China ends its "one size fits all" stance on COVID

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The "Zero Covid" policy underwent 20 revisions, which were approved by the Chinese Communist Party at the end of the previous week

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 For example, Amendment 2 prohibits tracking close contacts of an infected person

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Another amendment allowing home quarantine even in high-risk areas will reduce the number of people in those facilities even further

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the apparent reversal of a "one size fits all" approach — arguably the defining feature of a Zero Covid strategy that attempts to keep the virus out of all populations

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The Chinese government has committed to researching and identifying "the population of the elderly, patients with underlying diseases, pregnant women, and other vulnerable groups

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The Great Barrington Declaration cited careful nursing home management as an example of "focused protection"

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Amendment 16 specifically criticizes local government agencies for imposing "one size fits all" policies"

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The central Chinese government has promised to take action against local governments that have been too draconian in their Covid policy

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