5 books you need to read! Books have been a constant companion in our life since our childhood days and helped...
How to write a blog? or what is the correct way to write a blog? How to write an SEO‐friendly blog?...
Before mentioning about the best ways to increase productivity, I would like to ask‐ do you know what is the root...
Most of us are not even aware of our everyday habits that drains our energy. We are the product of our...
How internet affect our life? Why have we not be trained to use phone and internet? Today everyone can use internet...
CAN TECHNOLOGY REDUCE POVERTY? IF YES, HOW? IF NOT, WHY NOT? Before going further, let’s first understand, what is Poverty? What...
INDIA AND PRIVATIZATION ! It’s a very important topic in India because the government has decided to privatize many public...
1.Why Bihar need a special armed police ? The Bihar government says that as Bihar is on a way to developing...
What is stand-up comedy? Stand-up comedy, one of the most-watched topic on social media platforms and YouTube. This topic is becoming...
MATURITY HITS BEFORE AGE? In our day to day life, we often hear someone say “That is a completely immature person”...
How corona virus born? Fox Foster | corona virus The birth of coronavirus. The virus scientifically known as OrthoCoronaviridae was first...
The most used things during quarantine period in the world. As covid‐19 has affected our life the most. It made all...