online money

how to earn money being a student?

How to earn money as a student online? Each and every person in this world wants money so that they could maintain a healthy and comfortable lifestyle. Still, many are such whose monthly wages are not sufficient to fulfill the demands which result in mental stress and instability. In such cases people didn’t care for the path knowing it to be incorrect, let me make you more clear about this point through an example, you must have heard the word corruption, but do you know the reason for which a person is corrupt? The reason is just being not been able to fulfill their family demands and in order to enhance their way of living they become corrupt. One main reason is laziness, some get tired and are not able to work more for the sake of extra money. But the coming up generation is a mass of energetic people but in early stage, as a student, they don’t have much knowledge, no exposure and a zero experience and hence are depended on their parents for the small pocket money they get monthly. So let me give you some information regarding how to earn money and the wise ways to get yourself paid, which you can manage in your leisure time. READ>> 100 Freelancing websites list 1. The most popular and successful way at this time is to be an owner of a YouTube channel Get Jobs, Exams Updates, And Tips At one Place: Guide Geeks and upload suitable and friendly content, YouTubers today are growing rapidly, gaining popularity along with a huge amount of money. For example, India’s biggest self-made YouTubers Ajey Nagar, famous by the name of CarryMinati started his YouTube carrier by posting some videos only at the age of 10. Today owning two channels known as CarryMinati with 29.6 Million subscribers and CarryisLive with 8.96 Million subscribers. But still, there are many small YouTubers who earn a lot of money through YouTube and are in a focused way to take YouTube as a main source of income. Also read: Blogger Vs WordPress: Which One Is Best?  2. Internet is still being the best way to earn, the second and the most common way is write-ups.  people today read a lot of articles and blogs online and hence for writing an article on the internet there is no expense to be made rather than the expense of time, and write-ups are slow in terms of earning but are regular. Hence, most people are acquainted with blog writing and many such ways. 3. The third and the most renowned way of earning is Freelancing.  When a company is just at its early stage where huge profits are rarely seen those companies are not able to hire an employee to which they had to pay a huge salary, so the company auctions their work or projects between the group of freelancers, who know the work and are capable of doing the work. Then the work is given to the freelancer who offered the best work in a low budget. And hence being paid to the respective kind of work.. 4. Then the number comes for the riskiest platform of Stock market or Share market.  Stocks or Shares represent the partnership or the ownership with your in the particular firm. Share prices are set up by the supply and the demand in the market of the respective item and which offers the buyers and the sellers to place their orders. Now the concept is that as the value of the item you bought increases that means you are making a profit but if the value decreases, then you are going on a loss. 5. The most found of job is setting up a price for your knowledge, which means becoming a teacher.  Each and every parent wants their next generation to be filled up with knowledge so that they could easily be able to express themselves and be able to set up a good personality and get a good job. For that, they hire tuition teachers. So, it is a very good and offered job which can be done easily. All the easy ways of earning are mentioned in the above points, but for every job which you do the most important thing is the determination, consistency, ability to handle stress and the amount of hard work one can do, wisely. So, in my opinion, there are a lot of earning options nearby you, one has to just look around and put little effort for searching the demand and then grab it. >>>The easiest way to earn money online in India Thanks For reading Hire

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What is affiliate marketing? and How to make money with affiliate marketing?

Do you know what is affiliate marketing and how can you earn money from this? If not then you have come to right place WHAT IS AFFILIATE MARKETING? You could have doubt regarding how does it work and how money can be made from this! But you don’t worry, today we will talk about this topic in detail. Todays world is all about computers, mobiles, internet and online shoppings. It is said that whose company/organisation registered on internet, those people have secured future. Nowadays online shopping is trending and everybody is busy in shopping via internet. We get lots of costumers online as they get good discounts easily. Online shopping trend is increasing and expanding day by day and peoples interest is also increasing day by day. Nowadays people are tending their interest towards online businesses, they are joining affiliate markets from ecommerce sites and are making money! Those who are doing online businesses they could be known about affiliate marketing or could have listened from somewhere else for sure. Also read: Things To Be Done Before Applying For Google AdSense Many bloggers use affiliate product’s link in their blogs and to earn money and many are those who don’t use these links in their links,  there might me some reasons as they don’t use these links in their blogs or they are not aware about affiliate marketing or they could have hesitation about this that whether is would be good doing these things or not! Today in our blog we will tell you about “WHAT IS AFFILIATE MARKETING?”  We will explain to new bloggers or to those who hesitate using this or those   who have zero knowledge about this marketing about about importance, profits and benefits of using affiliate marketing. To fully understand this you all have to do is to read the full blog and if you get any further doubts then you can leave your doubts in comment box. So lets gain some knowledge about affiliated marketing without wasting the time WHAT IS AFFILIATE MARKETING? HOW DOES IT WORK? “Affiliated marketing is a way by which a common person who have more active members on social media or bloggers whose blogs get 5000 views per day, they can sell the various companies products via their social media accounts or their websites and earn commission!” here commission is totally depended on products they sell. They get more commission on fashion and lifestyle related products over the electronics one! If you want to publish Advertisements about these products and sell these products then for this your blogs should get 5000 views per day else you will not get profit! If less than 5000 people are reaching your blogs then you will not get profit by publishing advertisements of such products. It will be better to first make sure that 5000 or more people are reaching your blogs, then publish the advertisements of these product and earn profit. Majority of questions are regarding HOW DOES AFFILIATED MARKETING WORK? Its very important to know the answer if you are making connections in online fields. If you also want to join affiliate marketing programme then this topic is very important for you.  If any new company or organisation wishes to increase their sell or wishes to promote their product then they start affiliate programme. AFFILIATE MARKETING is a commissioned based business. If a person or a blogger joins any of affiliate programme then that person or blogger gets banner or link of that particular company’s product. Then that person or blogger has to publish that link or banner in different different ways. And whenever any costumer buys any product of that particular company through that person’s or blogger’s link then that person or blogger gets commission from the company. Also read: Choose The Right SEO Keywords DEFINITIONS REGARDING AFFILIATE MARKETING!! In order to know affiliate marketing deeply we should know the meaning of some words regarding this marketing. So lets get started with all the words with their meanings! 1.) AFFILIATE:  Affiliate is a word used when a person or blogger joins company’s affiliate programme to increase the sell of that particular company’s products through his resources. This can be a normal person. Company gives commission to the person who makes sell of its products. 2.) AFFILIATE MARKET PLACE: It is a place or time where companies offer different different affiliate programmes. 3.) AFFILIATE ID: Affiliate id is a logging details of a person who joins any company’s affiliate programme. In other words, it is mandatory to make a affiliate account before joining any affiliate programme, this affiliate account is known as affiliate id. 4.)AFFILIATE LINK: Affiliate link is that link which a company provides to the person or blogger who has joined their affiliate programme. After clicking on this link visitors directly reaches to the product site from where they can buy the product. 5.) COMMISSION: If someone buys any company’s product using a person’s or blogger’s link then that person or blogger gets commission by that particular company. They receive their commission through lots of terms and conditions. Normally commission on electronics is less as compared to fashion products. 6.) LINK CLOCKING:  it basically means to reduce the size or length of link. Generally affiliate links are long in size and it is normally uneasy to write. So these links size or length can be reduced using some tools. 7.) AFFILIATE MANAGER:  A person is appointed to manage or co-ordinate some affiliate programmes, that person is called affiliate manager. 8.) PAYMENT MODE: It is the ways by which you can receive your commissions. It basically means the various methods through which you can receive your commission money as example using paypal, cheques, etc. 9.) AFFILIATE THRESHOLD: The company will send you your commission only after when you make minimum sells of that particular company’s product. This is called affiliate threshold. These were the words and their definitions regarding affiliate marketing. Now the biggest question is HOW TO EARN

What is affiliate marketing? and How to make money with affiliate marketing? Read More »

How to make money online in india?

In today’s generation, everyone wants to earn money. Even if someone has a permanent job he tries to earn more through a side income. Nowadays everyone wants to earn money without working hard, but the main problem is that they don’t know the path. They don’t know the easiest way to earn money. They don’t know that their skills can pay them. Many people restrict themself to take certain actions in the fear of occurring a loss. But until and unless you don’t take a risk you won’t earn anything. Either you work hard or you take risks. So, today I’m going to tell you some ways to earn money without any risk. The methods which I’m going to tell you will make you  money online and these are the easiest way to earn money online. Patience is the key to virtue. To earn money online the most important thing is patience. To earn a passive income it must take 3 to 4 months. Secondly, the most important thing in online earning is willpower. Once, sir Warren Buffet said that no one wants to become rich slow. he also wanted to say that his investment plans are so simple that even a common man can copy them. So, without any further delay let’s talk about all those methods in which you can earn a good passive income. 1. BLOGGING If you are a working person and you have some free time, blogging is one of the best sources of passive income. It’s on you that if you want to give your full time in it or your free time. If you give your full time in blogging can earn you a great amount. You can understand this in 3 simple terms. Blog: When you search for something in google the article that is displayed is known as a blog. Blogging: Writing an article is know and blogging. You can learn more about blogging from. Blogger: Those who write an article and publish it in google is known as a blogger. ➤ EVERYTHING ABOUT BLOGGING 2. AFFILIATE MARKETING One of the best ways to earn passive income is AFFILIATE MARKETING. In affiliate marketing, you have to join an affiliate program of a company and promote their product. If you sell the product you get paid for it. This is one of the best ways to earn passive income. If you want to buy a product sitting at home you can buy that product using the affiliate link, you will get 4% to 10% of the commission.  ➤ EVERYTHING ABOUT AFFILIATE MARKETING 3. FREELANCING Freelancing is one of the famous and easy ways to earn passive income among the others. If you are good enough in skills like article writing, product promotion, data entry, translation, assignments making, data entry, graphic designing etc. then you can earn a good amount from it. One thing to remember is that the better you are from others, the more you will earn. ➤ EVERYTHING ABOUT FREELANCING  4. SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT If you are using social media apps like Instagram, Facebook, etc., and have a good experience in it you can become a social media manager. Many celebrities/creators/actors give their social media handle to experts to handle it. And they pay a good amount for the work. If you want to work as a social media manager you can research about it on google because without proper research nothing is possible. ➤ EVERYTHING ABOUT SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT 5. DIGITAL MEDIA MARKETING This is one of the best ways to earn a passive income. If you know about digital marketing very well it can earn you more than most primary jobs. If you are well experienced in this field you don’t need to do any job. If you know any of the above mentioned methods you can earn through digital marketing. ➤ EVERYTHING ABOUT DIGITAL MEDIA MARKETING 6. PROMOTING PAGES/CHANNEL If you are on social media and you have a good active follower base you can promote any creator’s video and earn from it. In freelancing websites or apps like Fiverr, Upwork, etc. you can find bids posted to promote their channels or page. You can take work from there and earn by promoting their pages or channels. 7. ORDERING MOBILES IN ONLINE SALE Yes, you heard it right you can also earn by ordering mobiles in online sale. When a new phone is launched in the market both the sellers and the customers are interested in that phone. So, to order that phone a person is required because the seller can only order one unit of that phone. So, the seller gives a commission of around Rs75 to Rs 400 per set to the person to order the phone. This is also a method to earn a good passive income. 8. YOUTUBE In today’s world, it’s pretty easy and profitable to earn through YouTube. In this, you have to start a channel and post your content. As I have said earlier, to earn passive income patience is needed. It may take months to earn your first income. But you should remember that youtube creators like PiewDiePie, MrBeast, Carryminati, BB ki Vines, and many more creators started very low. But they did not lose their patience and stop their hard work. Now, they are among the best and most subscribed creators on YouTube. To start any work first you have to analyze in detail about the work. Otherwise, if you start with insufficient knowledge you may end up creating chaos and being frustrated. Which may also lead you to quit the work. To start a work you may take up the course of the work and gain enough knowledge to stand out from others in that work. If you found this blog useful to you you can share this with your family and friends. “Knowledge shared is knowledge squared” If you have any doubt you can tell us in the comment box. You can even follow

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