existence sliced without IP addresses to make them nearly unrecognizable accessed by users with encrypted software to completely mask their identities. Here anything and everything goes. We have reached the Dark Web but how does this work. How can you hide from the rest of the world on something that pretty much everyone has access to. Dark Web: detailed If you browse the Surface Web chances are the FBI man watching you. For a normal person, anything we do online is tracked in many ways and we have literally no idea about it. Many commercial shopping websites track our search engines that we are looking for and within few seconds we see it as ads. This is not anything new, Facebook, Amazon and most social sites are guilty of this. They sell your data to advertisers around the world and you agreed to those terms and conditions that you didn’t read. This is not a coincidence and this doesn’t happen by accident. The internet was not made to be anonymous. Some people ignore this or don’t notice while some people have problem regarding their privacy concern. The United States government thought this too over 20 years ago, they wanted a system that could protect their communications while online since internet was not designed for everyone and everything to remain anonymous in a way anyone could intercept government transmissions while they were being relayed and this was unacceptable so in the mid 1990s researches at the US Naval Research Laboratory started working on something called Onion Routing. Onion Routing protects any knowledge sent by primarily wrapping it with multiple layers of coding wherever the innermost layer contains the initial message. The Soviet encryption allows our data to be sent to and from multiple places without it being vulnerable to interception in between no one can see, only those who are supposed to. Because of Onion Routing darkness like tor can exist. Dark nets operated alongside network like the internet or requires certain software to access tor stands through the Onion Router. It’s a software named after the technology . It seems just like any other normal browser, but through tor and other similar darkness you can access web pages that aren’t available to the general public. The tools and requirements needed to access the Dark Web is enough to attract different types of users  from all around the world. Links to pages don’t look like youtube.com, they

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Non-Veg, Veg And Vegan Which One Is Suitable For Body?

Non-Veg or Veg or Vegan, Which is good for body?

Welcome to the second blog of the Ayurvedam series. Link to the first part – https://foxfoster.com/ayurvedam-complete-knowledge-of-food-and-life/ In 19th century, around 80 percent of people in Bharat were vegetarians. Today, nearly 71 percent are non-vegetarians, 28 percent are vegetarians and 1 percent vegans. In this blog we’ll try to figure out that which of them is most suitable and healthy for body. We’ll be discussing it with references of modern science researches and Ayurvedic scriptures. Of course, there is a lot more than just facts including societal issues, history of hunting from Ramayan era, logics presented in debates by all three of them, impact on environment, cow slaughtering etc. So, make sure to read it till end and get educated on this topic completely. Non-vegetarian If animal consumption is stopped then their population will rise rampantly. Trees also have life in them but we’re bound to eat them so even ethically non-veg consumption is not wrong. Milk products, honey, other animal products or even while breathing air we’re consuming lots of micro-organism then how can be consumption of other life forms be unethical. All doctors recommend to eat non-veg so it’s completely healthy. These were some points or logics which non-vegetarians present in a debate. Let us dig deeper and understand the views of modern and ancient science on it. Modern science says that meat is a complete source of protein because all 9 amino acids are present in it. RDI (Reference Daily Intake) says that a person who sits idle for most of the time should consume 0.8g per kg (body weight) of protein daily and the one who has to build muscles needs to consume 1.5g per kg (body weight) of protein every day. Many researches claim that processed meat causes cancer and red meat is safe. After some time, researches claimed that red meat also causes cancer and white meat extracted from calves is safe. Gradually, these claims also got questioned and new researches claimed that all sort of meat may cause heart disease and cancer. Dr. T. Colin Campbell said that protein derived from animal causes cancer. It was also found that animal protein doesn’t get absorbed in the body properly and is thrown out as it is. The views of modern science on non-veg keeps on changing, so, its not reliable. Ayurved on the other hand says that food doesn’t only provide nourishment to the body but mind also gets affected. On its basis food has classified into three categories i.e. Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic. Sattvic food is positive pranic or increases prana into the body leading to positive thoughts, emotions, energy etc. These foods include fresh organic fruits, vegetables, grains, millets, dairy products etc. Rajasic food is zero pranic leading to dullness within the system. These foods include potatoes, tomatoes and over-spicy food. Tamasic food is negative pranic or has negative impact on body, mind and energy levels. Such food leads to anger, lust, fear, lethargy or procrastination etc. These foods include onion, garlic, asafetida or heeng, nervous stimulants (like tea, coffee, alcohol), stale or over-cooked items(includes all cooked packed items of market) and all sort of non-veg including egg. Each and every emotion of ours is just a by-product of the chemicals being produced by the body. Animal knows that it will be killed so same reverberation is spread along its whole body. They are kept in congested packed rooms due to which stress hormones are released within them. When someone eats it, he/she feels anger, lethargy, depression, ignorance etc. Though, Ayurved never recommends to eat flesh of any animal and is also strictly against violence under normal situations still Maharshi Vagbhatta in his Ashtanga Hridayam(Ch.-6) describes about different types of meat and their usage as medicines in different diseases. He also describes that meat should be wild and fresh. Vegetarian Vegetarian food is considered excellent by both modern science and Ayurved. Though, Ayurved recommends that every person should eat according to their body type. In a separate blog we’ll discuss about identifying your body type and creating a diet plan accordingly. Vegan The concept of vegan food was first proposed in 1944 but in recent times it has gained popularity in our nation too. Vegan diet includes only plant-based food. Vegans do not eat foods that come from animals including dairy products and egg. Modern science considers it to be healthy but we must understand that this concept arose in west because most of their food is derived from animals which is hard to digest. Overtime, their body started showing side-effects because of it and they had to adapt a diet which was easy to digest yet nutritious and i.e., plant-based diet. So, it is not necessary that whatever comes from west is suitable for us too. Consuming food items in raw form or oil-less diet causes Vata imbalance in the body which may cause hundred types of different diseases. Ayurved has a different system for intoxicating the body and that is fasting. It says “LANGHANAM PARAM AUSHADHAM” which means fasting is the best medicine. Modern science also emphasizes on it and the most popular fasting is intermittent fasting which nothing but a type of Ekadashi fasting. Milk products are considered heavy to digest in Ayurved. Yet it is considered sattvic and extremely nutritious. Environmental effect Few absolute facts are that 80 percent of farmlands are used to feed the animals, nearly 15-25 percent of greenhouse emissions (which is more than the emissions by automobiles) are because of slaughter houses, to get one kg of beef 70kgs of carbon dioxide is released into the environment, for getting one kg of lamb meat 40kgs of carbon dioxide is released and for poultry contributes 10kg of CO2 per kg of meat. So, clearly meat consumption is a major contributor in climate change leading to natural calamities. Moreover, farming on one acre land can complete all needs of twenty two people round the year but this much land can only feed two animals. On the

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Bioplastics, Environment, Life cycle assessment, Petroleum-based plastics.

Environmental Impact Of Bioplastic Use: A Review

Bioplastic: In this growing world with new developing technologies the field of science and research are emphasizing a more about sustainable development and research is also going on to find out the alternative of petroleum-based plastics, because plastic production is rising day to day and has already intensified the Global plastic waste pollution hence becoming a major source of global warming. So, as an alternative Bioplastics are gaining more popularity in the market. Bioplastics are plastic materials produced from renewable biomass sources and are Biodegradable which will lead to a decrement of 15-20% consumption of petroleum-based plastic by 2025. Bioplastics are the plastic materials produced from renewable biomass sources, such as vegetables, fats, oils, corns, starch straws, sawdust, wood chips, recycled food wastes, etc. Some bioplastics are obtained directly from natural biopolymers including polysaccharides while others are synthesized from sugar derivatives from either plants or animals or biologically generated by fermentation of sugars or lipids. In contrast, common plastics or plastics that are derived from petroleum or natural gas are called petrol-based polymers it lacks the property of biodegradability whereas from the word we can understand Bio-based polymer or bioplastics have a property of biodegradability which makes them an alternative to petroleum-based polymers. This study aims to determine the current scenario of bioplastics in the market, Their applications, and its properties and to know why we can use it as an alternative source of petroleum-based bioplastics. Introduction In today’s world, plastic materials are an essential commodity in our daily life due to their  valuable properties both at the molecular level and at the market level. Worldwide annual plastic  production has increased tremendously from 1.5 million metric tons in 1950 to 359 million metric  tons in 2018. Plastics have properties such as high durability, resistance, easy to handle, and cost-effective due to all such valuable properties it leads to high demand and thus leads to uncontrollable over usage and improper disposal causes various environmental degradation. The increasing amount of plastic waste leading to “Landfill Problems” which has emerged as a crisis in many areas of the world because of the shrinking of landfill capacity and thus raising the  cost of the land. A huge number of plastic wastes accumulating in the oceans and thus leading to  “Oceanic pollution” and thus making a threat to the marine ecosystem and it has been estimated  that the mart of plastic waste in oceans going to surpass a large number of fishes by 2050. The  carbon footprint of Plastics is also high which increases the greenhouse gas effect in the atmosphere and further leading to “Global Warming”. The “Non-Biodegradable” property of plastics is also a  big challenge for the conservation of nonrenewable sources of energy for the future generations as the  current global scenario the price of petroleum also hiked markedly because of high demand and low  production leading to resource exploitation. Also, The incineration of plastic wastes produces several  harmful gases such as dioxins, furans, Mercury, and polychlorinated biphenyls into the atmosphere,  and poses a threat to vegetation, and human and animal health. BIOPLASTIC OVERVIEW In recent years, these environmental/economic problems and social concerns have triggered the development of environmentally friendly materials such as bioplastics. Bioplastics is a novel material that shows us a road map towards sustainable development and waste management. Bioplastics production and consumption will grow bigger in the future world and because of this it is needed to be evaluated carefully for sustainability and waste management. In future Bioplastics  can be choose as an alternative resource over petroleum-based plastics. What are Bioplastic? Plastics which are deduced from renewable sources and similar to vegetables, bounce, potatoes, and other  agrarian remainders similar type of plastics are called bioplastics. Green plastics are composting in nature  thereby it gets demoralized fluently by the help of microorganisms therefore perfecting the soil fertility and  reducing tips not only this it also has a low carbon footmark which reduces emigration of the hothouse feasts, therefore, precluding global warming. It also has an analogous property similar like petroleum- grounded plastics  similar like continuity and because of all these parcels bioplastics also plays an important part in artificial  purpose similar to packaging, food diligence, motorcars, etc. Employment of new ways for manufacturing of  bioplastics that promote sustainable result and reduce the plastic waste has been greatly encouraged in recent  times and these plastics are new accoutrements of 21st century and have great significance. These are presently  used as packaging accoutrements, but in the future, these will be used in forming plastics are presently used in  forming colorful products similar as electronics and vehicle corridor. Types of Bioplastic Starch-based Bioplastics: It is derived from starch and it is obtained from potato, corn etc. Polyhydroxyalkanoate bioplastic: It is produced from microorganisms such as PHV(PolyHydroxy Valerate) and PHH. Polylactic acid bioplastic: It is produced without undergoing any processing such like distillation and polymerization. It is obtained directly from biomass resources such like corn starch and sugarcane. Cellulose-based Bioplastics: These are mainly the cellulose ester and their derivatives. Ethyl cellulose is the only ether from which we can produce Bioplastics. Advantages and Challenges Of bioplastic 1. Saves Non-Renewable sources of energy as the biodegradable plastics help to conserve petroleum  supplies whereas the traditional plastics are manufactured by heating and treating oil under high  temperature. 2. Reduces Carbon Emissions and it is one of the most vital environmental concerns nowadays, so by  implementing bioplastics there will be significant reduction of carbon emission during its manufacturing  process. 3. Consumes less Energy during its manufacturing processes as they do not need any fossil fuels to be  recycled therefore as the energy requirement is less, so it ensures reduction in environmental pollution. 4. Eco-Friendly solution as the Bioplastics, are compostable in nature it requires proper recycling to  ensure the proper breakdown of plastic pieces. The requirement to properly dispose the Bioplastics which  automatically reduces the number of wastes otherwise this waste would send to landfills to discard them.  However, possible challenges might come along with the use of bioplastics.

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happy life

How to invest your life for well being?

“There is something happening in nature between 3:30 AM to 3:40 AM. So it’s a very significant part of time.” And how do people start on this path? Because a lot of this makes sense to people but in the world they live in they don’t know where to start… If i teach you a way where you can manage your chemistry the way you want, but we need 32 hours of focus time. Do you think your life is valuable enough for that much investment? Every human being wants his life enhanced, if you don’t show them proper ways to enhance, they will find shortcuts. A man who goes to a bar and a man who goes to the church, or temple or whatever, they are seeking the same thing, they are trying to enhance their life! If you don’t show them the proper way, they will take whatever ways are available on the streat. That’s all. You want to go forward but it sets you backwards. Your intelligence has turned against you. If your intelligence were working for you, would you create blissfulness or misery? 80–85% of the population today is on alcohol or some kind of drugs. We have come to a place, where to grow our food we need chemicals, to be healthfull we need chemicals. Today 70% of the population is on prescription medication of some sort, to be peaceful we need chemicals, to be joyful we need chemicals, to be ecstatic, of course, we have ecstasy. So we are going towards chemicals in a huge way! The water that you drink is full of chemicals, the air you breathe is like that and the food you eat is like that. So if 90% of humanity goes into chemical consumption, consciously or unconsciously, they consume a lot of it. The next generation we produce will be of a lesser quality than who we are! That’s a crime against humanity. So right now chemical is a net; it’s not another trapeze. It’s a net that you can fall into and people experience their own little heaven, but it ruins you in so many ways. The important thing about life, whether it’s a grasshopper out there or you, both of us are striving to be the fullest possible life that we can be. A grasshopper is trying to be a fulfilled grasshopper; A human being is trying to be a fulfilled human being. So similarly for a human being, if you take away any of his faculties, in any way, even temporarily, have you enhanced his life? So intoxication is just that: it is taking away your faculties for a period of time, but if you continuously do it, it will take it away from your life! So you are taking away or you are subjugating your faculties for a little bit of pleasure, or maybe a lot of pleasure, however you wish to describe it. But the important thing is you are taking backward steps with life because life can only be enhanced by sharpening and increasing our faculties; not by decreasing our faculties! This means we are taking a backward step. Though there may be pleasure attached to it, because you need to understand that the greatest chemical factory, the most sophisticated chemical factory is right here. If you are a great manager, you will produce what you want from this, if you are a lousy manager, you do wrong things, you get anxiety, you get something else, you get rubbish going on within you because you are misusing your chemical factory, you don’t know how to manage your chemical factory. Why has your intelligence turned against you? There is no stable base, so the entire yogic system is about this: that you create a stable base so that your intelligence works for you. If your intelligence turns against you, no power in the universe is going to save you. You are a done thing. We talk in the books about thoughts, we are obsessed with thoughts in this world and I’m thinking this and I’m thinking that…well when we say I’m thinking this, another way of saying this is I’m making of this, I’m making of that. You can make up whatever you want, as long as you enjoy it! But that can be dangerous. Always trying to think of the solution; Always trying to be your thoughts…if you become what you make up, it’s unfortunate. Your thoughts belong to you, or you belong to the thoughts, you must make up your mind! The whole human experience comes from within. Many books tell you how to milk happiness from something else or somebody else, but all human experience is generated from within! What comes from around you may not be the way you want it, but what comes from within you must be the way you want it. If whatever happens within you the way you want it, will you be blessed out or miserable? Many people want to learn about how to control their own mind. Do you want your mind controlled or liberated? Of Course liberated! But how to control it because they think that intelligence is a serious problem and has been in their lives. So the solution is if you remove a part of your brain you will be fine. You are essentially complaining about ”I wish I had the brain of another one! This human brain I’m not able to handle!” That’s a fact. Charles Darwin said that you evolved out of a monkey. You are a monkey, then you become a man. The DNA difference between a chimpanzee and you is only 1.23%! So in this sense, physiologically, you are only 1.23% away from a chimpanzee. It’s just a shade of difference. But in terms of intelligence and awareness you are worlds apart from a chimpanzee. So your problem is just this: you have an intelligence for which you don’t have a stable enough platform! If i

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web 3.0

WEB 3.0: The Next Level of Internet

In this highly advancing society, the factor of development in the field of technology is never static. Every nation on this earth now competes for advanced technology over weapons and political strength. Although the development of the latter runs hand in hand, the competition for technology and information is always prioritized. In this very active development phase, WEB3.0 is a major milestone. In this blog, we are going to discuss the gradual transition of WEB into WEB3 and analyze the pros and cons related to this new technology.  WEB 1.0 This phase of the web started in 1991 and continued till 2004. During this phase, websites were like a bunch of newspapers. The websites were static and nonresponsive unlike nowadays. They were like one big Wikipedia, all hyperlinked together. Everything was a one-way process where users would enter, collect the required information, and exit. In this phase, the users were considered to be “Consumers”. web 2.0 This phase began back in 2004 and continued to this day. Unlike WEB1.0 the webpages became interactive. For e.g.: We can subscribe to a YouTube channel we like the content and vice versa. But a basic difference was that it changed to a two-way process. As the users fetched information from websites, so did the website algorithms to enhance our search experience. These websites start collecting our data through their algorithms so that they can serve us better which in turn makes us stay on their app longer, building up their profits. For this reason, the data that every individual going to see is the result of the data they provided. For e.g.: likes on posts and watch time on each video. In some instances, these collected are sold to advertisers for money. One such example is Facebook’s Analytical Scandal in 2010. Web2.0 is all based on”targeted advertising and the lack of privacy”. Hence the whole thing is controlled by some monopolies and the powers are centralized. Here comes the need for a decentralized system where the powers don’t lay in the hand of a monopoly.  web 3.0 This technology is built on blockchain technology and tools of decentralization (DAO). For little clarity, Blockchain technology is a coded chain that secures and stores bulk information, technology that gave birth to cryptocurrency and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT). Similarly, DAO stands for Decentralized Autonomous Organizations that aim to shift the control power into the hands of organizations’ members rather than in the hand of a monopoly. Unlike web2.0, where we were the product, here we will have full control of our data due to the very secure blockchain technology. Theoretically, the process would remain two-way but turn profitable for both ends. Further, the Brave browser’s method has been explained which is based on this theory. There is a theory that says future transactions on Web3.0 would be conducted through cryptos and NFTs. For an instance, if we buy some commodity we would pay through Ethers and Dogecoins and large ownership like lands would be conducted through NFTs.  Experts say that web3.0 is that point of the internet when every company will be run by DAO instead of any kind of monopoly. Webpages would be personalized according to individual users’ tastes. The original identity can be masked, i.e. Digital identity is not 100% connected to the original identity (often masked by metamasks). There is an app ‘Oddysee’ similar to YouTube where the contents are stored with the blockchain concept. Browser like ‘Brave’ pays the users in BAT (Basic Attention Token) which is their native crypto, for viewing ads and promotions. These applications can be taken as an example of how the future of Web3.0 would be. The concept of Braves’ paying BAT to users is the basic idea of decentralization. The idea of Web3.0 is built on D.O.B which denotes DECENTRALIZATION, OPEN SOURCE, and BLOCKCHAIN.  Decentralization would lead to increased transparency when compared to monopoly. The Open Source scheme of web3 would help it develop faster and with greater accuracy. Blockchain technology would bring security to the data of the users.  Although these features may seem quite tempting, web3.0 is still in the making and its applicability might need another decade. There are several controversies related to its application. Its privacy features and decentralization are not supported by many. For an instance, a simple iOS 14.5 new privacy feature would hit Facebook by 10 billion dollars in 2022. Twitter’s ex-CEO Jack Dorsey has even twitted against the idea of Decentralization of Web3.0.  Change is inevitable, no matter in which form it appears, and accepting it is the only rule of evolution. Lest we might cease to exist. Thanks For Reading Tapanjyoti Goswami Writer Also read WHAT IS MORE IMPORTANT DEGREE OR KNOWLEDGE? foxfoster • April 10, 2022 • Abstract, Trending • 4 Comments To be successful in life, a person should have knowledge along with degree. A degree without knowledge is as futile as knowledge … How to be a blogger| Everything about blogging. foxfoster • March 7, 2022 • Abstract, Trending • 9 Comments What is blog writing or blogging? If you are an expert in any field and you have good knowledge regarding that particular … How to develop communication skill in 2022 foxfoster • February 19, 2022 • Abstract • 3 Comments Communication skill is a crucial skill in itself as developing a strong communication skill is essential when it comes to building a … How to Get Hired by Your Dream Company foxfoster • February 15, 2022 • Abstract • 2 Comments You can crack your dream company which will give you a very big package doesn’t matter whether you are an engineer or …

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Bio-Diesel: A Fuel for Future

Bio-Diesel: A Fuel for the Future

Biodiesel, A form of Biofuel refers to those solid, liquid, or gaseous fuels which could be synthesized from biomass. In this highly advancing socio-political state, an infinite supply of energy is in demand. Finite fossil fuel supplies of coal and petroleum would not be able to meet this surge for a longer period. Herein the search for a viable source of a renewable and sustainable source of energy started to meet the upcoming demand. Biofuel fulfills all these criteria being an alternative, renewable, and sustainable energy technology, thus reducing petroleum dependency. Moreover, this would also help to solve the fuels supply issue in rural areas along with the urban ones. Biofuels include bioethanol, bio-methanol, vegetable oils, biodiesel, biogas, bio-synthetic gas (bio-syngas), bio-oil, bio-char, Fischer-Tropsch liquids, and biohydrogen. Most traditional biofuels are synthesized by photosynthetic organisms (micro and macroalgae) followed by a biochemical, physical, and thermochemical method. Ethanol from corn, wheat, or sugar beets, and Biodiesel from oilseeds are a few such examples. Here we are going to analyze BioDiesel in terms of its feasibility, challenges and constraints, production along with its commercialization. Technically, Biodiesels are the alkyl esters of fatty acids which are produced by the transesterification of oils and fats derived from plant’s biomass with short-chained alcohols like Ethanol or methanol and also sometimes Glycerols. In 1911, German inventor Rudolf Diesel designed and presented a model of a compression-based engine, known as The diesel Engine today. At that time there was no special fuel for this newly designed engine and he used groundnut oil as its feed. This was the first use of Biodiesel in the history of fuel technology. In the preface of the book Thermodynamics, (Chalkey, 1911),1 Rudolph Diesel wrote that the diesel engine could be fed by vegetable oils and that this possibility could help the agricultural development in the countries where this engine would be used. Esters from vegetable oils are the main component of biodiesel and turn out as the best substitutes for conventional diesel as they have a high energetic yield. Biodiesel is produced when oils extracted from feedstock are subjected to dilution, micro-emulsification, pyrolysis, catalytic cracking, and transesterification. These processes reduce the viscosity which makes them operational even in conventional diesel engines without further alteration or modification of their design. There are two practical methods of preparation of Biodiesel: 1. Lipase-catalysed transesterification of biodiesel: This method is conducted with Lipase enzyme as a catalyst. Lipase is can be extracted from papaya latex, oat seed, and castor seed. But in the production of Biodiesel, bacterias like Candida antarctica, and Candida rugosa are used as lipase sources. Candida rugosa, obtained from yeast, is the most used microorganism for lipase production. The process is conducted in two steps, which involve hydrolysis of the ester bond followed by esterification with the second substrate. 2. Synthesis using Supercritical Fluids: A supercritical fluid is a compound, mixture, or element above its critical pressure and critical temperature but below the pressure required to condense it into a solid. The “SAKA-DADAN method of Biodiesel synthesis “ is based on this theory. Ethanol, Methanol, Methyl acetate, and Dimethyl carbonate have been recognized as ideal SCFs for the synthesis of Biodiesel. The above two schematic diagrams explain the reaction process and methods of synthesis of biodiesel with the help of  SCFs. The advantages of vegetable oils as diesel fuel are :  (1) liquid nature-portability, (2) heat content (80% of diesel fuel), (3) ready availability, and  (4) renewability. The disadvantages are : (1) higher viscosity, (2) lower volatility, and (3) the reactivity of unsaturated hydrocarbon chains. All research focusing on the use of vegetable oils to feed diesel engines showed coking and trumpet formation on the injectors to such an extent that fuel atomization does not occur properly or is even prevented. Numerous hindrances are associated with using vegetable oils directly in diesel engines, problems such as a decrease in power output and thermal efficiency of the engine; carbon deposits; oil ring sticking; thickening or gelling of the lubricating oil as a result of contamination by vegetable oils . Yet overall these factors, Biofuel still has to overcome a lot of hindrances to reach the point of being successfully commercialized efficiently.  Biofuel technology would improve consequently, in the next few decades it would be at par with petroleum-based fuels hence dependency on fossil fuels would decrease which would lead to a vital impact on a country’s economy and environment. Thanks For Reading Tapanjyoti Writer

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