
is feminism needed for today

Is feminism needed today?

Let’s start with a basic question. What is the difference between a man and a woman? The answer depends on the place they are in. Let me explain. Both of them are humans, and somehow or other, they are equally capable. The only difference between a man and a woman is their reproductive organ. Now, what’s the use of reproductive organs? to procreate and bring new life to this planet. It means that the role of gender is very limited. In the case of human relationships, there’s only one that has something to do with gender, and that too for a short period of time. In all other relationships, including friendships, there’s no role for gender to play. In an office, workplace, or educational institution, gender has no role to play. But we see it playing a prominent role in our society.  Some men claim that they’re superior and strong. On the other hand, women are fighting for women’s rights. I’m not saying that they’re doing something wrong. My only point is that the human mind understands things through dissection or differentiation. But in reality, the difference doesn’t exist, be it between white and black, men and women, or other so-called different castes, creeds, classes, etc. We’re all humans, and for the ones who have a higher level of understanding, we’re part of creation or life energy. The way to achieve equality is not by creating further differences but by including everyone. We give preference to different castes, genders, etc. and expect inequality to end. This is not how it works. It may be a good temporary solution. But if we want equality in the true sense, then these differences must end. It can only happen when people get the right guidance and education. I have seen students standing outside of schools and referring to girls as “maal,” which translates to “an object.” When these kids grow up with such a mindset, we see domestic violence, rapes, and other crimes against women. Hence, my humble request through this blog is that let’s together fight against the differences, uprooting the orthodox and suppressing societal frameworks, but with a caution that our efforts don’t further divide the society. Moreover, wisdom doesn’t come from knowledge and the accumulation of facts; it has to be gained through experience. We need to develop wisdom in the present and upcoming generations for a permanent solution to these problems. Read the blog below to get insights on it. Link – Aditya Roushan Blogger

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our motherland

A letter to motherland | Value of motherland

Dear Motherland It’s been a long time that I am thinking of picking up pen and paper and writing something to you; sharing some feelings with you. But I am also a little ashamed of myself. I have all time on earth to chat with my friends, to play games and watch the television. And when it comes to writing to you, I have always kept neglecting it. And here now stands before you a daughter who wants to apologize to you from the core of her heart. As a matter of fact, today, Rabindranath Tagore’s famous song “Amar Desher Mati” acted as an eye opener for me. I understood what wrong I did by ignoring you. You are my mother, and being your daughter I should not hesitate to confess my wrong deeds to you. While thinking about the so called NRIs, for instance, I often blame them for leaving this sacred soil and settling abroad mostly for material pursuits. But when it came to judging me, I found myself guilty of committing a similar offence. Maybe, so far I have not thought of abandoning the country like those NRIs, but have I ever done anything for you? I have had enough time to think for my family, parents, friends and relatives. But I have never taken a single moment out of my daily schedule to think about you. Without ever asking for anything in return, you have always gifted me with whatever I felt the need for. In return, I have always neglected you. I have abused your precious bounties. Who knows, every drop of water that I have misused is perhaps mingled with your priceless tears. Yes, I have always taken you for granted. The time has now arrived when I should pay back; not because you want it. But, I should do something because that is my first duty in life. I have to prove myself your worthy daughter. I will definitely do something to make you proud. Mother! I aim of being a doctor. I will not just be a doctor, but an honest person who cares for the soil that has given her everything. I hail from a semi-rural part of the country and I know what misery is. I know what it is like to die a thousand deaths in dearth of even the most basic medical facilities; that too after 70 years of independence. It’s my pledge that I will work hard to change the scenario. Besides, I also have other responsibilities towards you. It is our duty to keep our country clean. Again, it is we who can make our country completely literate. It is my solemn promise to you that I will always make my country – our India – proud of my deeds. The invaluable sacrifice of our freedom-fighters and great patriots will not go in vain anymore. Time has arrived when we will wake up and act. Oh mother, forgive me for being so naive and ignorant towards you; so far.  Thanks For reading Sourajita Kar Writer

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Taliban fighters take control of the Afghan presidential palace in Kabul after president Ashraf Ghani fled the country. (© AP Photo) A burning news in today’s media you definitely have heard in that Taliban has taken over Afghanistan, which leads to the diaspora of people. A havoc condition is seen in the country after the insurgent took over. Why are people so much feared and why they are ready to give their life in order to leave their own country. So let’s understand first  Who are the Taliban? Taliban refers to itself as the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan, is a Deobandi islamist movement and military organization, The idea of Taliban came in 1994 and largely consisted of students from the pashtun areas of eastern and southern Afghanistan, they were taught in traditional Islamic schools, form 1996 to 2001 , the Taliban held over three quarters of Afghanistan, during their rules the Taliban and allies committed massacres against Afghan civilians, they banned activities and media including paintings, they banned girl child from education, stopped women from doing jobs, male doctors were restricted from treating a women, if women broke certain rule they were publicly whipped or executed, religious and ethnic minorities were heavily discriminated against during their rule, according to united nation the Taliban and their allies were responsible for 76% of Afghan civilian casualties in 2010 and 80 % in 2012, they were also involved in cultural genocide destroying numerous monuments including the famous 1500 years old BUDDHA BAMIYAN. The Taliban’s ideology has been described as combining an “innovative” form of sharia Islamic law based on Deobandi fundamentalism and militant Islamic combined. From left: Mawlawi Hibatullah Akhundzada, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar and Sirajuddin Haqqani © AP; AFP; Getty Images; Reuters And now as the American soldiers left the Afghanistan the insurgents taken over the country despite they were only 70,000 in numbers and afghan soldiers were 3 lakhs in number with advanced weapon still they left the war and as the americi soldiers left the country they surrendered and in many provinces they given the control without any bullet and as the president left the country they taken over the Kabul and now they are going to be the government. The Afghans were safely taken to Qatar from Kabul on Sunday. (© Defense One Photo) Due to their past history people are worried and who might have spoken before against them they are more worried because they somehow know that they are going to treated very badly as the Taliban has taken over the government and there is no army or any soldiers left to protect them hence they are trying to leave the country, this has created a hearth wrenching situation in Afghanistan Kabul, but Taliban leaders are saying that there will be no such behavior and all the women and minorities will be given their rights and they are looking very calm as there is no any news of civilians killed as of now, but still no one knows what will happen and people are very much frightened. They are saying they will sustain the law and order. Now we should know what will be the impact of this government change in India? As afghani government and many officials have confirmed that Pakistan has backed Taliban many times and supported them so from Indian point of view it will be perilous because it may increase the terrorism in Kashmir area but they are saying that they will not do such things, but India should be at alert and watch the situations carefully, also India’s so many projects are running in Afghanistan so if they don’t cooperate with us it will be a big loss for India. But till now nothing can be said before their government declaration and Indian officials would be already thinking about the condition. Thanks For Reading View service


Reservation in india: pros, cons and solution.

RESERVATION IN INDIA credit: WHAT IS RESERVATION? WHY RESERVATION? Reservation is a system of affirmative action in India that provides historically and currently neglected groups representation in employment, politics and education by getting them into educational institutions and government jobs. It was proposed by the Indian government to upraise the Social and Economic position of the minority communities and orthodox society. This was intentionally done to achieve the promise of equality enshrined in the constitution. The Article 15 and 16 of the Indian constitution are incidents of guarantees of Equality. India is the only democratic nation which has reservation policy. Being a multireligious and multilinguistic country, we should have such a policy which brings every community on the same ground. And so, reservation in India is provided to three groups: Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs) and Other Backward Classes (OBCs) at the rate of 15%, 7.5% and 27% respectively. Reservation was only for the SCs and the STs but later in 1987, it was extended to OBCs after the implementation of the Mandal Commission report. Constitutional Provisions regarding Reservations Part XVI of the Indian Constitution establishes that certain castes and tribes shall be represented in the Lok Sabha in proportion to their population. Articles 15(4) and 16(4) state that the right to equality do not prevent the government from making special provisions in matters of admission to educational institutions or jobs in favour of backward classes, particularly the SCs and STs. Article(4A) states that nothing can prevent the state from making any provision for reservation to SCs and STs in matters of promotions, as long as the government believes that they are not adequately represented in government services. In the year 2019, the 103rd Constitution Amendment Act was passed empowering both the Centre and the states to provide 10% reservationto the EWS category of society in government jobs and educational institutions. The Supreme Court under Article 32 and the High courts under the Article 226 of the Indian Constitution can issue any of the five writs to check and enforce fundamental rights. Is Reservation good or bad? Today, we are living in the 21st century and India is the world’s largest democratic nation. It has been 70 years since the reservation policy came into force. But the reserved classes are still backward. Why? “For how many generations would reservation in education and job continue?” It has become a topic of group discussion among us. Of the total Indian population, 65.07% of the people live in rural areas. Caste discrimination is still present in rural areas(mainly), there is still a huge controversy on caste system. So, as long as the caste system is there among us, reservation is needed. In addition to all the controversies, a whole lot of people has been benefitted. You can see there has been an increase in government jobs and government institutions as a greater number of discriminated communities are also taking part. Therefore, it would be wrong to say that it has only positive aspect or only negative aspect; it has both: Advantages: ‐ The reservation policy has really helped the backward classes in learning their rights that they can enjoy the right to equality, if there is a violation of their rights, they can fight for the justice. Many are ready to fight the open competition rather than going for their reserved quotas The caste gap is lowered and it has stopped the rich becoming more richer and the poor becoming poorer. Disadvantages: ‐ It is threatening our national unity as reservation divides our country on the basis of caste, religion and gender. Rich backward candidates are being benefitted while those who really need it don’t even know about it. It is the biggest enemy of meritocracy. Only 0.7% gets scholarship through merit, rest are reserved. The real talented students belonging to the General category, who are studying hard don’t have a that much opportunity even if they are from financially weak background. Politicians are using the reservation system for their vote banks. Reservation quota in India for Government Jobs and Higher Educational Institutions What is the solution? We all should have equal access on the nation’s resources, economy and power. But unfortunately, only a handful of people have got access to these. Reservation is not the only solution, because it will take many generations for the government to reach the needy. There is only one solution which can fix everything in one generation and that is education. This should be done at the earliest possible time because any kind of reservation which lasts for long, will discriminate for sure. Government should provide a quality education to every single child whether they belong to financially weak families or to backward communities, there they will know about their rights. This will help them in uplifting themselves. Second way is‐ Government should make a new rule under which only the needful people will get reservation and this need to be reviewed after a regular time interval, whether it is necessary in certain areas or not. “Not every DNA carries wealth and intelligence, Not everyone with a Surname needs upliftment. It’s time to stop being greedy and help the needy, Else cut that lie of mentioning right to equality.” ‐ Debashis Sarmah Thanks for reading View Our Services

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Is privatization good for India ? India and privatization.

INDIA AND PRIVATIZATION ! It’s a very important topic in India because the government has decided to privatize many public sectors. What is privatization? It means the transfer of ownership, property, or business from the government to the private sector this is privatization, or we can simply say it’s a process in which a publicly-traded company is taken over by few people. What is the advantages of privatization? Improved efficiency. Lack of political interference. Short-term view. Increased competition(Quality work) Government will raise revenue from the sale Shareholders So, these are the major benefits of privatization, I can surely say it’s very difficult to develop without privatization, we can take the example of all developed countries, it definitely gives quality work, it can increase employment which is the major concern in India. It will generate revenue to the government etc. Since every coin has two sides, it has negative sides also which are: disadvantage of privatization It will lead to price hike problem from finance High-cost economy Bad industrial relations improper working opposition from employees. These are the some of the disadvantages of privatization, it will create a huge negative impact on government employees, which will result in improper working and stress among people. People will feel insecure about their job. But overall if we compare we will see problems can be sorted out and for development, privatization is very much required, but the main question arises. Are we really ready for privatization at the time? I think a big No since there are about 50 percent who are living below the poverty line, this is huge so if public sector like railways, petrol, Lpg and many such daily requirement companies will be privatized it will be very much unfair for these people, these are below the poverty line also there are huge in numbers who are the middle class who travel daily to work, so if these things will be privatized, prices will surely hike and these lower and middle-class people will suffer more and they will not able to save and hence poverty may increase for some years in India. But since for every development hard steps are required, So It Is necessary but it should be done after some years so that everybody should be comfortable with it. As someone said, “Privatisation is more efficient and effective in some cases, but not in intelligence”. So why not we should have patience and make it effective for everyone. What is the alternatives of privatization Across Europe, local authorities especially are reacting to private-sector failures or undue profit taking by thinking again. Public managers and politicians are starting to reconsider the notion that subcontracting is the answer to problems in public service management. Municipalisation…? Instead of privatization, municipalization is very much effective, though in India cities are already under the municipality, but still, there are many small cities where the municipality is needed, in cities where it is established they also need to be function properly and be active, it’s very very effective instead of privatization because it’s of public interest not private. For example in Paris water distribution was privatized after which private companies started taking a lot of money from the public for their own profit, it was so horrible that led the government to again unprivate water and give it to the public. So why we are in hurry to privatize instead we should focus on what we have and how to make it better? We should not neglect the capacity of government workers. Many people think that privatization is necessary to get quality work, but I want to stress at this point that government workers are also very much qualified and they have good knowledge of their work but what they lack is leadership, in the government sector, they are not fully motivated to do their work and they left their work for tomorrow, but by these things we cannot neglect their capacity though they give exams and compete with many to join the work, but still government sector is staggering to get best out of them, so it’s the total responsibility of government and also workers to get best and to give best, this should be improved. An ecologist, Garret Hardin, coined the phrase “the tragedy of the commons” in a (shockingly eugenicist) essay in science in 1968. But the free-rider problem that afflicts public goods has been well-known to economics for a century. Consider a pasture on which every herdsman may graze his cattle. Each has an incentive to use it as intensively as possible:  since it is open to all, restrain exercised by only herdsmen simply frees up grass to be chomped by another’s animals, leaving those who hold back worse off, not just relatively, but in absolute terms. The common pasture will inevitably end up overgrazed to the point of ruin. Many valuable public resources are similarly prone to overconsumption. Roadways become congested, waterways overfished and slices of the electromagnetic spectrum crowded into uselessness, to the detriment of total social welfare. Conclusion: Now, I hope you can understand how privatization has affected many cities and countries, but we should also consider that privatization is the only way to fast development but as we know the condition of India, in my opinion, we are not ready yet, so we should use the alternatives of privatization. Thanks for reading Our services Hire us

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