
goal in life

What happens when you don’t have any goal in life?

Whenever we talk about success, we talk about goals. The setting of goals is the most common advice given by our teachers, elders, and friends. You would have heard that a life without an aim is just like a ship sailing without a destination. Without goals, life hits you in an unexpected way! You can’t even fail without having any goal, you will fail only if you don’t get to where you had wanted to go. Our life also requires a direction, in the same manner, a traveler needs a map to decide how to reach his destination. Some people set their goals early in their lives whereas some find them pretty late in their lives. We need a goal in life as it gives us a starting point as well as the destination. A psychological study says when you don’t have a goal, you become anxious, uncomfortable and, our mind thinks about it which means our mind is designed to have some goals. A whole lot of people work very hard, still, they are not successful, why? Your life can be drastically changed if you have a list of goals. Life is a big journey if you don’t have specifications, you won’t reach anywhere. WHAT SHOULD BE THE CRITERIA TO CHOOSE YOUR GOAL? Is your life precious to you, if it is precious to you what are you going to do with your life, where are you going to invest your life into? Something that concerns, isn’t? A whole lot of people are deciding what to do depending upon what they will get out of it, will I get this type of lifestyle, money. This is what they are thinking, which is a wrong way to approach because you’ll have everything but you’ll have nothing at the end of your life. Look, you must not be driven by your age group, your parents, and teachers, without any kind of influence look at it what is it that you want to invest your life into, what is it that will be truly worthwhile today and will be worthwhile after 30 years or so. If you are not devoted to what you are doing, you will never do anything in your life. So, see if today you invest your life in something and after some years when you will look back to it, will you be proud of it? What do you think? So, this should be the basis of your goal, but what more should be added other than this? Your goal should be‐ Motivating‐ It should motivate you so that you may sustain your journey. Specific‐ This means it should be clearly defined. Realistic‐ It should be what you can achieve as per your potential, don’t set your goals very high. Measurable‐ There should be a scoreboard so that you may see where you are. Challenging‐ Your goal should be realistic but challenging so that it may push you to extend your capabilities, otherwise it will be boring and you will quit. Time bounded‐ If you set a time limit for your goal, it will be more effective and achievable as it gives a sense of urgency. Don’t forget to evaluate yourself, track yourself so that you can get a line of sight‐ where you were and where are you right now. This will help in adjusting your goal difficulty whenever necessary. For example‐ If it is taking very long to achieve your target then you can simply break it into small achievable chunks. IS IT GOOD IF YOU DON’T HAVE A GOAL IN LIFE? You guys are dedicated to whatever you think is the current goal of your life right now. It may be that the goal that you have set right now will not even be relevant to you in 4 years or in your near future, isn’t it? So, you are wasting your life as you are going in a direction which may not mean a damn to you tomorrow. It is possible unless and until you freeze yourself and you don’t grow yourself then the same thing will mean something to you. Otherwise, if you are exploring and growing what means a lot to you today may not mean anything in a little bit of time. So, you must leave all these. Whatever is your area of engagement, you involve yourself in that if you do best with what is happening today, tomorrow will be better. How deeply you guys are engaged today with your present would determine the quality of life that you will lead tomorrow, isn’t? If you don’t engage yourself today, either you succeed in life or not, you will be miserable. You must become process‐oriented instead of being goal‐oriented, if you are devoted to the process, obviously no one can stop you from achieving your goal. For example‐ let’s say India want to win the cricket match against Pakistan, the Indian team need to hit the ball, isn’t? If the Indian team hits the ball well, they may win. If they say I want to win, they are fooling themselves. The scenario is you want to achieve the goal without going through the process, but the life doesn’t work like that. The consequence is not your business but the process involved is your concern. If you are doing right thing with present, consequence will come. Getting engaged with the consequences will make you miserable doesn’t matter you are successful or not. So, you can say sometimes not having a goal is also worth while. CONCLUSION: You must have a list of goals to be successful but it should be flexible because nothing in this world remains the same for very long, otherwise, it will be boring and you will quit the game. Sometimes having a goal is not good as well, if you are evolving and growing, what means a lot to you today may not mean anything in 2 years or so, your goal will be variable. So, in

What happens when you don’t have any goal in life? Read More »

10 exciting keys to success in life.

What is the key to success? Maybe it’s best summed up however this quote: everyone seems to be searching for the magic pill to success. The one key ingredient. The one single key to success. There isn’t one key. There are several. you have got the keys, and you have got the locks, you simply need to do the work. Here is the key to success… truly ten keys to success which will get you well on your thanks to living the life you would like to measure. NUMBER 1. Set clear goals:  Several studies have established the link between winning folks and goal setting. Simply put, however, does one expect to achieve your required destination if you do not understand wherever that place is ? Set clearly outlined short and future goals, with dated deadlines and review them daily in order that they soak into your mind. when you’ve done that, inscribe all the action steps you need to take if you’re to achieve those goals. Then… GET to figure. If it works for you, produce a vision board of all the items you would like and review that daily as well. Remember: “If you’ll be able to see it in your mind and you’re willing to figure for it someday you may have it in your life.” NUMBER 2. Strong work ethic: It is the old saying that Hard work always beats the talent which is totally true, virtually. I’ve never met a winning person who wasn’t ready to grant everything for his or her goal or dream. Lazy and winning don’t seem to be 2 words that go along. If you aren’t willing to figure for it, don’t expect to own it in the future. NUMBER 3. Consistency: A bit like something in life, if you don’t work on that systematically, likelihood is that you may ne’er have it, and if you are doing have it, someday you’ll behave. If you aren’t per your diet or sweat routine, you may lose any smart health and physique you had. If you aren’t consistent in relationships, likelihood is that you’ll have issues. a similar is true in business and entrepreneurship if your message isn’t consistent, If your work ethic and output isn’t consistent, however does one expect to own consistent growth and success ? Also read: WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DON’T HAVE ANY GOAL IN LIFE? NUMBER 4. Discipline: Discipline may be a large one for all kinds of winning people, from athletes to billionaires. It’s the discipline to urge up early once you don’t desire it. to mention no to an evening out with friends, as a result of you have got one thing additional meaningful to figure on. The discipline to mention no to negative temptations and short term gain, so as to attain long results and pride. NUMBER 5. Willing to sacrifice: The power to sacrifice currently thus you’ll be able to relish later, to not take the straightforward path however no matter path leads you to wherever you would like to be future. ar you willing to sacrifice for some years so that you can spend the rest of your life on your terms. Also read: HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR PUBLIC SPEAKING SKILLS? NUMBER 6. Continuous persuit of knowledge: As Napoleon Hill said in his great book, THINK AND GROW RICH: the way of success is the way of continuous pursuit of knowledge. The world is moving and evolving so fast. If you aren’t adapting to change, if you don’t have mindset that you can never learn enough sooner or later, whatever you have learned won’t be enough. You should Think about all the opportunities, jobs that are at the top but did not exist when you were in your academics and primary days. Billion dollar brands like AirBnB, Instagram, Google, Uber, Bitcoin, and Spirit did not even exist 10 years ago if the founders of these platforms didn’t have the mindset and idea of persuing knowledge and implementing in the industries and inventions they would not exist. The more you learn, the more you earn and you can never learn enough. NUNBER 7. The ability to listen: Just like you can never learn enough you can never listen enough. Listen to others who have succeeded and failed before you, listen to the great teachers and leaders, listen to friends, family and business colleagues to form better relationships, listen to feedback and criticisms to improve yourself, your business and your results in any area of your life. If you don’t have that mindset to see the things around you and keep your eyes open you can’t be at the top for long. Be open to listen, humble enough to admit defeat if defeated but strong enough to follow your guts instincts every time. Also read: HOW TO MANAGE YOUR STRESS? NUMBER 8. “I will never quit”:  Read about any successfull person at the top of their field and the story is almost and always the same. There was at least one moment in their life where they were down and out where everything seemed impossible like there was no way out where 99% of the people would have given in and settled for an average life, but they kept going and somehow turned everything around. Not only did they turn it around but they applied the lessons and grew from the failures. That is the attitude everyone must have if they want success in any area because life will throw challenges and you will fail if you are pushing the limits. Develop the grit and determination to keep going when it all seems possible. To say NO, I will not quit when everyone would expect you cave in. NUMBER 9. Having a clear purpose of life: Nothing in life can throw you off target if you’ve got purpose, which means a clear, powerful direction. If you recognize your WHY you’ll survive anyhow. If your WHY is powerful enough you’ll undergo any pain or occurrence

10 exciting keys to success in life. Read More »