Talib to Taliban a detailed history

HOW AMERICA CREATED TALIBAN? ● AFFECT OF TALIBANS ON AFGHANS:‐ Suddenly Taliban conquered and took over Kabul. The Pictures, the news coming from Afghanistan is not satisfying else a sign of terror. Till now we have seen people sitting on the top of buses, trains but now whatever the picture is coming I bet nobody has seen in the history, People on the aeroplanes in the air so that they can get out of Kabul and away from Talibans. We can see the Aircraft in sky and people hanging and sitting on the roof and wings of Aircraft and falling from the aircraft from the sky. There pictures indeed causes Ghoosbumps. There is no space in the plane but people want to hang or sit on the roof or wings to get rid from the Terror of Talibans compelled people to risk their life. These pictures are making the world restless for sure. People want to get out of Kabul because they have fear from Talibans how they treat them and their SHARIA KANOON which Afghan encountered 23 years before, they don’t want to fill the same again. Before Talibans used to cut Afghan’s head in front of public to increase their terror, they used to hang people in the middle of city, which Afghans don’t want to face again. Now the Question arises is –  HOW AND WHY THE DEAD TALIBANS SUDDENLY AWAKE AND WHY AMERICA LEFT AFGHANISTAN ON HIS PRESENT CONDITIONS? America was in the Afghanistan and securing for 20 years. In 2001 America entered Afghanistan to overthrow Talibans. They overthrow the Talibans Government and formed new government. Americans soldiers were in Afghanistan, in this duration many American soldiers died and many afghan’s soldiers also died. America spend many lack crores rupees to train Afghans , to make their base and now suddenly America left Afghans on their Situation. FROM TALIB TO TALIBAN:‑ To get started with the beginning, We have to go in the era of 102 years before from now. In 1919, britishers left Afghanistan and it becomes independent because britishers were not getting much profit as they were getting from India. So, Britishers left Afghanistan on their own and after then Afghan’s saw rise of Manarchy system. Shah family started ruling on Afghan’s. This family ruled on Afghan’s for almost 54 years from 1919 to 1973. The last king of Shah family was Mohammed Zahir Shah. In 1973, Mohammed Zahir Shah became sick, infact he became serious. There was no development of medic infrastructure in Afghanistan at that time, so he could not have been treated in Afghanistan, his people suggested him to get his treatment in Italy. So, Mohammed Zahir Shah went to Italy for his treatment. At that time Mohammed Zahir Shah’s commander was Daud Khan. When Shah went to Italy, greed for power arises in the mind of his commander, and he couped over the position of Shah. About 54 years Afghans were under monarchy system of Shah’s family. 54 years is a long time, day by day people get awared about democracy and Afghans also wanted Democracy system in their country. They wanted to live their life according to their wills. Basically they wanted freedom. And the commader took advamtage of their thoughts. copyright @ Wikipedia When Shah went to Italy for his treatment. He couped over and declared himself the prime minister of Afghanistan. He promised to bring new constitution, and pronised to make Afghanistan a democratic country. Citizens also became happy and supported Daud khan as a prime minister. From 1973 to 1977, in these four years Daud was the prime minister and he did nothing for the country. In 1977 when people again started revolution against him to bring constitution, then he made fool of the citizes of Afghanistan in the name of constitution. The constition he made declared that there will be only one party, the same will fight election and the same will make government and Daud declared himself as the head of the party. When Daud brought his costitution then Afghans became angry and started protesting against him. In 1978, Afghans started protesting against Daud’s constitution and created a revolution, they name the revolution Soar revolution and Noor Mohammed Tariqui was leading that revolution. He was a young leader who wanted democracy in his country. Slowly slowly his revolution spread all over in Afghanistan and all the people started protesting against Daud Khan. And atlast, Daud Khan resigned from his position. After then, Afghan’s people declared Noor mohammed tariqui as their new leader and he became the president of Afghanistan in 1978. Noor Mohammed Tariqui had friendship with USSR (Union of soviet socialist republics). When he became the president, he came more nearer to USSR. USSR’s border was too closed and attached to Afghanistan. Now, USSR thought to enter their feet in Afghanistan to increase their power as the cold war was going on at that time with America. USSR suggested and gave idea to Noor Mohammed Tariqui to start modernization of Afghanistan, to open schools, collage, industries and mostly to take steps for the education of girls. Slowly, Afghanistan was also moving towards modernization, fashion also increases, girls and women could walk on the streat and go to school and collages. Everything was started turning to western culture, in the starting some people did not like that modernization as Afghanistan was a conservative country and so was the people and they started protesting against this modernization policy. People started protesting against Noor Mohammed Tariqui when he proposed an idea of giving lands to poor people who did not had piece of land, from the rich people. They thought, Noor Mohammed is overshadowing the actual imageof Afghanistan in the name of modernization. From then, people started protesting against Noor Mohammed Tariqui. Meanwhile at that time, war was going on between two countries. Like Afghanistan, Iran was also bending towards modernization and the conservative minded people were protesting there also. At the same time, America

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